Falklands Conflict

This is nonsense. The person, who’s biody was used in operation mincemeat has been identified in 1996.

Epilogue: Who was Major Martin?

There is a plain white marble tombstone in a graveyard in the Spanish town of Huelva bearing the name ‘William Martin’, beneath which rests the body of a man who helped save the lives of thousands and turned the tides of war. A red carnation has been laid on this grave on a regular basis – the grave of a man whose identity, for over half a century, remained a mystery, protected by the committee who oversaw Operation Mincemeat.

Then in 1996, 53 years after Mincemeat, a British town planning officer and amateur historian by the name of Roger Morgan uncovered evidence that Major Martin had actually been a homeless Welsh alcoholic named Glyndwr Michael who had died through ingestion of rat poison (whether it was suicide or accidental poisoning was undetermined)24. This was supported by the fact that rat poison commonly contained cyanide which causes pulmonary congestion or chemical pneumonia; in addition, the place of birth Montagu’s committee had given Martin was Cardiff in Wales.




All is so clear now.

Of course there is a big difference in a family not knowing how there loved ones died, and not knowing thier loved ones died.

So tell me idot boy. HMS Invincible was sunk.

  1. How many died, or did everyone get off?

  2. What damage did she sustain, how and what weapons were used.

  3. How did the Royal Navy hide the fact that they had lost a carrier, of which they had only two at that time with a 3rd being built. They had one come back after the war and one in the South Atlantic that relieved the other one. Which one was fake.

  4. In the event of (from you inevitabley high) casualties, how were they hidden or have the Royal Navy shut all the families up

I await your answers with… curiosty to say the least.

I am still waiting for your pictures of this, or link that shows any of this.


Cause of the Explosion in Dasher.
The Board of Enquiry were of the opinion that the explosion took place either in the after depth charge magazine or the main petrol stowage. These two compartments were adjacent to one another. There was some evidence that there may have been an accumulation of petrol vapour in the main petrol compartment, which could have ignited by a man smoking in the shaft tunnel, or someone dropping a cigarette end down from the Fleet Air Arm messdeck, to the petrol control compartment or below.
The lighting system was not up to the magazine lighting specification, a fault on this system could have ignited petrol vapour when the lights were activated. All in all, a very sloppy set of circumstances, that when an explosion from whatever cause did happen, it triggered a tragedy and 379 crew died.
Was there a cover up?
I believe one must answer with with a strong YES.

OK it is possible (but not for sure).

Reffering to HMS invincible, according to http://primahost3.prima.com.ar/faa/conflicto/dias/may30.html the carrier wasn’t sunk.
By the way, the second link belongs to official site of Argentinian Air Force?

Atomic bomb?? :lol: :lol: Sorry mate, you have a chance to edit your post. Please don’t consider my next question as offensive: You are drunk?

How many died? ask in you country

Read the link, there is your photo:

all the answers are there.

OK it is possible (but not for sure).

There may have been a “cover up” but not to the fact that the ship sank (which is what ID is implying) just the details as to what caused it’s sinking.

Patrick and Erwin, like Romania in 1982, Argentina in 1982 was ruled by a dictator. In a dictatorship the truth is always the dictator’s truth. Try to remember this.

So an article that could have been written by anyone with no reliable back up sources and official links and a grainy scanned newspaper picture are your proof? :lol:

yes dani, but in 1982.
Today is 2005.

All the proves are new.

I can’t even believe I wasting my time with this.

ID, all someone has done is airbrushed some smoke on to a picture. There is no damage to the ship, there are no damage control parties on the flight deck.

From the flight deck they would be able to fight their way into the superstructure of the ship to save their comrades.

“libreopinion” means free opinion as I understand. They said: Many versions have written about what´s has happened with the aircraft carrier Invincible, the truth of its attack and its possible sinking.

http://primahost3.prima.com.ar/faa/conflicto/dias/may30.html It says nothing about the sinking of HMS Invincible.

What link should I check?


extracted of the web…

“Remember that the photo…
It is real, because we can see the smoke, the impact of the Exocet, such as it they have related the pilots. Only are two harriers in the carrier, they have already evacuated the others. The activity of personnel is seen clearly, trying to control the fire untied, and circles in the trail that are not observed in normal situations.
To trick a photo of such form it would have needed (in less than 72 hours) the total colaboration of the two argentine pilots, and the total colaboration of the British personnel wagered there. And that´s impossible.”

In fact if you compare the two pictures in the article


You’ll see that the sterns are remarkabley straight angled and similar. The black and white printed versions lends some smudging but they are definitly similar.

If any one agrees please say so.

now a picture of the REAL HMS Invincibles stern

The sides are more angled.

The personnel on deck are standing still - there’s no sign of any firefighting kit anywhere.



in war 1982…

after the war…

it is not the same ship…


It was well known in WWII that Dasher had sunk - as was pointed out nearly 400 men were killed and the Admiralty couldn’t hide that - however for reasons that are unclear the results of the Admiralty Board of Inquiry were sealed under the Thirty Year rule.
This is not the same as hiding the fact that it sank, even in time of general war it is extremely difficult to hide the loss of something of that size.

It is even more difficult to hide the loss of something of that size in (relative) peacetime.
Only three Invincible class “through deck cruisers” were ever built for the RN, that much it is impossible to deny. Because of their vast cost to a fairly small budget and the limited number of shipyards involved it would be obviousl if something as big and expensive as another Invincible had ever been built.
The last time that anybody looked there were still three Invincible class vessels afloat (although Invincible herself has just been mothballed to save money), therefore is is ridiculous to suggest that one was sunk and replaced without anyone noticing.

I’d say a good collection of links:

What she would have looked like prior to goal keeper being fitted.