Falklands Conflict

if the RN painted the “Invincible” as R05, is because they don´t want to twll the true!!!

Imagine this, Argentina, a country that hasn´t got experience in war sunk a stupid carrier.
With an exocet and two bombs.

hahaha where do you think that they would sell another carrier if people know is a shit.???

Yes please do tell all:

Which submarine?
Who informed “all the people” of this fact?
Provide a link that backs up this claim!

The last carriers we sold were to Brazil and India in the 1970s.

What happened to the crew of the Invincible after it was sunk?

Are you thick or being deliberately argumentative?


How the fuck do you (or any other Argentinian) know what Maggie was planning? Was it in the same papers that reported that all of the disappeared were terrorists and enemies of the people?[/quote]

heyy stay calm, don´t get nervous.

i thought british were chivalrious

Where is your chivalry?

I’d only be nervous if i was alone in a room with you and didn’t have my back to a wall.

Tell me exactly what chivalry is please?

Yes please do tell all:

Which submarine?
Who informed “all the people” of this fact?
Provide a link that backs up this claim![/quote]

links, links, you people are only in a chair and search in google.

You have to move your ass, ask people, to get to the true.


I’d only be nervous if i was alone in a room with you and didn’t have my back to a wall.

Tell me exactly what chivalry is please?[/quote]
chivalry?,oh,caballeros,you are known as gentleman,but,you are proving that is wrong.

you don’t have gentleman moods.

Yes please do tell all:

Which submarine?
Who informed “all the people” of this fact?
Provide a link that backs up this claim![/quote]

links, links, you people are only in a chair and search in google.

You have to move your ass, ask people, to get to the true.[/quote]


I have googled it and found nothing, now post your links.

chivalry?,oh,caballeros,you are known as gentleman,but,you are proving that is wrong.

you don’t have gentleman moods

Don’t I? You’ll find that being a gentleman is not considered high on the list of qualities needed for a good soldier.

I know which one I’d rather be.

Being a true gentleman is an important quality,for all occupations!.

and i will guess the other you think…Having the otan at your side?

eh? What’s the second bit supposed to mean then?

Think he means NATO either that or Orang-otan


Think he means NATO either that or Orang-otan[/quote]

I reckon so, I don’t see what either have to do with being a gentleman or a good soldier though? Unless Clyde does elecution and weapon handling lessons?

Which shows how little you know about
(a) Naval operations
(b) Photography

IA for a ship fire is to slow the ship as much as possible - the ship in that photo is going flat out. It’s not even a decent fake.[/quote]

BDL mate i tell they looks like screwd up ,not tell he is finish ,you are in right i know very litle about battleships ,i only tell what i saw thats all.[/quote]

see, only british don´t want to believe…

come on accept, Invincible was attacked in 1982.

OK then provide proof that you have talked to people who may know something Names, military numbers and record of service.

Most of the people, including myself, you are arguing with are either serving or ex-british military we have lots of people to ask, in my case also in my family. My cousin served in the Falklands during the war. Who are you quoting so far you have provided no real proof tfor your half-cocked theories that so far are on a par with the Area 51 etc conspiracy shite.

The duck wrote

"if the RN painted the “Invincible” as R05, is because they don´t want to twll the true!!! "

Less than an hour ago you told us you had found proof that Invincible was R07.

WHat is it to be?

Go away, do some research come back.

and answer my question

what is wrong with the island of the Invincible that came back to Portsmouth!!!

I talked with lots of veterans of Malvinas in argentine side.

I talk with Ureta and Isaac, they drops the bombs to your Invincible.


Then, you aren´t an expert in photos, so you can´t say nothing.

A man came here and say that the photo was true, and saw differences, i´m not the crazy.

Only you and your friends don´t want to see the real things.

I think you see too much tv.

And i showed the photo to lots of experts and the say it was real.
If you don´t want to accept the true is you problem.

Actually duck.

Clauss is actually quite intelligent. He admitted later that he wasn’t fully aware of the facts of the situation in discussion or did he know much about navel war.

He put his opinion forward which you have chose to misuse, and then withdrew from the forum.

In between school and university, I worked for a few weeks on a ship on the Baltic sea, which was built of steel.

Steel rusts, especially if exposed to saltwater. The typical job of a sailor on a steel ship during cruise, when nothing else is to be done, is to remove rust and repaint the ship.
I don’t think that the Royal Navy works in this aspect differently than any other military or civilian ship. The return journey from the Falklands took several weeks, and I’ll bet that the petty officers gave the matelots plenty of buckets of paint, paint brushes and angle grinders to a) keep them busy and b) get the ship into a nice shape for the return to port.

