Falklands Conflict

WALTHER,i consider your words totally offensive,you are having bad moods by posting that without any reason to support it.
reply the irish duck question before! if you want to participate.

retract from your dirty words now!.

Allowme say a few word.
First the Argentian army don´t have good equipment, It´s clear that in the night they couldn´t watch. If the army had one or two equipment for the nocturn vision isn´t enough for the all troops.
The bombs didn´t exploit.
The soldier without adapted clothes, they were still on Malvinas.
But nevertheless they fight with the cowardly England.

Please provide proof of the scale of issue for the night vision kit and give a comparison between the 2 forces I think you’ll find it to be the other way around.

Argentinian clothing was on the whole equal to if not superior to the British equivalents. The problem was lack of care for the mainly conscript soldiers by their own NCOs and Officers.

Bombs failing to explode was due to the false setting of fuses by ground personell.

Why do you find it offensive I find that to be a good summary of your main argument.

WALTHER,i consider your words totally offensive,you are having bad moods by posting that without any reason to support it.
reply the irish duck question before! if you want to participate.

retract from your dirty words now!.[/quote]

Erwin his post isnt offensive, he has no need to retract his words, it contains the acronym “For Unclean Carnal Knowledge” but is in now way offensive, if you cant moderate a site in a foreign language their is no shame in it, good effort but dont be so heavy handed.

I have to admit it, this Arkantos part of the AIDES personality is beginning to grow on me !
I picture him as Speedy Gonzales the cartoon mouse.

Jejejejejejejejejejeje !

Andele ! Andele ! Arrrrrrrrriba !

jeje are you funny You know why the United state created this cartoon “Speedy Gonzales”. The mouse represent to “Pancho Villa”, Pancho villa cross the frontier and kicked the ass of United State and then he escaped . He was very speedy jejjeje Andale cabrones arriba y arriba

Battleship grey is a difficult colour to sea agaisnt hte backdrop of the south Atlantic ocean - but no one ever said ships looked good in monotone grey.

If Argies were Chucking HE around my boat Id paint it in Battleship grey.
Returning to England having had a great ruck and thrown some jumped up dirty pre-pubescent conscript army out of our lands. Id want my ship looking excellent. Id therfore repaint my topsides, polish the brass work and maybe even spend a few days at sea doing a rinse down and repaint on the vessel to ensure she looks good for her rreturn up the channel.

The British take pride in their fleet - They jsut won a war at the end of a very long supply leg and came home smelling of roses, Id be roud and I wouldnt want an untidy or dirty ship on the front pages. Thus Id dig out hte paint and run a boot stripe round the funnels and every other place that was sure to be seen on photos. We had won the war there was no need to rush back!

Umm, have you ever considered that it was repainted en route? Sailors can do that kind of thing you know.

The pictures are down at the moment.

WALTHER,i consider your words totally offensive,you are having bad moods by posting that without any reason to support it.
reply the irish duck question before! if you want to participate.

retract from your dirty words now!.[/quote]

Erwin his post isnt offensive, he has no need to retract his words, it contains the acronym “For Unclean Carnal Knowledge” but is in now way offensive, if you cant moderate a site in a foreign language their is no

shame in it, good effort but dont be so heavy handed.[/quote]

I have this for you¡¡

Excocet from land jajja What surprise for the BPS

WALTHER,i consider your words totally offensive,you are having bad moods by posting that without any reason to support it.
reply the irish duck question before! if you want to participate.

retract from your dirty words now!.[/quote]

Erwin his post isnt offensive, he has no need to retract his words, it contains the acronym “For Unclean Carnal Knowledge” but is in now way offensive, if you cant moderate a site in a foreign language their is no

shame in it, good effort but dont be so heavy handed.[/quote]

I have this for you¡¡

Excocet from land jajja What surprise for the BPS


Was Erwin meant to post that perchance? Ooooops! you clutz!

I have one question for all of our South American friends. Can one of you supply a proper answer to this:

Let’s assum for a moment that our aircraft carriers were sunk. Let’s also assume (just for shits and giggles) that all of our planes were shot down, let’s also assume (for the hell of it) that all the white British soldiers were hiding behind the Gurkhas.

Now given all that, and the obvious superiority of the Argentinian forces over the British forces, how did one Brigade of light troops manage to completely defeat in a matter of weeks an enemy that outnumbered them three to one, was dug in on groung that couldn’t have been easier to defend, was better equipped and was far closer to home?

In short, how did we manage to kick your sorry excuse for an army of the FALKLAND ISLANDS, liberate the BRITISH islanders and still hold them 25 years later?

If the Argentinian army was so good, why does this document exist?

For those whose English isn’t great - it’s the SURRENDER treaty the Argentinians signed when they LOST South Georgia.

Why did the obviously victorious Argentians dump all of their shitty French armoured cars like this:

How did this British officer (clearly a POW since there’s no way we could have won), get so close to a shot down Argentinian aircraft?

Now listen in AIDES. You are a source of amusement to me, especially your Speedy Gonzales impressions, but try to keep to some facts eh ?

We picked up a shedload of US-made Argentinian issued, NV kit when they jacked, for which we are very thankful.
The eqpt issued at the time to the British Army and Royal Marines has been extremely well documented by many nations and wasn’t a patch on the stuff our opponents had.
If they had no NV kit as you claim how did they score so many hits, with for example the M2 ?

If you are talking about the bombs that hit a couple of RN ships, and a (Red Cross marked field hospital !) without exploding you are quite correct, and there are more than a few men who are mighty glad they were incorrectly set.

If ‘without adapted clothes’ means a lack of winter gear you couldn’t be more wrong.
Even the official Argentine photographs of the time show their troops in the lovely warm Dubon parkas. The boots were miles better than DMS too.
(Thanks again by the way :wink: )

I won’t ask you to explain the ‘cowardly England’ comment, I’d better give my ribs a rest.

Now please give me some more of your ‘jajajajajaja !’ and ‘Arrrrrrrriba !’ stuff.
I really like you when you do that.


May I remind you of this quote?

those little rocks are argentinian.
you can´t find such tipe of rock near england Wink .

The wishes of the islanders?,i have to say that you took a piss on the wishes of the islanders before you were there.and i really have a better idea for the wishes: send them back to the homeland!.

Im sure a guy with more knowledgment can help me,joining to this.

From thread

First page.

AFAIK, the goal was not only to make the Falklanders Argentinian citizens, but at the same time to order them to change their culture and language. Who didn’t like it was supposed to leave, possibly to make space for Argentinian settlers?

The world doesn’t work anymore like this. There exist a fewe British colonies in the Caribean. Britain would gladly get rid of them, since they cost the UK lots of money, but the people there want to stay British.


that is an old post which i promised to do not do again.

that’s low walther!.

i know they want to stay british!,if the people there were argentinians they will want to stay argentinian!.

jan,you are german?

Yes, I am, a native Berliner.


you lived in england?

Or they’d win a one way flight in a Herc?

So you are saying you no longer believe what you wrote in that post, you always have the option to edit (of course with an explanation why) otherwise people will think you still stand by it.

Edit: typo

Of course he’s German.
His parents were German.
That makes him… German.


that isn’t important for you.

the point is that i was trying to remain neutral,but the things are getting hotter here.

btw,as you see my posts,im not going offensive.



Why is the fact that Jan is German important to you? Must be otherwise you would not have asked.