Beware Historical Revisionists

Saying that all whites are better than none whites is basically saying that Hitler was a better person that Nelson Mandela. You can be proud of your country or your town or you school or your regiment or whatever, but I can’t see how anyone can be proud of their colour.

And many of the things he’s said do look a bit dodgy and it seems he’d rather tell us about the weather where he is than explain any of them properly.

Saying that all whites are better than none whites is basically saying that Hitler was a better person that Nelson Mandela. You can be proud of your country or your town or you school or your regiment or whatever, but I can’t see how anyone can be proud of their colour.

And many of the things he’s said do look a bit dodgy and it seems he’d rather tell us about the weather where he is than explain any of them properly.[/quote]

he didn’t say that whites are better than not whites,he is proud of his heritage,it is white,well,then he is proud of what the white people have done,if a black is proud of the things that black people have done.
AGAIN:he said that he is happy about what he is,not that people different than him are worst.

i think there is no need for an explanation,im sure he is not discriminating.

Oh, he’s entitled to say so. However, if he comes up with phrases generally used as code for “I’m superior to people with darker skin because they have darker skin” we are also quite at liberty to consider him a white supremacist and by extension an oxygen thief.
Oh, and the Klu Klux Klan were originally a group founded by former soldiers in the ex-Confederate states in the aftermath of the US civil war. Their main targets were anyone assisting the Union in governing the south, and the odd black who got too powerful. The modern incarnation was founded in the 1920s or so as an explicitly racist and white supremacist organisation, and they still exist to this day dedicated to much the same ideals. IIRC Blitz has referred to work from at least one member of the KKK as a source earlier in this thread.
Note that the KKK are not just an organisation who parade in silly costumes and burn crosses privately, but have been implicated (directly or more usually indirectly) in multiple murders, both of civil rights volunteers in the 1960s and blacks in general.

None of this proves guilt - but it is enough to make us highly suspicious of his motives, particularly when he starts claiming the Holocaust never happened in the way history records it.

Oh, he’s entitled to say so. However, if he comes up with phrases generally used as code for “I’m superior to people with darker skin because they have darker skin” we are also quite at liberty to consider him a white supremacist and by extension an oxygen thief.
Oh, and the Klu Klux Klan were originally a group founded by former soldiers in the ex-Confederate states in the aftermath of the US civil war. Their main targets were anyone assisting the Union in governing the south, and the odd black who got too powerful. The modern incarnation was founded in the 1920s or so as an explicitly racist and white supremacist organisation, and they still exist to this day dedicated to much the same ideals. IIRC Blitz has referred to work from at least one member of the KKK as a source earlier in this thread.
Note that the KKK are not just an organisation who parade in silly costumes and burn crosses privately, but have been implicated (directly or more usually indirectly) in multiple murders, both of civil rights volunteers in the 1960s and blacks in general.

None of this proves guilt - but it is enough to make us highly suspicious of his motives, particularly when he starts claiming the Holocaust never happened in the way history records it.[/quote]

he didn’t say something like that!,or aluding to that!.
thanks for the info of the GLU GLU KLAN
I don’t have info of the KKK,but you said black IN GENERAL,so,not all of them,maybe it just coincidence,if an army kills more white people,than,isn’t that discrimination?.

he isn’t guilty,then you are just disturbing him.

and quote me please that of the holocaust.

This is the holocaust quote that pdf is referring to Erwin

And yes,I do question the ‘holocaust’

Pardon? Please explain the bodies of six million jews and countless others (homosexuals, communists, gypsys etc). What is there to question? The nazis systimatically exterminated millions of people because they were deemed to not be ‘pure’. If that isn’t a holocaust then what in our good Lord’s name is?

Student, You 4 points are really silly!!!

Eloquently argued :roll:

First off good evening ladies. It is a bit cool tonight. Tomorrow will be sunny and bright. Whoops,I meant ‘gentleman’.
Second, Erwin, the guy from Argentina, The one with his head screwed on tight. Thank you for your comments. Much better than these predudice learned ones that keep on spewing hate. But their posts really show where their heads are at.They do a better job of defending me though. They do a good job of digging their own graves.
Third,I try do be nice, but you guys are just plain old ugly!
I do not call names, But! you the ‘academics’ Do. Thats ok. Such 'english gentleman! If you took all my posts out and just read yours, Well, a proud occurrence that would be.
Fourth, Try not being an ostrich all your life. You give the bird a bad image. The bird uses the ground.
Fifth, If you want,again, lets start a new thread on the holocaust. I would be happy to participate. On the bright side, it would give ya’s a chance,again,to show your great intellect. So,let sleeping dogs lie.(bull dogs) Only kidding.
Sixth,Love ya’s, Mean it…

:smiley: :smiley:

touch! touch!! :lol: :lol: .

Pardon? Please explain the bodies of six million jews and countless others (homosexuals, communists, gypsys etc).

homosexuals?,they would also kill 1000ydstare! :slight_smile: .

Folks,this finished,at least,search another way to attack blitz,this is getting a little unsuceful.

Hugs and Handshakes guys.

hmm. :? well, no one ever mentions the 17-19 million dead russian civilians of this war.

Erwin wrote


OK just the one erwin.

Firstly Blitz Im an American and have been on this site for sometime. You have made no valid points in my opinion and just seem to visit to piss people off. Ya know one thing we can all appreciate about Hitler is that he was a dictator. Which makes things easy when you have a problem. I try not to be but if you dont prove somekind of worth out of your garbabe …I can play dictator if you want. Banning people is quite easy ya know. Anyhow I try not to jump to conclusions to often. Maybe my initial impression about you is wrong. But you looks like your just cluttering up my site with shit. Proud to be an American is okay…proud to be a neo-nazi is not. So I asking you to calm down and precisely clarify some of your statements. Thanks

If the UK’s economy is a basket case, then that of the US is dead on its feet!
The UK has the fourth largest GNP & has been in a constant state of growth for a decade, whilst others both in Europe & the US have suffered periods of recession.

If you deny parts of the Holocaust, then please let us know which parts are untrue.

We should be fair to Blitz. He hasn’t actually denied any part of the holocaust, merely referred to a publication known for anti-semitic viewpoints and holocaust denial as a worthwhile and reliable source bearing more truth than mainstream sources. He has ‘questioned’ the holocaust, but refuses to clarify what that means. In effect, he has expressed doubts in a way that we cannot counter as he won’t say what those doubts are. A straight up holocaust denier would be a far less insidious threat as there is a specific viewpoint that can be disproven.

This would be a timely opportunity for Walther to reappear. I suspect he would be of great assistance in this matter.

Gen Sandstorm, I’m not sure what you mean by tone down. I am really surprised you haven’t asked the others to do so. They have been perty nasty. I try to be polite and perhaps add a little levity.I see nothing wrong with my posts. What proof do the others offer? They reject mine. Thats ok by me. If the main stream is where they get theirs,thats fine also. They are the ones who brought up race the holocaust etc. Not me . I have tried to chnge the ‘tone’ and subject a couple of times. They wouldn’t hear of it. They ask about the ‘holocaust’, Will I be banned for my reply? You are in charge here,so it would be nice if you would distribute power equally. :o

Perhaps entering into debate might ease tensions, rather than repeatedly posting ill thought out lies?

Your free to state how your feel. But with any posts I might confer with my mods about and it and from there you could be banned. Just depends what you say. I dont want to ban anyone but I dont need some neo-nazi crap on the site. However if you are going to try and make some valid points about things go ahead. So please go ahead but as with every post it will but subject to being analyzed by the management. And BTW its Sandworm right now but can soon change to Sandstorm. :lol: JK

Anyhow proceed if you dare…

I try and run a rather democratic site but I dont always. Just depends on the situation at the time.

It has taken a little time to read through this lot, but I want to go back several pages to something that has caught my eye and demonstrates a misunderstanding of British government. This is normally found with people from the US who know very little but shout very loudly. It was an extract that Firefly posted from the barnsreview and indicates that the publisher is a fool.

None of the “peace loving democracies” paid any attention to Hitler’s offer. The only reason why King Edward was not allowed to remain on the British throne was because he let it be known that as long as he was the king, England would not go to war with Germany.

The King has no power to start or stop Britain entering into war. And as most of the government of the time tried every thing it could to not go to war, it is a bit of a stupid statement. For those who are not sure what this is referring to;

King Edward wished to marry Mrs Simpson, an American divorce. As head of a church that would not let any divorced couples marry in church it would pose a problem for the King. Not only that but she was a Catholic and following one or two armed conflicts, Catholics could not sit on the throne. All this posed a number of constitutional problems that could be solved in one of three ways.

1 change the constitution
2 tell her bye bye and leave it at that
3 abdicate.

He chose to abdicate.

The same problems 70 years later have surfaced with the wedding of the Prince of Wales to Mrs Parker-Bowles. They solved the problem by getting married in a registry office. This could not have happened in the 30s.

What do you have against hugs?,there is a different kind of hugs,one for men and men (like in football),one for girls (i reserve that,sorry mate,you cannot have it :twisted: )

Is this not sounding really, really, really familiar?

1884 electric cartridge. Look similar to anything?
:smiley: :smiley:

He is back?