Could German have won World War 2?

As I understand it, Churchill warned uncle Joe that the Germans were coming (ultra intercepts) but he would not believe them.

I think i can finally forgive Germany for what they did 60 years ago and the first World War aswell, their reign of terror is well and truely over and it wont happen again…by them anyway.

Sorry but I lack knowledge on the First World War. OFF TOPIC: Wasnt the first war started because someone got assasinated? And can you blame the start of the first world war on the Germans?

Sorry but I lack knowledge on the First World War. OFF TOPIC: Wasnt the first war started because someone got assasinated? And can you blame the start of the first world war on the Germans?[/quote]
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austro Hungary was assasinated in 1914 in Sarajevo. (And Germany was an Austro-Hungary ally…)

Yes, you dont normally hear much on the First World War do we ?, its funny , because i dont even know who the german,british or American leader was back then…time to search google and find out.

Well i think then russians leader been king aleksei ,after him 1917 was lenin .

I think the question should be re-phrased.

Maybe, at what point was the war lost for Germany? For surely sometime between 1939 and 1941 they still had a chance to win?

IMO as soon as they failed to force Britain to surrender, they were fucked

I agree BDL, and I think the crux of this was letting the BEF escape. If they had cut that off I dont thin the UK would have had much choice but to come to some sort of armistance, I dont think they would have surrendered, merely come to terms. Which then would have given Hitler a free hand, by the time Pearl harbour arrives I dont think Germany would have declared war on the US.

Just my thoughts though.

IMO as soon as they failed to force Britain to surrender, they were fucked[/quote]

Britain may be small but its powerful.

IMO as soon as they failed to force Britain to surrender, they were fucked[/quote]

Britain may be small but its powerful.[/quote]
yes,but unprepared for the war.

and america is by far the most powerful,and was when they used factories for army.

We may have been unprepared but still managed to dominate the Air and Sea war. Though Rommel started well in Africa the 8th Army handed him his arse on his way out, it was all down hill after that for the feldgrau gang.

If americans don’t help British Germans crash Britany.

I suppose that could be true. The Americans helped allot with getting supplies there, like raw meterials. I also think that if Britain had surrendered early on, the Germans would have won.

In Africa Brtich wins becouse italian’s and they commander Grazziani have low moral.

In Africa the Axis loose because hitler sees the Med as a sideshow. He fails to see the importance of Malta. He then fails to give the support that Rommel really needs. By the tim El Alamain comes around the Axis are at the end of a long supply chain, outnumbered and out gunned. Then as the Axis pulls back into Tunisia hitler does his usual panic and reinforces massively. All this does is hand the western allies their first great haul of prisoners.

In WW2 Malta’s been very importnant allied base ,and axis will need first attack Malta.

of course,that location is for suppling and for delivering planes and ships.
it´s like some islands,for example,the azores (i like those islands :smiley: )

Or Ascencion Island.

affirmative sir :smiley: