Falklands Conflict


On the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War Guernica had a population of about 7,000 people. On 26th April 1937, Guernica was bombed by the German Condor Legion.

General Francisco Franco denied that he had nothing to do with the raid and claimed that the town had been dynamited and then burnt by Anarchist Brigades. After the war a telegram sent from Franco’s headquarters was discovered and revealled that he had asked the German Condor Legion to carry out the attack on Guernica. It is believed that the attack was an attempt to demoralize the Basque people.
End quote

I’m quite sure that this telegram has been “accidentaly” been made public by the Germans. After the story about the anarchists proved to be unholdable, rance, who felt the Guernica thing backfiring on him in Spain, blamed the Germans for having attacked the town without his consent.



It is said that it was Richthofen who selected Guernica as a target

Apologists for the raid have stated that the Condor Legion had selected strategic targets and that the one failing of the raid was the Legion’s inability to accurately hit targets from height

The Condor Legion returned in triumph as it had set out on a mission and returned intact. The raid was to have enormous consequences in the diplomatic workings of Europe with Chamberlain’s three meetings with Hitler in September 1938. Chamberlain, above all else, feared the possibility of a southern English city being similarly bombed.

It is a reliable source?

“Chamberlain, above all else, feared the possibility of a southern English city being similarly bombed.”

Why would he fear that? Unless he had an inkling that Hitler was going to kick off, in a big way.

Biggest mistake ever. Well, that and appeasement.

Why cover up the sinking of HMS Illustrious? Would it not be to the Uks advantage to make the enemy believe that half the air cover had been sunk?

Casualty figures only are a problem when you loose. Have all the casualties been accounted for the Argentinean forces?

Who killed all these soldiers and how did las pérdidas británicas en las islas malvinas come by its estimate for casualties? If they controlled the field of battle after the engagement then they could count the dead, but they did not so can’t.

Independent casualty figures


a good one to put to one side for future reference. List casualties from 1750 to GW2.


If the British lost 1300 as this fine site said


and we covered them up to save face, who made the decision to list only these names?


if they wished to cover any thing up why not the high number of SAS who died?

Who make the decision?

UK, who else?

Thatcher, and all her friends.

Who make what decision?

And please remember that Thatcher was a democratically-appointed and democratically accountable leader. Galtiere was neither, and saw no problems giving a whole heap of students and other left-wingers a 1-way ticket to a freefall crash-course over the South Atlantic.

Here we go again :roll:

Which decision?

and as soon as you’ve explained that please provide reliable sources as to this decision being made and identify the friends of Mrs Thatchers that you speak of.

Hey guys, you are not talking abouth HMS Invincible attacked, because you don´t know nothing, and in your “google” can´t find nothing.

But I read books and interviewed lot of people, and know the true.

You didn´t talk about the photos, they are differents ships, so something to say???

Why Illustrious went to Malvinas on August???

Why Invincible stay in the ocean from 14 June to 17 September??
she was the last ship to get to port, why??? all the crew of 1.000 men like fishing or what???

SHHHHHHH no body will answer to IrishDuck.
jajaja SHSHSHSHSSHH be quiet soldier. jejeje
:lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

your answers are not correct you don´t know nothing.

  • The attack and the impact existed

  • England never recognized it

  • There isn´t any registry of aerial activity from that aircraft carrier, from that date (may 30)…

  • Nobody knows where it was the Invincible from the 30 of May to July ends, which enter the disguised Illustrious like Invincible in Port Stanley.

  • Nobody can explain why the aircraft carrier do not touch land on June 14 (when the others ships, all the others including Hermes touched port Stanley or returned to England.

  • It is virtually impossible and irrational that the repairs have become to opened sea, with temperatures below cero and a few hours of light.

  • Nobody can´t explain why the second aircraft carrier entered disarmed, if it was the Illustrious it was operative from half-full of June (so may be the Ark Royal was there too)

  • Nobody can´t explain why HMS Illustrious (or Ark Royal??) returned immediately to UK (obviously to be finished and to be armed).


No, you read one book (which you have yet to provide an ISBN number and other proper bibliographic data for), and you have not interviewed anyone who has seen a smoking Invincible with their own eyes.


Have you been eating those strange Mexican mushrooms or licking toads by any chance?

Yes sir,
No body can explain, how a few plane of Argentine very old and with only two Exocet damaged to HMS Invincible.
SHHSHSHS the silent is here.
:twisted: :twisted:

AIDES, (or Ayudantes if you prefer,) if you mean this:

If you still think that there was over one thousand British fatalities, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, please answer the following question:

  1. Can you explain how that none of the relatives, none of the friends and none of the myriad of investigative journalists have ever managed ask where these alleged dead men are ?

Before you answer, don’t just say “it’s secret” - deaths on this scale cannot be hidden in the UK.
Or perhaps you assume that the British Government acted in the same way as Galtieri and ‘disappeared’ the relatives.
And all the friends.
And the journos.
And their colleagues.
And their relatives.
And their friends.
Ad infinitum.

Switzerland just isn’t that big !

Do you get the picture now ?

(For the love of God please somebody get AIDES to see the light ! No-one can be this dim !)

How can we explain something that didn’t happen?

Have you been eating those strange Mexican mushrooms or licking toads by any chance?[/quote]

Yes jajaj maybe, but could you give any explanation about the questions of Irishduck.
And the QUACK,QUACK begin to hit in this forum

hey girls answer it first…

I’m still waiting for some more information about Kolaphur Bhopal and his other Nepalese buddies named after various towns and geograpic features dotted around South East Asia.

And I’d also like to hear how we supposedly pulled a brand new carrier out of our arrses :roll: