Falklands Conflict

and you… what are you waitng for??

you are a litlle child that no nothing about Malvinas.

I for one am waiting for proof from you.

I think I’m a damn sight older then you!


Prove it??? how??

experts, technicians in photos

I for one am waiting for proof from you.

I think I’m a damn sight older then you![/quote]

this message was to 1000ydstare

You said you showed it to an “expert” therefore you know who this expert is and what makes him an expert.

Therefore I would like his name and his qualifications that make him an expert.

i´ve answer you in pages 11 i think.

atomic bomb.[/quote]

But we never dropped the atomic bomb. How would we have got it to Argentina? The glorious FAA had destroyed every aircraft that Britain had ever owned, even the ones that other air forces had destroyed before. The Falklands was one big flaming mass of burning Tornadoes, Jaguars, Harriers, Hawks, Spitfires and Sopwith Camels. You’d sunk the Invincible, the Ark Royal, the Hood, the Victory and the Golden Hind. Twenty three million Gurkhas (and one white guy, who’d been hit by a car while delivering mail to the Gurkhas) were dead. Why did you army pull out so fast and leave all of their equipment behind? Surely the victorious army would have had time to load all of their kit back onto the cargo ships that had first brought it and go home at their own pace?[/quote]

polaris class, Will i vaeto explian all??
a ship was going to Argentina.
Maggy planned to attack Cordoba, with an aomic bomb, all people in Argentina know that.
And all know that the Invincible was attacked too.[/quote]

Nuclear strike on Cordoba, my @rrse.

Do a nuclear first strike against Argentina, a country without nuclear weapons and this way get the whole world population against them. :roll:

Face it:
The war was started by a right wing military dictatorship which f*cked up domestically. To save themselves they played the nationalist card and invaded the Falklands, missjudging a planned withdrawal of troops by the British, (which happened due to cost cutting) as a British retreat.

Then, after the invasion, p*ssing off the local population by nonsense laws (introduction of Spanish language as official language, even though very few people there speak English).

Against all expectations the British set up a task force and defeat Argentina against all odds (numerical superiority and shorter line of communications), though individual argentinian units fought bravely and scored some successes.

Argentina has to surrender and withdraw, the government refuses thousands of angry POWs to return to Argentina.
Government tries to save face by publishing propaganda.
Doesn’t work, government gets kicked out of office.
20 years later econoomy is in shit again, domestic problems in Argentina, politicians try to play nationalist card again, using old propaganda, to a generation (Erwin etc.) who haven’t even been born or were little children when the war happened.

You guys have absolutely no knowledge about Europe. The largescale coverups you describe are absolutely impossible over here.


"You said you showed it to an “expert” therefore you know who this expert is and what makes him an expert.

Therefore I would like his name and his qualifications that make him an expert."

You don´t know this person and i don´t want to tell his name, call someone expert and show him the photo.
Remember that I extracted the photo from the tv screen.

Actually, Irish Duck is entirely right. Buenos Aries was actually nuked in July 1982. I have the proof:

It’s definitely true because my mate Dave flew the Vulcan that dropped the bomb and he took the picture, and I’ve shown it to some experts (Dave’s basset hound, Hairy Axe Wound) and they say it’s definitely real.

You’ve convinced me! :lol:

i confirm that you are a little boy who know how tu use “the paint”.

Also, Argentina is now a British colony, the building flying the Union Flag is the Queen’s official residence in Argentina, The Falklands Palace

It looks more realistic than that shite picture of a Invincible you posted.

HMS Invincible (R 05)
SUNK IN 1982

HMS Invincible (R 07)
1999: Refit Portsmouth October

HMS Illustrious (R 06)
2000: Deployed to Gulf January 17, Atlantic January 19

HMS Ark Royal (R08)
1999: Rosyth naval base major Refit October


good nights :lol:

Except that Invincible being sunk in 1982 isn’t mentioned on that site.

yes, but R05 isn´t mention.

that proves that UK have 3 carriers, but their rename Invincible.

The HMS Invincible 1982, the R05 where is??

No it doesn’t, it does link to the HMS Invincible home page though:

The present Invincible, which is the sixth ship of the Royal Navy to bear the name and the first of the Invincible Class of Anti-Submarine Warfare Carriers, was laid down at the Barrow-in-Furness yard of Vickers Shipbuilders Limited in July 1973 and was launched by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II on 3 May 1977. She served with distinction in the Falklands Campaign in 1982, in the Adriatic Operation ‘DENY FLIGHT’ between 1993 and 1995 and in the bombing campaign ‘DELIBERATE FORCE’ in Bosnia in 1995. More recently, in 1998 and 1999, her FA2 Sea Harriers flew air combat patrols to enforce the No-Fly Zone over Southern Iraq during Operation ‘BOLTON’. This was followed by a short notice Operational deployment to the Balkans to take part in Operation ‘ALLIED FORCE’ where, once again, the FA2 Sea Harriers provided protection for NATO air forces whilst her helicopters supported the aid programme to refugees during the height of the Crisis.

Strangely no mention of having a spare HMS Invincible, or of the 500 odd clones of the crew they had to make after the originals were all killed in the Falklands War on that site either.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Stop it you barstewards ! I’ve got tears of laughter ruing down my cheeks here !

I go away for a couple of hours and it’s like a good night in the NAAFI !
The last five or six pages have had me doubled up in my chair !

This is really funny !

(Where have the three stooges got to ? I prefer it when he can get all the personalities working.)

The HMS Invincible 1982, the R05 where is??

At the minute it’s in Portsmouth I think