Call of Duty

I never play to much I just get bored and then stop playing for a moth or two and then start playing like some one who is playing for the first time.


Call of Duty 2 sucks… :evil: :evil: ¡¡¡ long live Call of duty 1 and U.O.

On PC or on PS2? On PS2 it was great, but I heard it is not the same on PC. What dint you like Panzerknacker?


In the PC plataform…the graphics are awful even in the 1024x768 configuration, the large amount of subtitles and intruccions make it look like and arcade, the only real thing I like the shooting with the Mg-42 wich is now more realistic and the “Crusader charge” episode.

Also the game had some huge mistakes in the vehicles side, like the panzer II wich seems indestructible in the africans misions Actually that tank had an maximum armor of 35mm…pretty weak.

And the 20mm rounds bouncing in the Sd.Kfz 251 armor :shock: ( in fact they go trough the 8mm steel plate every easily).

Now, the PS2 were a great game, the game were very real for me, in the PS2 I had a ball, but my one friend got the PC one and said that he loved the PS2 one more.

That sucks mate, get a PS2. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well I’m going to give a full fledged review (mainly because I’ve just downloaded it off of a bit torrent).

Graphics - 9/10

The graphics in this game are to die for. These are quite possibly some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen. However, this causes a slow-down sometimes, usually caused by rain or excess smoke. The models for the guns could have quite a bit more detail on them (mostly the wood on the Thompson and a few other wood stocks). Also, the Webley model is pretty low quality, considering you notice that the cylinder doesn’t revolve, and most of the textures on it look pretty bland (also, the animations for it are completely wrong. The rounds don’t automatically eject as they should). The model for the Luger makes it look like a .22. The animations for the Thompson also look a bit robotics and inhuman. But all in all, the graphics are awesome.

Sound - 6.5/10

I accidentally downloaded the French version of the game (people speaking French with a Russian accent should not be allowed to exist <: ( ). That aside, they did a good job on ambient sounds, but kinda just Jerry rigged the weapons’ sounds together. Most of the weapons’ sounds come from the prior CoD titles. And the new sounds aren’t exactly mind blowing either. The M1 Garand sounds too high pitched, the sniper rifles have a louder report than the regular rifles, and the list goes on. The voices are very well done, at least from what I can tell in the French version, they all seem very convincing and motivated. However, after a while, hearing the Germans yelling the same things (“TOMMIES!”) gets old rather quickly. Overall, they could have done better.

Gameplay - 3/10

This is probably by far one of the greatest disappointments I’ve seen. The gameplay is so predictable, tedious, and scripted it’s not even funny. First you attack the town, then you destroy every machine gun nest, then you take out the mortors, tanks and artillery, then you hold it for 3-5 minutes, then your buddies come and save the day. I’ve also noticed that there has been a 200% (an estimate) increase in Germans from the prior CoD’s. You will for sure run out of ammo before you kill every last German. Also, on the topic of killing Germans, the SMG’s, LMG’s, rifles, and semi-automatic rifles are extremely under-powered. It usually takes two or three chest shots from a G43/SVT40 to kill a German, two shots from any bolt action rifle, about 10 shots from Thompson, 10-15 with a Sten and MP-40, and 15+ from a PPSH (most of them hit, but a few bullets might go astray due to the movement of the target when it gets hit). The pistols on the other hand, do great amounts of damage. Both the 1911 and the TT33 kill in one shot, anywhere on the body (the Luger takes two or three). Do the not use the same ammo as the Thompson and PPSH? The player models for the Germans pretty much stay the same (I think they change in the different campaigns, but not by much). They always wear either a great coat, a flak jacket of sorts, or a regular Wermacht uniform (except for the Afrika Korps, they change quite a bit, and nicely too). There are also a lot more grenades availible to the player, and I take this as a welcome change. It would be nice, however, if your squad didn’t rely on you to blow up tanks/half-tracks/88’s/mortars, it’d be nice if they could get off their butts and do it themselves. Another oddity of combat is when you just don’t quite kill that pesky German. If you only shoot him five times with your MP40, you better watch out, because he might be getting back up with a Luger in his hand. I don’t like how they removed the grenades and binoculars from the weapon selection thingy. Now you can only throw grenades and zoom with the binoculars by pressing “G” or “B” (the only problem I have with this is that you cannot melee with them, and yes I have killed someone with both a grenade and a pair of binoculars by bashing them with the binoculars :slight_smile: ). I’m also very disappointed at the fact that you cannot “cook off” grenades anymore, that was a very useful feature they had in CoD:UO. I’m also unhappy that they left out the FG42 and the mobile MG’s. The grenade warning indicator thingy is a neat little addition, though. I love the new system that allows you to hop over small (and sometimes large) obstacles. I’ve waited ages for someone to finally implement something like that. Overall, the game play sucks

Final score - 6/10

Conclusion - I really think they could have done a much better job on this. I fear that this has turned into one of those games that focuses so much on graphics that the gameplay has turned to crap. Graphics alone cannot save this game from the tedious gameplay it suffers from. I think if Infinity Ward would have spend more time on the gameplay and less time on the graphics, it would have turned out to be a much better game.

Any news update on a coop version coming out for cod2…would make it loads better. I know there has been much talk about it but I have yet to see any downloads etc …

DerMann have you played it on PS2? The game is much better there than on PC.


I’ll see about renting it sometime.

I would love to join your Call of Duty2 clan. Is it for the Xbox360 on Xbox Live? If so I will join.

can the pc version join this?

In Cod1 Holland is so easy when i played it the first time i finished in 10 minutes(regular time for expert).

you play as pvt. martin sgt evens and sgt alexi

I play Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer for the PC. Been playing it for 2 months. Played Call of Duty 1 for like 6-7.

My by far favorite game. Anyone else play?

btw, GREAT forum, love to read about everything World War 2.

You guys know so much.

do you have the xbox360 version because ill play you

This isn’t the newest Call of Duty 3. Or is it Call of Duty 2.

This one is the very first call of duty that came out.

I for one, think that it is a great classic, and I still play it alot even though I have 3.

X-Box man ? ? ? :shock: Seriously P.C. is the only way to game.:wink: Anyway CoD2 rox! ! infact all the CoD’s were tight. I’m in a clan of some great people. . We get together on a Teamspeak go in n tear it up. So if you haven’t done such a thing, I highly recomend it.

 :twisted:Sincerily jumpboots deap in the trenches: AFARAider:twisted:

I think Call of Duty: Finest Hour is a great game beacause it has 3 of the allied country you can play for.:slight_smile:

I’d like it more if you could play with the axis side too.
Or just fight against Italians or Japanese guys in stead of always against the Germans…

I agree. CoD2: Big Red 1 is the only WWII game I’m aware of in which you can battle against Italians and Vichy French. Medal of Honor is the only franchise to have covered the Pacific Theatre of Operations in Rising Sun and Pacific Assault.