Beware Historical Revisionists

Just for the hell of it I read through the Adolf Hitler - An Overlooked Candidate for the Nobel Prize. The bits about the Luftwaffe being held back from bombing London because they would obliterate it and that Churchill wanted war fail to tell you that the Luftwaffe was not capable of obliterating London or that Churchill was not in power at the start of the war. Also that Sea Lion was a no hoper, you just have to look at some of the problems that D-Day had to see that. Lots of half-truths mixed in with could bes and you can not prove. Very simple for the simple minded to believe if they have no grounding of what happened or want to believe this version.

I think that identifying and countering these sites would be a useful task. It would help people who are interested in facts and enlighten them as to what it true and what is a mix of Sun reporting and twisting of facts.

In a January 1, 1944, letter to Stalin, Churchill said: “We never thought of peace, not even in that year when we were completely isolated and could have made peace without serious detriment to the British Empire, and extensively at your cost. Why should we think of it now, when victory approaches for the three of us?”16 This is a confession even by Churchill that Hitler never did want war with England.

A good example, how does it say that Hitler never wanted war with Britain? It is telling Stalin that Britain will not make peace with Germany and leave Russia hanging.

1884 electric cartridge. Look similar to anything?
:smiley: :smiley:

He is back?[/quote]

Oh my god! :shock:

Are you black?Which is ok. I know your country is in real bad shape with them .The U.S.A. is catching up. Mostly with Mex’s

This is a direct quote from a posting Blitz made earlier in this thread.

Can someone explain to me how this is not racist?

Whether this is the return of IRONCHILD or some other fcukwit redneck I don’t care. I know in my heart & soul that racists and their ilk will rot in a special circle of hell reserved just for them.

I’m ashamed to say we have political groups like the BNP in the UK. A pox on all their houses. Cancer of the rectum is too good for them.

Come the day . . . . .

Oh my god! :shock:[/quote]
If he is, he’s grown at least one new brain cell - he didn’t fall for my cunningly woven “M1 carbine” trap :wink:

Oh my god! :shock:[/quote]
If he is, he’s grown at least one new brain cell - he didn’t fall for my cunningly woven “M1 carbine” trap ;)[/quote]
i was talking about stoaty :lol:

I’m ashamed to say we have political groups like the BNP in the UK. A pox on all their houses. Cancer of the rectum is too good for them.

Far too good, i think regular sodomy with a red hot poker would go some way in punishing them.

As much as i hate all this neu arbiet (new labour) PC bullshit there is one good thing to come from it; equal opps, makes it far harder for racists to operate.

correction two good things, Health and safety, the mother of all excuses for getting out of stuf :lol:

edited to add correction

Oh my god! :shock:[/quote]
If he is, he’s grown at least one new brain cell - he didn’t fall for my cunningly woven “M1 carbine” trap ;)[/quote]
i was talking about stoaty :lol:[/quote]

And I was joking about IRONMAN.

Edited to replace “talking” with “joking”.

He is not Irn man. I think some guys have the Irn man fixation.

We will attract these type of posters from time to time, its just the nature of the beast of ww2.

What I dont think we need is for all of this, its Irn man, lets call our mates and say he is back stuff.

Let Blitz sink or swim on his own. All we have to do is politely prove his ludicrous theory wrong. We dont need to get into another circle of demanding proof and getting none. If he believes what he says, then let him prove it. If he cant, then let him be, he will get bored and find a right wing forum for his theories.

All I ask is that the MODs (where are all the MODS - except Crab and Dani & Pz, didnt we just elect a new one), anyway, all I ask is that the MODs keep a close eye on his posts.

He is isn’t being racist,HE IS SAYING THAT YOUR COUNTRY IS RACIST,because he said that “your country is in real bad shape with them”,that means they are bad or reject them.

Ironman haven’t return,you are getting on a new virtual frionpan.

this part is well said man!,at least :roll:

Erwin - he is saying we are in ‘a real bad way with blacks’ in that we have a large number of ethnic minorities in our country, not that the country is over run with racists.

Erwin - he is saying we are in ‘a real bad way with blacks’ in that we have a large number of ethnic minorities in our country, not that the country is over run with racists.[/quote]
Concur - that is the most plausible reading of that statement in English. Erwin, your interpretation is just about plausible, but few if any native English speakers would put your interpretation on it.

Everyone should be proud of their heritage and race. And why not? I have made no racial slurs. If being proud of it makes me racist, then just what heck are you? If a black said he was proud of his race, you would never have opened your mouth’s. Thats a fact and you know it. You most likely have your forefathers rolling in the ground.

To be proud of ones’ race, one must be proud of their history & actions.

There are many occasions in recent history where caucasians have acted in a less than noble manner, as there have been in all other races histories.
I am not proud of being caucasian, nor am I sorry - I merely see my race as being what I am.
That caucasians seem to be at the top of the pile right now does NOT mean they will remain so - demography appears to favour the semitic peoples right now.

Yes and I agree but that not exactly how you came across.

There were two ways of reading this. However, when we find that Blitz has been posting material cut and pasted from Nazi websites, that suggests which of the two interpretations should be used.

So what has the white heritage got to be proud about that any other cannot be?

I dont think any particular ethnic group can claim to be better or more decent than any others.

Its when individuals claim that this is so and develop theories and followings and begin to believe in their own mumbo-jumbo that things go disasterously wrong.

It’s also my point of view.

Simply tragic, It would perhaps be easier to just slit your wrists and be done with it.

It’s also my point of view.[/quote]
and i see my nationality as being what i am,i am proud of it.

if somebody is proud of a race,it must be because he/she’s pleased with the things that race contributed for something good.