Falklands Conflict

No. Quite the contrary, I know probably more about Ireland than Irish Duck, because I lived there for several years.


Quote from Erwin/IrishDuck/Arkantos

“Yes sir,
No body can explain, how a few plane of Argentine very old and with only two Exocet damaged to HMS Invincible.
SHHSHSHS the silent is here.”

Two Exocets damaged Invincible? Even in your drivel links they claim the mission carried the last remaining single Exocet!!!

Also Erwin/IrishDuck/Arkantos explain why there was such a delay in a response yesterday. During my post wondering why there was such deafening silence Arkantos registered. He then logged on (as per joining procedures) and then posted his first post a few hours later.

A post, like his others, is written in similar prose to Erwin and IrishDuck. A post which supports those other two, and has a similar hard on for the uniform of the Argie marines.

A post that Walther recently quoted showed Erwin asking for help from someone who knew more than he. Covienient that Irish Duck then showed up to help him, who claims to have studied/researched/spoken to vetrans.

I’m sure that the Royal Navy wished it was so easy to create support and extra manpower. I’m sure they needed it when they were trying to build a papier mache and plywood Invincible and wondering how the families would take to their loved ones being posted to the Antartic for the next 50 years!!!


Of course he’s German.
His parents were German.
That makes him… German.


and this is relationated with the topic,because im asking jan about his heritage to find the reasons why he supports totally the british.

Best Wishes!
and the joke of i wil ban myself (note that will is with two l and not one) is kinda boring and out off topic!

Hey!! came back to HMS Invincible, or you have no replies?

Nobody answered my questions.

The Invincible of 1982, was the R05? really?
please answer that.

I wouldn’t say being able to read some historical sources and make your mind up about the truth is supporting anyone?

Of course he’s German.
His parents were German.
That makes him… German.


and this is relationated with the topic,because im asking jan about his heritage to find the reasons why he supports totally the british.

Best Wishes!
and the joke of i wil ban myself (note that will is with two l and not one) is kinda boring and out off topic![/quote](My bold)

I know exactly what I wrote AIDES, as do all of Britcon ! :lol: :lol: :lol:


we are different persons
we have different knowledgments about this foreigner languague
we are different persons
we are posting from different computers
we are posting at the same time!.

this proves that we are different persons.

Argie don’t means nothing,the word you are searching for is argentine :wink: .

Why should we answer your questions AIDES ?
You avoid/ignore most of ours.

Yes it was and it had a N on the flight deck any more bone questions?

You have still yet to show a link to an original and not a fuzzy scanning of Invincible hit.

There is little or no point in continueing this discussion until you do Erwin.

Why should we answer your questions AIDES ?
You avoid/ignore most of ours.[/quote]

you can’t reply?

then he has the truth.

I support the selfdetermination of the peoples. My ancestors were in 1945 not asked if they wanted to leave their ancestral farms in East Prussia. On the other hand, my country people didn’t ask the Polish or other people in the occupied countries if they want to leave their land.

The British actually wanted to get rid og Gibraltar a few years ago, but the people there told them that they prefer to stay British.
The same way the people living in Ceuta and Melilla don’t want to become Moroccan and rather stay Spanish.
I also find the way how the British government pulled the citizenship from the Hong Kong people, so that they couldn’t emigrate to Europe when Hong Kong was handed over to the China, rather shabby.

The Falklanders decided that they want to stay British, and the British government has to respect this.


Why should we answer your questions AIDES ?
You avoid/ignore most of ours.[/quote]

you can’t reply?

then he has the truth.[/quote]

No he doesn’t, he has some shitty propaganda from a deranged right wing dictatorship. Why should we answer anymore of his questions, since he’s ignored everything we say to him?

Why should we answer your questions AIDES ?
You avoid/ignore most of ours.[/quote]

you can’t reply?

then he has the truth.[/quote]

  1. See post above yours, by 1000ydstare
  2. Your logic is kak.


All of us are now waiting for your response.

What is the difference between the Invincible in the Falklands and the one that sailed in to Portsmouth? FROM YOUR PICTURES!!!

Do not try to avoid this question. Answer it properly. If you can’t answer it properly then SHUT UP. Remember it took you long enough to post the photo of the so called proof.


HMS Invincible was R05 you mong!!!

It is clearly in the pictures below from a non British site.

This is from the starboard side.

See www.private.psi.com.pl/ pmw/wizyty/27061998/inv01.htm

Temper, temper!

I dont think Jan either supports or attacks us I think he can just tell the diference between statements supported by overwhelming facts and inane drivel spawned by the propaganda of a right wing dictatorship.

WTF are you on about now, link, evidence,proof???

Just have done mate.

The Invincible of 1982 was the R05.

Why the f*ckwit brought it up I have no idea!!! Obviously trying to make out that there was some kind of repaint or somesuch drivel.

He still hasn’t answered my big red question though.

And surprisingly enough no new members have joined us in the past 5 minutes to bore us with their take (similar in slant to erwins) on the war.

Although Cyberman who joined with Arkantos yesterday still hasn’t posted, nor has Erwin who joined at the same time has IrishDuck on the 29th.

Edited for grammer.

The phalanx, Invincible hadn´t got phalanx.
The tower.

And i´ve more …

So you say is the R05

Look this

HMS Invincible (R 07)
1999: Refit Portsmouth October

HMS Illustrious (R 06)
2000: Deployed to Gulf January 17, Atlantic January 19

HMS Ark Royal (R08)
1999: Rosyth naval base major Refit October


OOOOhhh so admitt it, Invincible didn´t came back to Portsmouth.

here more photos but they aren´t avaiable



R05 doesn´t exist for Royal Navy?? ooo yes it was sunk…