Falklands Conflict

Sorry Dani may Spanish isn’t any good at all, just confirm, that is the official Argintine Air Force site saying that only 19 died on coventy?

Google translator said: “Destroyer HMS Coventry. Sunk. 19 missing crew”
And it’s seems that is the official site of the Argentinian Air Force (a new site)

I want some more information on Kolaphur Bhopal and his buddies :roll:

I will ask all of you to add decent posts (edited: for the future)

1000ydstare, your post might be considered offensive. Please note.

ahahah you are so so so funny.

Nobody can talk about HMS Invincible??

HMS Coventry:

I ´ve photos that proves that at least 100 men died.

crew: 302

Only 7 helicopters, Sea Kings.
22 men x 7: 154 escaped.

= 148

At least 100 died.

I talked with the pilots of the Argentine Air Force, they attacked the Invincible, not the Atl. Conveyor.
The are not donkeys like all of you, an aircraft carrier is an aircraft carrier, pilots aren´t stupids.

You can know about WWII, but Malvinas…
I don´t think so…




I haven’t talked about Invinciable because I can not find one thing on the net that in any way mentions damage to her. Nor can I find anything that relates to Gurkha war crimes.

Enough of your drivel. Put in proper links to respectable sites or stay quiet erwin.

Those stats are wrong. Cov did not carry 300 men. And British helis were regularly overloaded in normal missions let alone rescue missions like the one you mention. This was because we didn’t have too many around.

For the last time, Atlantic Conveyer was attacked and sunk on your national day, Invincible wasn’t. Invincible suffered no, repeat no, damage. And returned you UK waters after being replaced by HMS Illustious.

I ´ve photos that proves that at least 100 men died.

Please give a source of these photos and if you are not willing to show them to us please describe how they prove that over 100 died. Do they show close ups of documentation for over 100 men who are then shown to be dead and linked to HMS Coventry. So far you have proven nothing.

Also please read Dani’s post. Even the Argie Air Force official site agrees with us.

So behave and keep it zipped.

Irish Duck, 7 helicopters on one small frigate? Think about it carefully for a minute and get back to us. Why do you need to get into a helicopter to escape? Aren’t you allowed to jump over the side and get into a lifeboat anymore?

look here:


Well done, you’ve proved that the Coventry was sunk and that some helicopters were used in the rescues.

You also haven’t answered this from yesterday:

how did a force that lost pretty much all their ships, had all their air cover shot down and lost over 1,000 soldiers from one brigade manage to kick your sorry excuse for an army off the Falklands?

I’d love to know

That source also proves only 19 personel died in the attaack, READ THE FUCKINGSOURCE FIRST NUMBNUTS SPECIFICALLY THE LAST LINE.

Dani I await medical conformation that heh does not have numb nuits, then I will delete this claim. He has however jsut shot off the foot that was previously lodged in his mouth. Permission to laugh most heartily SIR!

Not all the information about a war is on the net.

If you want to know the real things you have to read books and talk with the people who was in the war.

Not all the information about a war is on the net.

If you want to know the real things you have to read books and talk with the people who was in the war.[/quote]

OK as asked before provide titles, authors and ISBNs for all literature references and for eye witness please identify these and prove they were where they said they were and not bigging it in front of gullible fools in the pub.

I was going to mention that, but I had assumed that ID/ES* would have thought of that.
I look fwd to seeing his explanation of why liferafts couldn’t be used.
Perhaps it’s because the RN rafts were made of saline-soluble material ?
(That’s true, I read it on www.libreonion.com !)

I have several very good mates from the RN Task Force, one of which was on the Invisible (so called because none of the damage shows !)
After many occasions when we’ve taken perhaps a beer too many, they’ve spoken about Argentine Air Force attacks.
Strangely none of them recall HMS Invincible being hit !
How odd !
Boy the Secret Police are really good at making sure ex-Jack ashore doesnt open his gob, eh ?

Whatever happened to ‘In vino veritas’ ?

  • IDES ? Beware the Ides of Mong ?

Yes Im sure youy do, I think these guys being serving and ex members of HMF have a better idea than you do. Im sure that the page you posted stated 19 fatalities? do you agree?


Atomic bomb…

UK, is a NATO member,… no???
yes, USA gave them sidewinders, and others things…

yes, UK is one of the most powerfull nation in the world…

Why do you think that Pope went to Argentina???
to alert, atomic bomb was in the mind of Maggy…

Bacofoil bowlers on lads!

What the fuck are you smoking? Why would we nuke an island full of our own people?
NATO had nothing to do with the Falklands - France was supplying you with exocets during the conflict until severe diplomatic pressure was put on them.
How on earth would the Pope know whether or not the British were planning on using nuclear weapons?
Why do you continue posting crap about a subject you know nothing about?