Falklands Conflict

Right then, the closest thing I can find, and possibley the reason for you dilusions.

From www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/aureview/1984/mar-apr/duffner.html

Written by Robert W. Duffner (B.A., Lafayette College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Missouri) is a historian at the U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirkland AFB, New Mexico, and a major in the U.S. Army Reserve assigned to the 4153d USAR School, Albuquerque, New Mexico. In the U.S. Army, he served as a rifle platoon leader and as company commander of the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. He has also been a part-time Instructor of History at the College of Sante Fe, New Mexico.

“Flying against this numerically superior force were 14 Royal Air Force (RAF) Harrier GR3s and 28 Navy Sea Harriers operating off two light aircraft carriers, HMS Hermes (25,000 tons) and HMS Invincible (20,000 tons). A third vessel, the container ship Atlantic Conveyor, provided an alternate landing site for Harriers; but for the most part, its primary mission was to store aircraft, equipment, and supplies.”

My red.

“Three weeks later, a second Exocet slammed into the side of the Atlantic Conveyor, sinking the vessel, along with its extremely valuable cargo of repair parts, Chinook helicopters, tentage, and more. The Super Etendard’s inertial navigation system and the curvature of the earth permitted the plane to remain undetected by British radar. Once the plane entered British radar coverage, the pilot identified the target quickly with his radar, programmed the flight of the Exocet, launched, and departed the area immediately, not waiting to observe whether the missile struck its target. Hence, the Exocet was advertised as the “fire and forget” missile.”

My red.

And now a few pictures that show what she looked like. Note the flat decks (would look similar to a real carrier on radar) and the ISO containers used for protecting the “flight” deck from cross winds.
The picture explanations are my own.

Harrier either landing or taking off from Atlantic Conveyor.

Harrier above Atlantic Coveyer, note the flat deck and ISO’s as previously mentioned. Also not Chinooks in waiting area, when the ship was sunk the Brits lost all but one Chinook. Hence will the Paras and Marines TABS and Yomps across the Islands - not transport.

Harriar Ops on Atlantic Conveyor.

A very crowded deck, still Atlantic Conveyor, again note flat deck and ISO containers.

A Wessex on the stern of Atlantic Conveyor, note specially painted landing point, and rear ramp used for driving vehicles off the ship.

Harriar Ops on Atlantic Conveyor, note specially painted landing point and the specific vehicle used for moving aircraft, and nothing else, around.

More than 1 book, perhaps? A book that you cannot provide the ISBN number of?

I can “prove” that the Pyramids were made by aliens, and that the Epic of Gilgamesh contains passages relating to automatic doors by quoting Erich von Daniken, and that would be a greater level of proof than ANYTHING that you’ve posted regarding the Falklands War. And I can provide the ISBN numbers for his books! :lol:

That source also proves only 19 personel died in the attaack, READ THE FUCKINGSOURCE FIRST NUMBNUTS SPECIFICALLY THE LAST LINE.

Dani I await medical conformation that heh does not have numb nuits, then I will delete this claim. He has however jsut shot off the foot that was previously lodged in his mouth. Permission to laugh most heartily SIR![/quote]

Oh, that’s effing hilarious - muppetry measurable on the Ferrous scale!

Nothing better than a dullard who posts something to support their recockulous claim which turns out to disprove it & say what everyone else had been saying all along!!!

Oh, my ribs are still tickling!

Few more things for you ID.

Atlantic Conveyor was only 5,000 tonnes lighter than Invincible, so again would be practically identical to her on radar.

Atlantic Conveyor was attacked on Argentina’s National Day.

Invincible was never damaged.

I think you will find, that the “Carrier” attacked on that day was indeed the Atlantic Conveyor.

Invincible got the rap because you or your mong mates didn’t realise that a freighter can be used as a carrier.

Atlantic Conveyors sister ship the Atlantic Causeway was also used in the same way, only to a lesser extent and didn’t really enter the dangerous waters around the Falklands.

As pointed out alot of aircraft were destroyed on the Atlantic Conveyor, possibly leading to the confusion of her identity, as a general rule only Hermes and Invincible and the Assault Ships Fearless and Intrepid are regarded as having carried aircraft in any numbers or indeed conducted air operations.


I hope that this deafening silence from “Over there” is ID doing some proper research for a change.

Either that or he is contacting various mongs for their “opinions”.

Or he is inventing a new alias to back him up.

Maybe we will see “FokkerDuck” from Gemany in a minute…

Or Erwin is being roused as we speak.

Time for a song.

"You’ve gone quiet over there!!!

Yooouuuu’vvveeee gone quiiiiieeeet over theeerrrrreee!!!"

Seriously ID.

If any of your “Invincible damaged” pictures that you have look like this

or this

it is actually the MV Atlantic Conveyor. Not HMS Invincible.[/img]

pilots of Argentine Air Force aren´t stupid.

Atl. Conveyor sunk on 29 may.

Invincible was attacked on 30…


In the link that i posted you can see the photo of the Invincible.

And let´s me ask something that you didn´t answer:

Remember HMS Dahser???

Oh, god!!! Please help us.

Which link and what about HMS Dasher?

Don’t tell me, she was carrying atomic weapons and a large number of argie prisoners, who were being thrown over the back to feed the sharks by homicidal Gurkha?

This better not be more crap ID. Also this time we want links or some form of reference.

Nope, and neither does Google.

Do you mean HMS Dasher? If you do, one was sunk in 1943, are you going to claim that for the Argentinian Air Force as well?

pilots of Argentine Air Force aren´t stupid.

Possibly not, Idont know any personally, but they also dont have eyes that can see over the horizon, so your point is?

What’s that about HMS Dahser or as I presume you mean, HMS Dasher are you saying the Argentine Airforce have a time machine and slipped back to 1943 to deal out their revenge on the UK?

Well said, BDL. Just checked my Marshell Cavendish book. The one I collected over 14 weeks in around 83-84.

No mention of any casualties aboard HMS Dasher.

No mention of HMS Dasher even being sent to the Falklands.

Please don’t tell me ID that you are on about HMSTY Dasher from Gosport sailing club.

She is actually a Nicolson 55’ sailing boat!!!

Which link has Invincible in the background why don’t you show it and explain like I did with Atlantic Conveyor.

yes, sunk in 1943, but uk admitted it 30 yaers later!!!

The official cause of her sinking is still doubtful. The findings of the Board of Enquiry were never released until 1972 and even now information is being witheld. This is just part of a veil of secrecy which has surrounded HMS Dasher ever since. Rescuers, survivors and witnesses - everyone with any knowledge of what befell the Dasher in these waters - all were sworn to secrecy.

An important new piece of information may explain the Governments reticence to release all of their records. There is a strong possibility that one of the bodies from the Dasher was used in Operation Mincemeat to dupe the Germans about a possible invasion of Greece at a crucial time of the war in 1943. The loss of HMS Dasher and 379 young lives is still not fully understood by those affected. Mystery still surrounds the sinking, the burial graves and the true identity of the Operation Mincemeat body. Perhaps when all the facts have been revealed, they can be finally laid to rest.



Oh sorry.

My mistake you meant this HMS Dasher.

Bet the crew just loved going down to the Falklands in that little tub!!!

Maybe this is the carrier that was sunk?

HMS Dasher. Sunk 27th Mar 1943.

Edited to add

Similar to Atlantic Conveyor in that she was a merchant man but turned in to an aircraft carrier.

from www.technicaldivers.com/assets/images/HMS_Dasher

“converted from merchant use shortly before the disaster.”

i´m not saying the dasher was in Malvinas, are you stupid or what???

read again!!!


Have done.

You’ll have to explain what on earth you are talking about.


No if you are suggesting that it was denied that HMS Dasher was sunk then read the article a bit closer all that was and is being kept secret (if indeed this article is true) are the cause of it’s sinking so how does this support your claims in any way?

But ID, all of our carriers are still sailing, so what is there to admit - none of them were sunk.

I’ll say it once more for the hard of learning


explain?? it´s clear.

SANK: 1943, admitted 1973.

Attacked 1982,

what´s up???