Falklands Conflict

Arkantos, Are you sure thats not a fake photo? it sure looks like a staged photo to me, no soldier would ever let the other soldier carry his weapon after capture. If you captured a soldier you were fighting would you let him carry his weapon like that? I wouldn’t.

They’re real unfortunately. There was a detatchment of about 20 Royal Marines there to defend the Governor and the Islands. That’s them being led away.

No doubt Erwin and Irish Duck will use those photos to prove that they won the Falklands War tomorrow :roll:

You know what they say BDL…Dont ever let the truth stand in the way of a good story. :lol:

jejej very funny BDL . This is not for prove that.
It´s only for prove that the britain have the most moderns equipment, but soldier without experience. Hit very strong!!.
And they don´t have a interesting weapon. Let´see, you can imagine that you have a Nuclears Bomb and I shoot with a sling jjajajajajajaajaj
.I felt Shame.


Corect me if I am mistaken but do you mean that the Argentine soldiers did not have very good equipment ?

If that is so, I’m sorry to say that the kit they were issued was if anything better than the British stuff.

Dubon parkas - nice & warm.
Night vision - more modern & issued in greater numbers than the British Army
Boots - light years ahead of the British ‘Boots, DMS’
M2 50 cal - far more than the British had, (very few British troops were trained on this weapon.)
20 mm AA guns with direct fire capability - The British had none of this.
There’s more if I could be bothered to write it - you won’t be bothered to read it anyway.

Numerical superiority - Any tactician will tell you that to take on a defensive position you should have at least a 3:1 advantage. What was the numerical superiority the Argentinians had when they arrived in the Falklands ?
How long did it take them to capture the Booties ?
What were the casualty figures for that stage ?

Oh, and the invaders had much shorter lines of supply than the British.

The Argentine troops were dug in with heavy weapons.
Had they fought with the conviction that they were in the right, instead of knowing they had invaded the Falklands, they would still be there.

I didnt spend a year sailin around the World to have CNuts like Erwin show me pictures like that.

Fire fighting at sea is a basic principal of seamanship as fire rather than water is the greatest threat to any vessel!.

In the event of a fire appearing aboard hte vessel the first action of the commanding officer is to turn the vessel to face downwind and match (as safely as possible) the boat speed to the wind speed. and consequently lessen the apparent wind over the vessel. Less wind means less oxygen and less fire.

No RN Officer would be steaming at that rate in a beem sea with a fire on the deck. All Crew would muster to the deck in order to fight the fire -deck pumps and water cannon would be soaking the flight deck and superstructure to cool them down and prevent conduction of heat to other areas of the hull.

That vessel is not aflame its a Photoshop!

Cuts, you will also notice that the Argentinean marine has a silenced sterling. The booties also faced armour in the form of Amtracks, which they engaged with an 84mm. They also engaged a corvette with an 84mm, hitting it and forcing it to withdraw. A fact I have always remembered as at this time I was teaching the 84 to recruits and we took great joy in pointing out that it could also be used in the anti shipping role.

Also look closely at the two photos of Inv. that ID posted. They look like they were taken at the same time possibly showing the original before it had cotton wool added.

And Maggy??? was worst.

Here is a difference, all of you don´t know what has happened in Malvinas war, you only search in the net, on google and say stupids things sitting in a chair.

But me, I´ve read lot of books, interviewd lot of veterans…

HMS Invincible was attacked, I don´t know if it was sunk but it was attacked.

The photos that I posted are reals.

And the ship in Portsmouth is not the HMS Invincible.

On August, in 1982 UK sent the HMS Illustrious (twin of Invincible) to the islands, why? becasue Illustrious replaced Invincible.
And that´s the answer to why the press of UK didn´t take any photo to the carrier who arrived to Portsmouth.

I´ve more photos and more information but I know that you don´t know about the war, so I wouldn´t waste my time on people like you.

Believe it or not, HMS Invincible didn´t return to Porstmouth on September 1982.

Oh, come ON? How dumb are you? It’s not like changing the number plates on a car.

It’s a ship carrying hundreds upon hundreds of people with thousands upon thousands of loved ones.

You can’t just swap it for another one with hundreds upon hundreds more people with thousands upon thousands more loved ones without someone blowing the whistle.

You are so utterly wrong IDES !
You don’t have a Scooby about most of us.

I’m sure you have. Very proud of you mate.
Now learn to see through polotical drivel and substantiate facts.

If you call loosing a fire & forget missile at a radar blip over the horizon an attack then possibly, but the way you’ve painted it ? No way José !

:lol: :lol: :lol: Get real ! You may believe them to be so, but that does not make it gospel !

:roll: Of course not, it’s a small courgette named Harold.

At last you may be on the right track !
In the British Forces we rotate units round so the troops or crew can have leave and see their families. ¿Entiende?

As there are no emoticons to show exasperation with I’m afraid I must use Tinwalt’s expression: :roll:

Thank Christ for that !
It was getting tiresome listening to the mouthpiece for the military junta.
For your guidance, ‘people like us’ are those who need corroboration of stories, and that goes for the majority of moderators too.
Blind faith in political sites doesn’t cut any water with ‘people like us’ - we bitch about our own governments enough to make that blatantly obvious.

What’s this turned into ?
Ripleys ?

Stupidity should be a crime.
Ignorance should be punished.
Refusal to accept facts should result in a chainsaw enema.

Welcome aboard mate! :smiley: .
Great Pic!,it’s wonderful,i really like the amphibious commandos!,they are great!,cool.

btw,i know the pic in your signature,and i love it too.

Im not going to tell you nothing because im a moderator,im not taking any side now.

The Gurkha soldier
Bravest of the brave
Most generous of the generous
Never had country
More faithful friends
Than you

You only can think that :roll: (and your mates of the army!)
I have some words to say,but i’ll shut up in that,i don’t want to send the forum to the …fire.

Best Wishes to all of you.



yes, very very funny!!

"In the British Forces we rotate units round so the troops or crew can have leave and see their families. "

Yes?? i didn´t know brits forces were stupids.

Remember, on august war was over!!, it was easier if the Invincible returned to home, and Illustrious stayed in port.

you don´t know nothing of Malvinas.

Dani,you are wrong,at least talking about my country.

In those years the people who were against put bombs,and gave lots of propaganda to the youth,who believed them (in some things they were wrong btw).
also,the people against dicatorship sent well organized spies and terrorist,to take information,some of them could garrison in the casa rosada!.
and btw,everybody had their rights to think like they want inside the doors of their houses.
and the communication mids are always attacking the dictatorship since galtieri has gone!.
and most of us are too much young to be influenced by the propaganda of 1982!!!.
also,the supporters of the dicatorship before it has been done were civilians,most of them without any influence in the army and people close to them.
the goverment before galtieri was a shit too,so,galtieri thought wrong that he could make a better country.

i dk about the dictatorship in romania,but im not going to put my oppinion because i don’t know anything of it,so,i will don’t talk about it.

And i guess i know more than you in the country who was affected by galtieri and y lived under the anti galtieri propaganda,and you who live in island across the atlantic and lots of kilometers,think that you know more than me about the junta???.


Cheers,it’s an improvement of your part to be interested in another country that isn’t of the commonwealth,usa and israel.

Best Wishes


(btw,no offensive words or bad languague are presented in this post).

Erwin/ID and your new name Arkantos (hero from Age of Mythology I believe?) and of course Cyberman who hails from Ireland.

Sorry to respond to you in your own way but…I like these photos better.

Or while your posting pictures that you like explain them like, for example how long a mere platoon of Royal Marines held off your “elite” commandos!!!

It’s not quite as good as this picture though it it Erwin?

That is of course the Argentine surrender being signed onboard HMS Plymouth (despite the extensive damage that website you always post claims it took). Apparently war’s a bit harder when there’s more than 20 of the enemy.

You only can think that Rolling Eyes (and your mates of the army!)
I have some words to say,but i’ll shut up in that,i don’t want to send the forum to the …fire.

Obviously someone else thinks that, it’s the inscription on the Gurkha memorial in Whitehall, London, which the Government had put up - no soldiers were involved. Say what you want about the Gurkhas, I’ll prove you wrong on anything you want. Of course, first time you say the word ‘monkey’ in relation to the Gurkhas, I will report you to admin for racism

you don´t know nothing of Malvinas.

:wink: The people who live there wish to be British and use the British name for it. Should we find out what the indigenous population of Argentina called it, and use their name?

you who live in island across the atlantic

Romania’s an island now? :shock:

think that you know more than me about the junta???.

Dani knows all about living under an evil and corrupt dictatorship, I’ve yet to see him post Romanian propaganda and use it as the ‘truth’. Try reading sources that are not from Argentina and you’ll see a very different opinion on the Falklands War, the ‘Disappeared’ and lots of other things that you won’t like.

Where do you start to answer all of this “informed argument” :lol: suppose I’d better take each post in turn, here goes:


The Gurkha soldier
Bravest of the brave
Most generous of the generous
Never had country
More faithful friends
Than you

How very true, having worked with them myself and hearing my father’s stories of working with them in Hong Kong I speak a little from experience. The rest of your post is drivel BTW do your “Amphibious Commandos” have “cool uniforms”? Is that why you think they’re so “cool” you have a strange way of rating military units, are you a uniform fetishist?

ps I’m an Amphibious Engineer, but I already know I’m cool :lol:


yes, very very funny!!

"In the British Forces we rotate units round so the troops or crew can have leave and see their families. "

Yes?? i didn´t know brits forces were stupids.

Remember, on august war was over!!, it was easier if the Invincible returned to home, and Illustrious stayed in port.

you don´t know nothing of Malvinas.

You obviously have no idea, the shooting may have been over but the tension was not. To put it in words you may understand, if you chase a thief away who has just broken the window of your car to steal your new stereo, do you go back to bed thinking he wont come back?

No you keep a close eye on your car until the window is fixed and you’ve fitted a better alarm (either that or you track the little scrote down and give him a good hiding). :lol:

We rotate our troops because we understand the value of good morale, unlike your military.

Edit: Typo

Oh I think Dani has drawn a more balanced view than you and your blinkered friends

In those years the people who were against put bombs,and gave lots of propaganda to the youth,who believed them (in some things they were wrong btw).
also,the people against dicatorship sent well organized spies and terrorist,to take information,some of them could garrison in the casa rosada!.

So now you’re defending the Junta?

and btw,everybody had their rights to think like they want inside the doors of their houses.

As everyone does in a dictatorship, but you cant show what you think can you?

and the communication mids are always attacking the dictatorship since galtieri has gone!.
and most of us are too much young to be influenced by the propaganda of 1982!!!.

Well you and a couple of others seem to be very influenced by it.

also,the supporters of the dicatorship before it has been done were civilians,most of them without any influence in the army and people close to them.


the goverment before galtieri was a shit too,so,galtieri thought wrong that he could make a better country.


i dk about the dictatorship in romania,but im not going to put my oppinion because i don’t know anything of it,so,i will don’t talk about it.

Dont seem to know a lot about yours either

What happened to I’m a Mod I have no opinion?

Edit: Layout + typo

"In the British Forces we rotate units round so the troops or crew can have leave and see their families. "

Yes?? i didn´t know brits forces were stupids.

Remember, on august war was over!!, it was easier if the Invincible returned to home, and Illustrious stayed in port.

you don´t know nothing of Malvinas.

So when the war finished we just packed up and left? It WOULD have been very easy to leave Illustrious in port but we beefed up defences. Hence the popular media term “Fortress Falklands”

YOU accuse us of sitting behind computers googling for facts.

There are many serving and ex-serving British Soldiers on the site. While I don’t always agree with them, I find that they all have very through researching abilities. They listen and learn, they reference, they come up with sensible opinions.

You have had every one of your inane ideas shot down. So now you Erwin/IrishDuck/Arkantos have now decided to just try to wind us up with pictures of our defeat in the Falklands.

How long did it take to beat a Platoon of British Royal Marines. Think carefully. How were the attackers armed? AMTRACs, heavy machine guns. Were the attackers prepared for the attack? How many were there?

Now how many Brits, how were they armed? You quite rightly state that our equipment was quite poor. They were armed only with platoon weapons, SLR rifles, GPMGs, Carl Gustav 84mm AT. They were unprepared, as they had only just bugged out of moody barracks.

Yet how long did they last?

The handful of soldiers on South Georgia was it Tubby? Held of repeated attacks. Including the damaging of a Argie boat (although I thought it was a frigate). When they gave up it was because they had run out of ammo. The Argies who took them treated them with awe and respect, because of their achievements. They couldn’t believe there were no more men on the islands.

These posts are irrelevant stirrings. We know we lost the first round. But we came back and won the second round.

All the things mentioned about the war is true.

We had 7 weeks to prepare, we sailed 8,000 miles and had to use this as a logistics route, we were out numbered on the ground. Practically every battle had us at 3:1 against rather than the reverse that we prefer in attacks. Our aircraft were outnumbered by at least 6:1, come on your entire airforce could come over when every they wanted!!!

Our Navys were almost evenly matched in technology and numbers, yet one ship sunk (Belgrano) and your navy never left port again.

It is not how one falls. but how one gets up that matters.

Something you would have learnt on your commando course, along with a healthy respect for the achievements of others like you, had you got passed day one!!!

Stop playing computer games child, and get outside in to the real world. Stop claiming to have interviewed vetrans. No vetran would ever give you the time of day. They are the same no matter what country they come from, because they have all been through the same things, regardless of the war or time they fought. I believe that you would just earn their contempt rather than respect.