Falklands Conflict

Found this on www.primahost3.prima.com.ar/faa/conflicto/caidos/30_5.html

l like this alternative attack on Invincible alot better.

“When they already tenian clearly to the HMS Invincible in his sights, a missile (It is possibly Dart) hit in the commander’s airplane of squadron, first Vázquez lieutenant. The airship was divided in two and it crashed in the sea. Five seconds before the launching, the shipboard gun ordnance hit in numeral 2, first lieutenant Castle, whose airplane exploded. It seems that its motor fell on the cover and slipped until the hollow of the aircraft lift, by where it entered and it set afire his interior. Both remaining airplanes were also reaching the objective, that already was covered with smoke. Both sent his bombaas on the cover.”

A classic I think you’ll all agree. If a missile did indeed take down the no 1 aircraft of the flight, I’m guessing the flight must still be what 1-2 kms out. So the ENGINE of the plane that was shot by a AA gun of some description at about the same time, broke free out of the aircraft and landed on the flight deck of the Invincible, sliding in to the elevator and setting the hanger alight?

You can’t make this stuff up can you…Oh, wait, apparently you can.

Edited because have found the names of the two dead pilots on above link. Which is apparently they officical Argie Navy airforce site.



Stoat, you forgot Dai Llanfairpwyllgyngillgogeryllandrobwyllllantisiliochgogogoch


But seriously… You seem to be basing your entire argument on one book published in 1983 which contains a load of made-up names, and some newspaper photos published in Argentinian (so Junta-controlled) newspapers at the time, and some supposed interviews with vets (who, let’s face it, will have been presented the junta’s view of the war also).

And then you try to get us riled by posting pictures of the 20-strong garrison surrendering (they were ordered to, which is why they were carrying their arms) after holding out against a much larger and better equipped force for a disproportionate amount of time, and having had not one man killed. Ooh, great - we’re really embarrassed that a single platoon of marines didn’t win against a much larger force equipped with heavy wpns and armour…

And then you claim that we lost 1 out of 2 carriers and covered it up (how?) by replacing it with another carrier that we just pulled out of our arses, somehow. And then somehow managed to hush up all the deaths in a democratic society with a democratically elected leader.

We have drilled very large holes in every aspect of your argument, and all you can say is “IT’S TRUE” without providing any corobborating evidence. We, however, can quote information from various sources which corobborate each other. Even FRIONSCAM was harder than this, and he wasn’t particularly difficult!!!

Suddenly Herr von Daniken looks plausible!

Have a genuine picture of Buenos Aires being nuked. My mate took it, who was there at the time. It has the mushroom cloud and everything.

It was hushed up by the facist dictatorship of Britain, and is now top secret until 2050. I know because my mates on www.libreonion.com told me.

But I can’t show you cos I can’t load it up.

Can any one tell me how to load the picture up? It’s on windows paint at the moment.

Erwin if you will read between the rows in my posts, you’ll understand that I didn’t spoke of Galtieri, I spoke only about propaganda in dictatorship time.

Talking about HMS Invincible, it was an Argentinean Air Force information that some planes attacked the carrier. This fits with the thought of any good citizen in our world in any country: “The mighty bravery of our army that dare to attack the enemy”. This information (unconfirmed not only by UK but by any news agency - check with TASS or Xinhua or Taniug, not to mention “the creepy capitalists” agencies UPI, AP, France Press) together with the secrecy of any dictatorship gives birth to a legend: HMS Invincible was attacked, badly damaged and even sunken. Hail the mighty Argentinean Air Force!!!

Well, let me tell a little story:
Background: From the beginning of 70s, Ceausescu and Communist Romania had been seen as the rebel child of the Communist World. Western leaders applauses Ceausescu (it’s true that also we gained some independence from the Soviet Union).
And now the story: Any Romanian could tell you that Romanian spies had stolen the plans of Leopard II tank, the Soviets asked for them, Ceausescu refused and Romanian industry since “then” has produced TR 800 tank (based :smiley: obviously :smiley: on Leopard II plan). It is a whole myth! BUT it is a busted myth. This “news” never was written in papers (it was about spies and not army :smiley: ), but this rumor together with secrecy of the dictatorship becames “a well-known truth”.

You could compare then the effects of both news, rumours, whatever on citizens mind.

Edited: Come on Erwin :oops: island across the atlantic :oops: :oops:
I am from Romania and not from UK.

Reffering on Falkland/Malvinas issues I rather prefer to keep my opinions (because I cannot afford to discuss my subjective opinion - I am still a mod).

I made an intervention only for checking what is behind this claims of attacking the carrier. And this time, you, South American friends, feel that I am on the British side. Next time maybe the British mates will feels that I’ll be on your side. Depends on the facts!!! The facts as happened and not as claimed.

Dani, it’s refreshing to know that people still take their responsibilities seriously.
Mulţe mulţumiri.

If any of the Britcon post utter piffle they will richly deserve it.

(Edited to correct my poor written Romanian, mulţe not mulţi :wink: )

At last you may be on the right track !
In the British Forces we rotate units round so the troops or crew can have leave and see their families. ¿Entiende?


yes, very very funny!!

"In the British Forces we rotate units round so the troops or crew can have leave and see their families. "

Yes?? i didn´t know brits forces were stupids.

Remember, on august war was over!!, it was easier if the Invincible returned to home, and Illustrious stayed in port.

you don´t know nothing of Malvinas.[/quote]

Hello again IDES/A (ASIDE ? AIDSE ? AIDES ?)

This has been answered by another poster, but in reference to this:
“… it was easier if the Invincible returned to home, and Illustrious stayed in port.”
You show you know four-fifths of fcuk all about the following subjects:
a) logistics and the economy therof
b) tactics
c) strategy

These are part of the machinations of professional armed forces.

Last, but most definitely not least, “it was easier if…”
EASIER ??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
You have never served in the armed forces have you AIDSE ?

:smiley: You’re welcome, Cuts! Thanks for effort (in fact it must be written Multe mulţumiri). - It means many thanks!

Talk to people in China, and they think Tiannemen Square was just a protest of a handful of students who were politely sent home to their parents after firm words from a policeman.

EDIT: It’s funny how dictatorships can do that, isn’t it?

A quick aside:

I just used Google to find which hero this Arkantos was and came up with this !

NB. It is a Spanish (language) contact website so don’t open the link unless you feel the need to. You have been told.

On the other hand it will keep IDES busy…


Now back to the Falklands.

They also think that Tibet was always a part of China & wasn’t conquered by force…

The North Koreans also believe that the US started the Korean war and not their own arty opening up on the South, followed by a UN mission…

Russians in the USSR believed that in the US, capitalists could kill their workers at will, and that their workers were their slaves. When told that workers in the US drove their own cars, they thought the chap was lying. A Romanian in GULAG pre-war also told people that he had 6 suits of clothes, and they thought he was lying (Russians thought 2 was extravagant). Many people in Communist countries firmly believe that life in their country is paradise on earth, and that in Capitalist countries life is terrible.

The same things happened also with right wing dictatorships as well.
It seems that propaganda works verey very efficiently in dictatorships (no exception of political colour).

Edited: Dani beat me to it !

I know - I’ve done far more reading about Communist dictatorships than fascist ones though, so can cite specific examples! :smiley:

Means what?

I think I will have to invide a good friend to this site. You @rrsers might know him: BodminBill.

He went to the Falklands during the war with the RAF regiment and has seen some fighting.


Rememer our site! :smiley:
It’s very easy to show:

Only one example from http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/hamburg.htm

Background: The Battle of Britain was in full swing, but the Nazis were annoyed that the British were bombing too. This illustrated essay from a weekly illustrated newspaper suggests that the British are intentionally bombing civilian targets.
Churchill Orders Destruction
To distract the world from the German Luftwaffe’s great successes in bombing London, Churchill ordered lies to be spread about great damage caused by the Royal Air Force’s raids on Germany. The German transportation system is supposedly in chaos, and numerous bombs have fallen on tracks and stations — or so the English say. But we know what they have really destroyed: houses, hospitals and cemeteries!
bla bla bla

Means what?[/quote]

Means I’d written that MoS’ post was not strictly limited to Communist dictatorships, but extended through the political spectrum.
I posted then saw you’d written the same thing.