Falklands Conflict

A few of your countrymen said that in 1982 too :lol:[/quote]
that’s not funny

A few of your countrymen said that in 1982 too :lol:[/quote]

You c*nt! How do you get coke out of a monitor?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

that’s not funny[/quote]

Can we have a vote on that?

and it’s no more offensive than some of the BS that you and your muckers have been coming out with.

i´ve answer you in pages 11 i think.

atomic bomb.

Absolute crap IF your country was so scared of the atomic bomb why did they invade in the first place. I would also appreciate some links that back up this claim, or did you dream it up yesterday?

Clauss mate,

If the picture your on about (I can’t get the picture up on screen) is the one from a paper with “INVENCIBLE” written in the top left corner, it rubbish.

The exocet and the bombs, according to the “official” argie report came from the rear. Why would it slan in to the island on the side. The ship is still going hell for leather but the smoke is going to the right!!!

There are no extra people on the deck fightin gth e fire!!!

The harriers are still on deck.

Only one impact is shown despite claims of between 3 and 5 impacts (including an engine from a shot down plane sliding in to one of the elevators for the hanger deck and setting it alight, in one report) niether of the aircraft who took part in the first attack describe a fly over trajectory that would allow them to take this picture. And they are the only ones who could have, as the it only shows one hit, which could only be the exocet that arrived there first!!!

not a mistake, because the are saying the rue, the Invincible 1982 (R05) was sunk.

Erwin the “Moderator” has left the building.


the picture shows you the exocet impact only.
The SkyHawks hasn´t arrived yet.

i´ve answer you in pages 11 i think.

atomic bomb.[/quote]

But we never dropped the atomic bomb. How would we have got it to Argentina? The glorious FAA had destroyed every aircraft that Britain had ever owned, even the ones that other air forces had destroyed before. The Falklands was one big flaming mass of burning Tornadoes, Jaguars, Harriers, Hawks, Spitfires and Sopwith Camels. You’d sunk the Invincible, the Ark Royal, the Hood, the Victory and the Golden Hind. Twenty three million Gurkhas (and one white guy, who’d been hit by a car while delivering mail to the Gurkhas) were dead. Why did you army pull out so fast and leave all of their equipment behind? Surely the victorious army would have had time to load all of their kit back onto the cargo ships that had first brought it and go home at their own pace?

Have you actually followed the links on the site you say backs your argument?


It’s not even a decent fake though, I’ve got four year old cousins who could knock better up in ten minutes with a box of crayola and some A4 paper.[/quote]
:roll: …
it’s a picture of a newspaper (i guess) ,in b and w,and of 1982,what you want!,a jpg on a dvd!?

Ok picture is fake ,and friends all of you i must leave you becouse i am out :lol: :lol: this topic is not for me , :lol: :lol: :wink:

“not a mistake, because the are saying the rue, the Invincible 1982 (R05) was sunk”

Yesterday YOU claimed a massive coverup. So WHY would the Royal Navy paint the wrong number on a ship they were trying to pretend was never sunk!!!

If I was in the same room as you I would be slapping you untill you saw sense!!!

Is there anyone on this site now, that can’t see the idiocy of this muppets arguement.

Apart from Erwin and Arkantos.

i´ve answer you in pages 11 i think.

atomic bomb.[/quote]

But we never dropped the atomic bomb. How would we have got it to Argentina? The glorious FAA had destroyed every aircraft that Britain had ever owned, even the ones that other air forces had destroyed before. The Falklands was one big flaming mass of burning Tornadoes, Jaguars, Harriers, Hawks, Spitfires and Sopwith Camels. You’d sunk the Invincible, the Ark Royal, the Hood, the Victory and the Golden Hind. Twenty three million Gurkhas (and one white guy, who’d been hit by a car while delivering mail to the Gurkhas) were dead. Why did you army pull out so fast and leave all of their equipment behind? Surely the victorious army would have had time to load all of their kit back onto the cargo ships that had first brought it and go home at their own pace?[/quote]

polaris class, Will i vaeto explian all??
a ship was going to Argentina.
Maggy planned to attack Cordoba, with an aomic bomb, all people in Argentina know that.
And all know that the Invincible was attacked too.

It’s not even a decent fake though, I’ve got four year old cousins who could knock better up in ten minutes with a box of crayola and some A4 paper.[/quote]
:roll: …
it’s a picture of a newspaper (i guess) ,in b and w,and of 1982,what you want!,a jpg on a dvd!?[/quote]

Nope, but a picture that makes sense would be nice. Couple of things I’ve noticed looking at it again - the holes in the side of the ship go directly to the lower hangar - so why is there no smoke coming out of there? Why are there no people on deck fighting the fire? Why is the ship still going full speed into the wind and not stopping? Why has the plane taking the photo not been shot down? Why is the smoke going off to one side and not backwards (as it should be given the speed the ship is clearly going).

The duck said

“the picture shows you the exocet impact only.
The SkyHawks hasn´t arrived yet.”

So who took the fcking pictures then? The fcking exocets engine?

You sub standard mong

Just a link to a jpg quality pic will do, if this is a true photo then there is bound to be an original knocking about somewhere, or maybe all the originals, negatives etc got detroyed in a freak flood/fire/tornado (insert catastrophe of choice) or maybe just maybe they were faked by the Junta run rag that calls itself a paper.

Are you thick or being deliberately argumentative?


How the fuck do you (or any other Argentinian) know what Maggie was planning? Was it in the same papers that reported that all of the disappeared were terrorists and enemies of the people?