Falklands Conflict

I’ve got to just bring this up.

I know it’s on another thread, but look at it. For comedy value it is brilliant.

Those two gomers with the rifles are going to get fried!!!

You can’t teach this sort of thing…and of course that is good!!!

Where are you IrishDuck? If you are in Ireland you should be able to talk to me now, as we are roughly on the same timezone. Have just PMd you a thrown down the gauntlet.

For everyone else it looks like this

I look forward to your well thought out and rational arguements. With proper research and links to pukka website or at least reference to proper books.

Not “Gringos and how dey lose Malvinas war” or “We reeeellly won da Malvinas war, dat is why da Gringos are still there”

Sorry to be a bore.

But there I was trying to find out how Erwin and TheIrishDuck are linked.

I kept finding similarities. So I ran the usual checks, you know. I googled the Duck, maybe there is an Irish bar in BA.

They never seem to be that far apart do they? Maybe the duck is erwins’ sidekick or something.

But the funniest thing I did find, that you can all see right now, was on this web-sites very own memberslist.

If you all go to it you will see what I mean.

Put the members in order of joining date, ascending, and there on page 6.


# Name Date Joined posts
298 TheIrishDuck 29 Jul 2005 14
299 Erwin 29 Jul 2005 0

And for an IrishDuck he doesn’t seem to have a very good grasp of English, does he.

Ta ta for now.

What I find so amusing is that the “gurkha names” are so obviously made up from places, mountains, towns etc. across SE Asia - and I even took the time to work them out! And Irishduck still mainains that they’re real! I mean, Kolaphur Bhopal might as well have been named “Union Carbide”, it’s that obvious!

I’ve met plenty of Gurkhas, and not one was named after a town in India, Indonesia, Malasia, or anywhere else! Most of them were called Gurung, actually!

There are various organisations who post lists of casualties for various wars - these are all searchable on the internet. And yet, one list from one bloke on a random forum quoting from a Spanish language book from the Junta era seems to trump these!

I mean, c’mon, really - if you can’t see that the names are totally made up, then you are more blind and more foolish than you think we are…


Paolo Frigorifico
Montevido Amazonia
Minuano Artigas
Riachuelo Brazilia
Rosario Suárez
Valdense Palmira
Berruti Parmalat
Cunapiru Lapuente
Chris-Waddle Ethethethethetheth-Wank.

I have all the proof I need that these are the real names of argentinian admirals who were killed in the malvinas. They were all lined up against a pit and beheaded by gurkhas with their knives. You won’t find their names cos the British Army covered up its atrocities. ALL THE NAMES ARE REAL!

1000ydstare, WTF is thishttp://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=16932#16932
You just earn your formal warning.

All others cool down and don’t transform this thread in Falklands / Malvinas crap discussions.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Were they all turned into a nice curry afterwards? I’m sure goat would have been hard to get hold of down there, maybe Johnny was just hungry?

Sorry Dani :frowning:

I didn’t mean to get so carried away :oops:

In my defence I would just like to say that, as I have mentioned, I have served with the Gurkhas, the outright lies that have been put on this thread annoyed me.

I know what I did was wrong, and childish, I will remove the offending pictures right now.


WTF !!!
THAT PICTURE IS DISGUSTING and nearly made me be SICK . !!!
Dani mate the gross picture is still back there ?!!

Commando Jordovski, it’s only someones bum! I’m sure you’ve seen worse, mate.

And it has been removed from my message, I don’t know why it is still in TheIrishDucks message, I thought it’d go when I removed the original.

My sincerest apologies for the offence CJ.

My apologies, it’s actually in Erwins message. Have just checked.

But I thought it would go when I deleted my original.

Again my sincerest apologies.


No, sorry, more apologies, it’s actually still in BOTH TheIrishDucks and Erwins posts.

I have just checked.

Cool down! 1000ydstare has been awarded already a warning for its post.

Edited: He has edited his post and he asked for apologies.

Sorry if i over reacted a bit guys :oops: and i have seen worse 1000ydstare haha.
The reason i was pretty shocked was that My mum came over to visit me for a drink cos i am sick/unwell today and i was eating at the time when i opened that picture of the ‘cheeks’ and my mum nearly saw it but i closed the window. :lol: :lol:
But no worries 1000ydstare :wink: :wink:

Why? Would she have thought that you like men’s @rrses?


Just to clarify something.

From The Battle for the Falklands, Hastings and Jenkins. (Pan paperback edn. 1997 - original edn. Michael Joseph 1983). Page 331. In English this time

On 30 May, the battle group had survived yet another air-launched Exocet attack, when the Avenger achieved the remarkable feat of shooting down the missile with its 4.5-inch gun. “Forty-five seconds warning this time,” wrote David Tinker from Glamorgan, “and we got into positions (bows towards missile) and fired chaff… The attacks are not particularly frightening , the are over so quickly.”

From from www.britains-smallwars.com/Falklands/May25th.htm

Here’s the chap, the date shown under the ship outline is one in which no ships were sunk, in fact none damaged either mainly due to the fact there is no recorded attacks on that day!!!

The ship depicted is a Type 42, and the date is 12-5-82. The full outline signifies a kill.

also reference the time taken for Coventry to sink

What I do like about this site is this little quote at the beginning

“Note: This article mainly contains the Argentine version of the war combined with data from British sources. This article is also devoted to all the personnel from the Argentine Air Force who fought and worked hard during the Malvinas/Falklands conflict in 1982. - Diego Zampini.”

So it is actually possible for a sensible and reasoned account to be written by Argentine parties interested in the war. DZ is in fact Argentine, and lives there.

Anyway the quote we’re looking for.

"When 1st Lt. Mariano Velasco performed his final run with his A-4B Skyhawk serial number C-207, dropped three bombs of 454 kg (1,000 pounds) at 14:21 hs. against the HMS Coventry, hitting all of them the ship in a 45 degrees angle. The bombs penetrated deep inside the ship, and exploded with a tremendous strenght: the Argentine revenge had reached the destroyer of the proud Royal Navy and had caused a deadly wound. The ship was abandoned at 14:48 and finally sunk around 15:22 hs. The wreckage caused 22 British sailors dead and the loss of an antisubmarine Lynx helicopter (the XZ242). The Blood Debt of the Coventry with the FAA had been payed. "

My red colouring. Not quite 20 minutes was it. Note, Coventry was abandoned at 14:48, that means she was empty, and she sank 34 mins later. The first bombs fell off the rails at 14:21 meaning, from bomb realease to sinking, the whole thing took one hour!!!

Also this claims 22 sailors dead which is obviously closer my 19 than other claims (ie 100!!)

Although I can only find 19 names in the official lists.

19 according to http://www.hmscoventry.co.uk/home.html

19 according to http://www.channel4.com/science/microsites/G/going_critical/hms_coventry/

19 according to http://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/watch/default.asp?Currentdate=7/5/2005

Edited: 31 (including the container ship Atlantic Conveyer) according to

Second edit: 70 according to http://www.libreopinion.com/members/elmalvinense/bajasbritanicas.html

Third edit (and the most important): "Destructor HMS Coventry. Hundido. 19 tripulantes desaparecidos. " according to http://primahost3.prima.com.ar/faa/conflicto/dias/may25.html

When Erwin & Irish Duck wake up, do you think they’ll flog this dead horse any further?

You betcha!

Remember, one book written in 1983 that contradicts a plurality of other verifyable sources is correct, and all the corroborating sources are wrong.

Now, where’s my Erich von Daniken??? :wink:

No comment.

Edited: I forgot to explain: the link from above belongs to “Fuerza Aerea Argentina” and below the page you could find “Fuerza Aerea Argentina 2005” (as a copyright I suppose)

Deleted by 1000ydstare

Welcome back boys and girls!!!