Falklands Conflict

AIDES, I don’t need to use Google, I can speak to other people that were actually there.
You quite obviously were not as it all happened before you were born.

Now who should I believe ?
A political website written by a few rabid right-wingers who have a chip on thei shoulders ?
Or real blokes that were there and saw what happened ?

It’s quite a decision.


I think everything is covered there.


I think everything is covered there.[/quote]

ooo let´s see what you´ve found in your “google” mind…

July 1982, Month Four RN - SSN Courageous? Spartan, Valiant; SS Onyx; CV Hermes; DD Cardiff, Exeter; FR Broadsword, Active, Ambuscade, Minerva, Yarmouth; IPV Endurance; Despatch vessels Dumbarton Castle, Leeds Castle; Minesweepers Cordella, Farnella, Junella, Northella, Pict

RFA - RFA’s Engadine, Tidespring; LSL Sir Lancelot; Support tankers Appleleaf, Pearleaf, Plumleaf (already in Central Atlantic); RMAS Goosander (from Ascension)

MN - Transports Atlantic Causeway, Contender Bezant (makes 2nd trip), Nordic Ferry; Hospital ship/transport Uganda; Tankers Balder London, Eburna; Repair ship Stena Seaspread
RN - DD Birmingham, Southampton; FR Apollo, Bacchante, Danae, Diomede; MCMS Brecon, Ledbury and support ship St Helena

RFA - RFA Olwen

ARMY - RCT landing craft Antwerp, Arromanches

MN - Transport Avelona Star, Laertes
August 1982, Month Five RN - CV Invincible; DD Bristol; FR Avenger, Andromeda, Penelope; MCMS Brecon, Ledbury and support ship St Helena; Ambulance ship Hydra

RFA - RFA’s Olna, Regent, Tidepool (to Chilean Navy); Support tanker Bayleaf

MN - Transports Geestport, Laertes, Tor Caledonia; Dispatch vessel British Enterprise III; Mooring vessel Wimpey Seahorse
RN - CV Illustrious; FR Amazon, Battleaxe; Survey ship Hecate as ice patrol vessel

o yes, i was right, Illustrious was like a taxi to Malvinas, to UK, to Malvinas to UK,

aahah the invincible with the crew of 1.000 pour men…

it is not Illustrious, it is Ark Royal too.



Anybody can answer it???

don´t be shy, people want to know the rue.



Two super etendar and 4 douglas A4C with exocet and bomb of 250 K.
“And a sling” jejej I´m just kiding and put to HMS Invincible outside combat.

I can´t believe that, oh oh. The super England oh but now I´m thinking that is posible

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:oops: ,i was talking about the brits who think they know more about my country than me! :lol:

Go back to licking toads.


Why the HMS Invincible that left to the Falklands had the black tower, and when it arrived in September it had it of gray color?

Wow! A newspaper clipping from the State controlled media in a right-wing dictatorship! It must be true! :roll:

I’d still love to know how a carrier which was finished in 1985 took part in some huuuuge conspiracy involving aircraft carriers which took place in 1982 - and we still have 3 carriers? Did we have a spare hidden in some underwater cave or something?

This is getting more & more wierd, more and more crazy, and even less & less plausible (as if that could happen)!

Can any of you Southern American types please provide an original photo of a damaged HMS Invincible rather than a scanned tabloid photo?

I doubt it but thought the question relevant.

Go back to licking toads.[/quote]

Are you angry with me?

Come on, you Invincible is waiting in the ocean if you do not answer it will sunk again.



Why the HMS Invincible that left to the Falklands had the black tower, and when it arrived in September it had it of gray color?[/quote] 8)

Not really I feel more sorry for you, you sad, deluded person. It takes more than a fool on the internet to wind me up.

why you think im arkantos/irish duck?,i cannot be connected at the same time,i have different ip,im not from mexico.

and btw,you can see that my english is different from their.

also,irish duck asked you question,why don’t you reply?

where during the cold war could any western nation build “spare” warships?

AIDES - The word you are looking for regarding colours is - PAINT!

So, if I’m correct, the official position of the Argentinians is that the Falkland Islands belong to Argentina due to geographical proximity and and that the local population, which has been living there now for almost 200 years better f*ck off and go somewhere else?


I have to admit it, this Arkantos part of the AIDES personality is beginning to grow on me !
I picture him as Speedy Gonzales the cartoon mouse.

Jejejejejejejejejejeje !

Andele ! Andele ! Arrrrrrrrriba !



The thing is IF you provided proof of your claims we would probably be the first to accept them. However despite being asked on many occasions you have not done this have you?

Why if tabloids printed pictures of a supposed damaged HMS Invincible are the originals of these photos not available?

What about the list of made up Ghurka names?

etc etc etc

Prove what you say that’s all we’re asking.


Not really I feel more sorry for you, you sad, deluded person. It takes more than a fool on the internet to wind me up.[/quote]

Well I can see that you are really angry with me . But Why? Maybe you don´t have knowledge about the true History, oh you believe the all thing that the queen tell you.

Allowme say a few word.
First the Argentian army don´t have good equipment, It´s clear that in the night they couldn´t watch. If the army had one or two equipment for the nocturn vision isn´t enough for the all troops.
The bombs didn´t exploit.
The soldier without adapted clothes, they were still on Malvinas.
But nevertheless they fight with the cowardly England.
Kind regard my friends