Falklands Conflict

Feeling more superior is part of human nature, complete irradication of racism is not a realistic goal, but teaching many to be non-hateful and tolerent is. Tolerence is a more realistic goal, with tolerence, maybe peace will follow.

back in the 60 - 70’s in Australia alot of the Europeans (Mostly Greeks, Italians and Yugoslavs) were racially abused alot by the anglo-saxons

but now present day Australia, we are the most multi-cultural society in the world and there aint much racism

but ive still encountered racism against me being called a ‘wog’ and all, dirty Greek etc etc etc

Racism is something that wont go away as long as rednecks are still around

yes,complete irradication of the racism is difficult,but no imposible!,yes,feeling superior is part of the human nature,but trying to make people of other ethnics to feel inferior hasn’t to be with that,i believe if you feel superior,at least you need to have a merit for an important thing you did.
trying to improve you,is the best,and now attacking the others.

discriminators usually had childhood problems (im not discriminator but i had),bad experiences suffered across the life,a moment of madness,that took them to have this stupid reaction.
they need a fucking psychoanalizys (bad spelled by me).

Descriminators don’t usually have a bad childhood, it’s what they see on the news, and what their parents tell them.

im refering to bad experiences which ocurred along their life,and those had a big influence in the guy,and too,when the fathers are discriminators,it’s possible that the son will be discriminator,btw,im in the msn and aim if you want to talk to me :slight_smile: .

alot of the Europeans (Mostly Greeks, Italians and Yugoslavs) were racially abused alot by the anglo-saxons

sad,but totally usual.
who do those asses think they are?.

im totally tired of racism,but i see it everyday,and im sorry to the people who suffer it,in my chase i was acussed repeatedly times by my school mates (in primary),most of them were polish,the school was full of poles,and my gf,and german army,you know,so,i was acussed of being a nazi,since my grandfather fought in the ww2 at german side.
You don’t know how i wanted to kill them :evil: !.

the sexism is also common,specially in the muslim culture

im refering to bad experiences which ocurred along their life,and those had a big influence in the guy,and too,when the fathers are discriminators,it’s possible that the son will be discriminator,btw,im in the msn and aim if you want to talk to me :slight_smile: .[/quote]

True, true

To answer all the questions at once:

Human Nature

We all form groups, others more intense. At heart we all like to belong to something, but at times this can be twisted by certain individuals for their own puposes.

A simplistic view I know, but I think that the majority of the population is basically good and decent, but at the same time can be swayed into accepting a fringe belief. You only have to study the rise of Nazi Germany to see this.

OK these are IMHO the answers:

  1. Cause Americans have been so bad to them all these years.
    They take their oil,take their goverment,establish theirs and keep getting their oil.

  2. They never spend the time to learn more about them,read the Koran or maybe just talk with the muslim that lives next door to them for the last 10 years. And ignorance is a bad thing.

  3. He promised,he threatened,he cheated.

  4. Cause racism makes people feel superior.
    Even white poor,lowlife scumbags need to feel superior over something.

  5. I think Americans are not.

  6. it was a horrible thing to do but in his opinion needed to drag the words attention to his people’s drama.

  7. They think they’ll meet the God in haven and treated there as heroes.

Edited cause i don’t know how to count.

Point of fact Stalingrad: The majority of the bombings commited by muslims are by majority Sunnis and not Shi’ites. There are distinct theoligical differences betwen the two sects.
This is not to say that there isn’t Shia terrorism, Iran has been sponsoring it in Lebenon for years and there was a Shia uprising in Iraq last year. However there is considerably less Shia inspired/commited terrorism than Sunni and there it is mainly the Wahabi sub-sect that inspires it. Al Quaeda consider Shia to be apostates.

im totally tired of racism,

In which case, how do you reconcile your racist comments about those “killer monkeys” (Or Gurkhas as the rest of us know them) with you new stance? :?

Yeah, Erwin.

I viewed your posts against my former comrades with distaste.

Having served with the Gurkhas, I am very fond of them, and will not tolerate such drivel being spoken about them, even by a 2ndLT moderator (who is being a bit hypocritical at the moment).

You have been warned my friend.

On a lighter note.

I don’t think it is human nature to feel superior. I believe this is nurture thing rather than a nature thing.

We are all different. We all have different strengths as individuals and as races.

It is known for example that Blacks have less ability to swim than Whites. The reason for this is Blacks naturally have more fast twitch muscles, which are actually denser and less fatty than slow twitch muscles. They also have denser bones because of these fast twitch muscles. Thus they are better suited to running.

Gurkhas also are rubbish floaters!!!

Don’t have a link to prove this but if you wish I will locate one for you. Or put the Mrs on, she’s a PE/swimming teacher so she knows this sort of stuff better than me.

Thanks for reminding me of that Ale :slight_smile:

You’ll get shouted at - I asked him the same question about his love of the SS and the post got deleted. :shock:


You’ll get shouted at - I asked him the same question about his love of the SS and the post got deleted. :shock:[/quote]

So is Erwin a mod with deleting powers then? :shock: Who came up with that idea? I thought mods were supposed to be even handed and mature? :?

He also wants to deport the population of a couple of boggy islands in the South Atlantic to the UK cos they’re not Argentinian - also sounds like racism to me!

Back on Topic people,

Anyways, the only Suni Muslims Extremeists are ususally young people right out of college that think this whole thing is awesome.

Apart from all those crusty old Sunni muslim clerics and all those uneducated Sunni suicide bombers?

Really? You sure about that? The young ones might be the ones stupid enough to go and blow themselves up, but someone is telling them what a good idea it is.

So is Erwin a mod with deleting powers then? Shocked Who came up with that idea? I thought mods were supposed to be even handed and mature? Confused

He said that someone else had deleted it, so I have no idea.

His reply to the post is here

I said mostly, MOSTLY.

Have copied my post so he can delete it as many times as he wants, it will keep coming back.

Also have copies of his original rants.

I’m not even going to start an FI topic.

Jai Brigade of Gurkhas