Band of Brothers

Thanks for the tip…I’ll put it on my list!

On my bookshelf. I purchased it in 1984. :frowning:

The nearest I’ve seen to a Pacific version, was the film: The Thin Red Line - excellent!

Director Terrence Malick’s adaptation of James Jones’ autobiographical 1962 novel, focusing on the conflict at Guadalcanal during the second World War. (the film is in colour)

As for a German perspective, I would rather like to see one of the Normandy Campaign.

It’s meant to be first-hand, non-fiction account, written by the C.O. of the battalion. The whole battalion consists of former members of the Waffen SS who escaped from germany and joined the Foreign Legion en masse. They believed in fighting terror with terror, using techniques which they had perfected against Russian resistance fighters during WW2. For example: when up against communist infiltrators from China, they launch a covert mission into China to deal with them.

Another chapter describes how they round up villagers from villages which straddle a road that their convoy is to move along. The villagers are tied to the trucks so that the guerillas wont ambush it as they are their own families.

It is definetly the best series or movie what ever,that i saw it contains lots of action and it very interesting when it was over i was kind of sad i hope they’ll make some new episodes. a few sargents of the easy compyny still live today.

Dude i’m only nine and this movie is so is like the most best combat movie made

i always find listening to the title music , and the violin solo always leaves me with a lump in my throat.

yes it’s the best serial ever i mean yes there where great movies about the ww2 but this shows not only the battle it shows the love between soldiers in war they ment each other everything

What’s the name of the title melody

if you look at the soundtrack its listed as “Main Titles (Instrumentals)”, by michael kamen

I noticed the guy who played MAJ Dick Winters is about to start a new American series on NBC called “Life.”

Roger that! ! ! It is a very moving peice. . . Infact the whole series was very moving. . .It show’s that people from all walks band together in times of stress, regardless of race, creed or religon, and do whats right at all costs. I would like to see a similar type series involving maybe some of the other military forces involved during the era.

yeah they could make a series about other companys like the dog company or somethimg in the pacific and japan

Awesome all the way!

I think it would be good to make more TV serials like this based on a specific group of soldiers in WW2.

there will be a follow up series, in 2009, called The Pacific, needless to say its about the USMC, it’ll be based off With the Old Breed by Eugene Sledge and another book, i’m not sure which, it’ll cover Tarawa and Iwo Jima among others

Now that will be worth waiting for although wish it wasn’t so long…haha

That would be great

It won’t necessarily be about the USMC since the Army did have a presence there. The movie The Great Raid was about soldiers in the 6th Rangers in the Pacific.