Falklands Conflict

“See what happens when you mess with the British?”

o yes?

what´s up with Coventry, Galahad, Tristam, Conveyor, Sheffield, Foxtrot 4, Ardent, Antelope, Invincible, remember?? or i will have to show in pictures?


Very funny!!! BDL or maybe BPS

This also is true.

that’s not funny[/quote]

Can we have a vote on that?

and it’s no more offensive than some of the BS that you and your muckers have been coming out with.[/quote]

Come on, you must admit that it really was funny !

I’m with Fuchs on this one - shall we have a poll ?

That’ll be too easy - you won’t have to rely on faked pictures for most of them !

But crack on if you really feel you must.

(The words of Sir Arthur Harris are in the back of my mind… :smiley: )

Well all but Invincible were sunk in the war, but since we won the war anyway, I guess they didn’t matter in the big scheme of things.

That’s what happens when you start wars with the British - you lose.

These pictures are from Margaret Thatchers period in office, they were freely available in any red-top and most Broadsheet newspapers they were not suppressed by government censors. Margaret Thatcher was not a popular woman and the nation did rise in arms against her.

Which working class family do you imagine would lose a son, brother or Father in the Falklands campaign and keep it quiet so as to HELP Thatcher. The only people that Hate Thatcher more than the northern Working classes are the Argentinians she beat to a pulp in a desire to regain popularity.

Britain in 1982 was a democracy our people willingly protested against Thatchers Government. The Loss of several hundred servicemen in the South Atlantic would not be kept quiet by the dissafected population. Unemployment was huge problem in the 1980’s At least one shipyard made huge redundancies during the period (Ask Irish Duck) Shipyards would not be closing if we were making “secret spare” warships.

  • Edit, the shipyards were closed so that we would have surplus shipwrights that we could send to Sandown in the Izzl of wiggit and build the spare carrier

I thought so. That BPS wouldn’t be a personal insult would it? I wouldn’t want to have to run to teacher would I?

Go to sleep britain that now is so late and mom will give a spank in your but. jujjuijuijui jajajajajaja.
But you can dream with this reality

Are we really going to post a picture of every ship sank, aircraft show down and vehicle destroyed in the war? We’ll be here all night and it won’t change the fact that the Argentinians got cheeky, tried it on and got spanked.

Ship is stationary
hoses are playing water over the hull.
smoke is hanging
crew are on deck evacuating
crew are fighting the fire.

Doesnt look like that other photo does it.

Live Mexico!!! ¡¡¡¡And Great Glory for Argentina and All Argentian, because they really have blood in their veins, and their price is biggest!!!

Pity their army can’t fight then, isn’t it?

Oh, this has to be the most hilarious conspiracy theory I’ve ever heard!

  1. Argentinian pilot looses an exocet at a big blip on the radar, out of visual range.
  2. This is on an Argentinian national holiday.
  3. Missile hits Atlantic Conveyor, which sinks.
  4. Argies claim that Invincible has gone down for propaganda purposes, and publishes a photograph in a Junta-controlled newspaper taken from an impossible angle with badly photoshopped smoke going in the wrong direction and not coming out of where it should have, with the ship still steaming forwards at full speed with no firefighting crews on deck, and harriers still in position.
  5. Britain then dresses up Illustrious, or is it Ark Royal (even though it was not finished until 1985, but let’s not let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?) as Invincible, “disappears” the whole crew of Invincible without any outcry in a democratic country.
  6. Britain then constructs a secret shipyard on the Falklands that only the Argentines know about (not the Brits nor the Islanders) and makes a replacement Invincible, which it sails back later (so said Erwin on MSN).
  7. “evidence” for the above comes from one uncorroborated source only, and some misquoted ID numbers from some Spam site. All corroboratable evidence is discounted immediately as false, as this one random source clearly knows the truth and not the rest of the world.
  8. 3 (or is it 1?) mongs try to argue this conspiracy against the overwhelming evidence presented against them, refuse to answer direct questions whilst demanding that the other side produce all kinds of evidence…
  9. To cap it all, one of the mongs thinks he is being neutral! :smiley:

C’mon, really, this story makes the JFK conspiracy, Area 51, and the moon-landings faking conspiracy seem not only rational, but eminently plasuible!

i´ve answer you in pages 11 i think.

atomic bomb.[/quote]

But we never dropped the atomic bomb. How would we have got it to Argentina? The glorious FAA had destroyed every aircraft that Britain had ever owned, even the ones that other air forces had destroyed before. The Falklands was one big flaming mass of burning Tornadoes, Jaguars, Harriers, Hawks, Spitfires and Sopwith Camels. You’d sunk the Invincible, the Ark Royal, the Hood, the Victory and the Golden Hind. Twenty three million Gurkhas (and one white guy, who’d been hit by a car while delivering mail to the Gurkhas) were dead. Why did you army pull out so fast and leave all of their equipment behind? Surely the victorious army would have had time to load all of their kit back onto the cargo ships that had first brought it and go home at their own pace?[/quote]

polaris class, Will i vaeto explian all??
a ship was going to Argentina.
Maggy planned to attack Cordoba, with an aomic bomb, all people in Argentina know that.
And all know that the Invincible was attacked too.[/quote]

Nuclear strike on Cordoba, my @rrse.

Do a nuclear first strike against Argentina, a country without nuclear weapons and this way get the whole world population against them. :roll:

Face it:
The war was started by a right wing military dictatorship which f*cked up domestically. To save themselves they played the nationalist card and invaded the Falklands, missjudging a planned withdrawal of troops by the British, (which happened due to cost cutting) as a British retreat.

Then, after the invasion, p*ssing off the local population by nonsense laws (introduction of Spanish language as official language, even though very few people there speak English).

Against all expectations the British set up a task force and defeat Argentina against all odds (numerical superiority and shorter line of communications), though individual argentinian units fought bravely and scored some successes.

Argentina has to surrender and withdraw, the government refuses thousands of angry POWs to return to Argentina.
Government tries to save face by publishing propaganda.
Doesn’t work, government gets kicked out of office.
20 years later econoomy is in shit again, domestic problems in Argentina, politicians try to play nationalist card again, using old propaganda, to a generation (Erwin etc.) who haven’t even been born or were little children when the war happened.

You guys have absolutely no knowledge about Europe. The largescale coverups you describe are absolutely impossible over here.


1nuclear strike to cordoba,true


Do a nuclear first strike against Argentina, a country without nuclear weapons and this way get the whole world population against them. :roll:

and?,bush has the support of all the world population?,the atomic bomb wasn’t sent to hiroshima?,they have power ,jan,they don’t care of the people.


Face it:
The war was started by a right wing military dictatorship which f*cked up domestically. To save themselves they played the nationalist card and invaded the Falklands, missjudging a planned withdrawal of troops by the British, (which happened due to cost cutting) as a British retreat.

old boy,pleople wanted and wants the islands,not only gaLTIERI.


Then, after the invasion, p*ssing off the local population by nonsense laws (introduction of Spanish language as official language, even though very few people there speak English).

very few?,primary,secondary,some university careers,we learn english,im sure at least the 30% of our population speak correctly english


Against all expectations the British set up a task force and defeat Argentina against all odds (numerical superiority and shorter line of communications), though individual argentinian units fought bravely and scored some successes.

yeah,brits had comunications advantage,better navy,proffesional troops,gurkhas!,satellites,support of usa,france and most of the world.
come on!


Argentina has to surrender and withdraw, the government refuses thousands of angry POWs to return to Argentina.
Government tries to save face by publishing propaganda.
Doesn’t work, government gets kicked out of office.
20 years later econoomy is in shit again, domestic problems in Argentina, politicians try to play nationalist card again, using old propaganda, to a generation (Erwin etc.) who haven’t even been born or were little children when the war happened.
im not that old. i was born in 1984!,galtieri finished in the 82!!!.When i was chid i lived under left extremist propaganda who hated galtieri,and this continues!


You guys have absolutely no knowledge about Europe. The largescale coverups you describe are absolutely impossible over here.

:lol: :lol: :lol: ,are you kidding? (YES)

The Execution
Of the five pilots of the Air Force who were sent towards “Rio Grande”, is probable that the head of the squadron and the one of single section knew the target. The rest of them single tapeworm one devises vague of which they were going to do. They found out it just in the pre-flight meeting of the 29 of May. Passed the noon the pilots they are informed into who the mission was cancelled, which relaxes them and it makes them return the appetite. Nevertheless the hunger lasts to them little, because during the lunch they take knowledge that the mission was not cancelled but single posponed. The beginning of the new day reunited to all the pilots who would participate in the mission for the new planning. There were certain conditions that had to be fulfilled to continue or to abort the mission: If they failed two Skyhawk, if they failed the Super Etendard, or if it failed a Hercules, the mission aborted. The same it would happen to be enemy poles of radar. And obvious, of not finding the target in the considered position. In the final phase of attack, the Super Etendard would become position of navigation, and when shooting the missile would return to the base. The A4 would follow the wake of the missile until being with the target and unloading their pumps, increasing the destructive power of the Exocet. Unlike most of the missions in which the airplanes of the Air Force were armed with a single pump, in this mission the A4 carried 3 pumps of 500 pounds each one, slowed down by parachute. The cisterns with the Ranquel indicative took off from River Galician to 11 hs. 25 min. Like previous separately, Litrenta Air force lieutenant colonel to the control of the Ranquel 1 and Noe Air force lieutenant colonel in Ranquel 2 made their navigation to be on the area of resupply in time and forms. To 12 hs. 43 min took off the Super Etendard with the indicative Wing and five 4 minutes later did Skyhawk with the Zonda indicative, being earth Paredi Lieutenant. Shortly after taking off and with the taken course, Zonda 4, Isaac Lieutenant inform to him to the squadron commander who its artificial horizon did not work, and receive the order to return to base. In return way, the head of the swarm already indicates to him to Zonda 4 that she does not leave the mission, and as of this moment, Isaac makes a solitary navigation to meet with the rest of the airplanes that went to resupply. The skill and the experience of the previous days cause that the 8 airplanes are at the moment and the decided place to fulfill the filling of tanks. Each airplane of attack makes two resupplies without no type of disadvantage, while they maintain a northeastern course by almost 200 kilometers. Being well to the south of the considered position of the target, the six airplanes battle separate of the Ranquel, and initiate a bite towards the waves, for the final route bombing. Flying to about ten meters of the waves, when arriving at thirty miles of the probable point where is the target, the Wing one hundred meters by on the sea rise about and emit radar to detect the exact position of the target. Without luck, they return to descend and they continue the course by a small time interval but, always with the Zonda following them. To the second emission of radar, the sailors detect to their target, enter the coordinates to the electronics of the missile and, to a distance of approximately 24 miles (about 38 kilometers), they send I complete Exocet that they had. When completing the maneuver, both Super Etendard, with a violent turn towards the left initiates the return to Grande River, whereas the Zonda accelerates their A4 to the maximum to follow the wake that leaves the missile. The cruise speed of the A.M. 39 Exocet is of approximately once and average the sonic speed. As the Skyhawk with their turbine to maximum single power can reach a speed of about 900 kilometers per hour, soon they lose of Vista to the missile. Between the 15 and 13 kilometers before the target, the pilots begin to perceive his ahead humareda that produces on the target the impact of the missile. He is in this point in where the Skyhawk of First Vazquez Lieutenant is demolished, supposedly by a missile It is Dart. The plane of C 301 was given off and exploded its fuel tanks. For Mr. Jefe of Squadron there were no ejection possibilities. The three Zonda remaining continued with the course and altitude. Closely together of the target, to a little but of three kilometers, another one It is Dart reaches to the airplane of the First Lieutenant Castle. First Ureta Lieutenant enters to him the ship from starboard, whereas Isaac Lieutenant does almost from stern. Both drop their bombs, beat and begin to flee each one by their side not without letting carry out evasive maneuvers, at the greater possible speed and always in grazing. Both Hawks were very far from their base, and with not much combustible wasting. They needed to be united to the tanker ones. The meeting was predicted in a position to the south of the Falklands, to about 80 kilometers of distance. To resupply just in that situation, in where the maneuver demands a certain stable flight time, and with the enemy in alert to be attacked, is not for anything reassuring. Time before, the crew of the cisterns had seen happen to the Wing that returned after to have sent the missile. These, with a warping, declined the offer to resupply and they went directly to Grande River. Moments later, the crew of Ranquel 1 sights two points that approach from the northeast. The uncertainty to not know if they are enemy friendly airplanes or soon happens, when identifying them like the Zonda who returns. They begin to resupply, but as Litrenta Air force lieutenant colonel did not know that the rest of the squadron would not even return it maintained a delay course. Finally I ask for radio the Hawks on a fate suffered by the rest of the squadron and when knowing it, it maintained course towards the base. All landed in Grande River, with fuel emergency, after the attack mission but it releases of all the war, and after 2800 kilometers crossed. Make click in the image to extend Up to here we arrived it. The facts narrated here, correspond to which were counted by Argentine sources. But to count what follows, I suggest to him rereads quickly what I say on the information in the introduction of this note. The information the British version does not deny the existence of this mission, but it denies fully that the reached ship has been the HMS Invinsible. Some English sources, affirm that the ships attacked of May by the the 30 Wing and the Zonda were frigate HMS Avenger and destroyer HMS Exeter, whereas others indicate that the ship attacked was the rest of the porthole containers Atlantic Conveyor, that outside destroyed in the previous attack of the Naval aviation of the 25 of May. In the beginning of this story, it mentioned the importance for the Armed Forces and the government of counting on information, and the urgent necessity in the days of war to handle the same one suitably. The British already had committed an error the 4 of May, when informing that the HMS Sheffield had been sunk by the impact of a naval Exocet. Then, not even the French, whom they had designed and constructed the missile, knew if serious the weapon effective. In addition, the Argentineans we did not have means to know on which ship had gone off, as thus either the results of such attack. We found out that the weapon system worked and as was own the lowered target of mouth of the English. With running of the conflict, the continuous BBC informing on the events into the war, in many cases exaggerating the lost Argentineans and diminishing the British. This can be not very ethical but he is understandable, and it serves to maintain discharge the moral of the troops, and so that the public opinion store not to let support to the governmental decisions. But to inform that the second ship in importance of the Group of Tasks was made unusable, after to have suffered so many lost previous, nonsingle would be a hard blow for the ambitions of reconquers English, but that in addition vital information would constitute from the tactical point of view for our aviation. On the other hand, the perception of the British when facing this conflict was the one of a species of stroll by the seas of the south in where, with single throwing shots, they would cause that the defense crumbled. They did not count on national aviation battle. As the conflict extended and the lost ones of ships were accentuated, the town ingles began to include/understand that picnic of the Task Force to the south was full of moscardones to reaction that to him the modern boats military but of the world destroyed. Many unofficial Argentine versions of this attack exist, but but interesting it is that an official version of the same one exists, endorsed by our Air Force, institution that depends and comprises of the Argentine State. Nevertheless a British official version of the same one does not exist. The government of his Majesty has cajoneado everything what has to do with this action, protecting it in the state secret, that according to its laws, single will be able to see the light within eighty years. To the being this thus, arises a question to me that does not have anything to do with military analyses, but single with the common sense: What necessity has the government ingles to hide information about an attack to its aircraft carrier that was not successful? It wanted to analyze from the point of view of the tactics, some data that offer the British versions of this attack.
British version (1)
What in fact they attacked the WING and the ZONDA was the rest of the Atlantic Conveyor: this porthole containers was attacked the 25 of May. Fire and the drift is had left. The position at the time of the attack was approximately of about 75 kilometers to the northeast of Argentine Port. When I mount the attack to the Invincible, the approximate coordinates where the flying ones went were a point that distaba about 160 kilometers to the east of Argentine Port. The question is: Can a ship to the drift and on the verge of sinking to cross almost 100 kilometers? Supposing that if could: So that to take it to the protection of the battle group if it did not have any utility?

[b]British version /b What in fact they attacked the WING and the ZONDA was the Avenger and the Exeter: my experience in boats is reduced to to have traveled a pair of times by the delta of the Tiger, and to to have seen from the wharf some corvettes in the port of Buenos Aires. Nevertheless, I can recognize when a boat is an aircraft carrier or no. With but reason, the pilots who arrived and beat to the target, that studied the silhouette of the same one, which during previous days they have learned to discern to destroyers and frigates in its incursions by San Carlos, do not doubt in affirming that they attacked the Invincible. On the other hand, and beyond of which the silhouette of an aircraft carrier difference of the silhouette of a destroyer or frigate, is clearly good for remembering that the Invinsible has a length of 206 meters, against the 125 of the Exeter and the 117 of the Avenger. To confuse resemblances differences of length and appearance, still in the pressure state in which were our pilots seems to me absurd. But there is a data but to consider. Something that mentions Litrenta Air force lieutenant colonel, to the control of the Ranquel 1, the tanker one that waited for the return of the Hawks during the mission: It affirms that, at the time of the attack, it receives a message of the Falklands radar informing that all the enemy airplanes rise to a height of 12000 meters. This is made to fly in a less dense atmosphere and therefore to save fuel. If we consider that in all the war, the English interceptors left to the encounter of the enemy bombers, flying to the same altitude that they, I deduce that the only reason by whom then all these huntings needed to take height to save fuel it is that they had remained without track in where to land and they had to stay in the air until it was guided to them one.

Where to start in all this clap trap?

  1. Nuclear strike to Cordoba - Bollocks. Post one piece of evidence from a respected media source.

  2. Hiroshima was a world war. Tha Falklands were a small regional conflict. Completely different circumstances.

  3. As many people can want the islands as they want - the islands are British, the people are British, the people want to be British. END OF STORY.

  4. Why did they try and force the islanders to speak Spanish (despite the fact that virtually none of them could)?

  5. The British forces were 12000 miles from home, the Argentinians were a few hundred miles. How is that a comms advantage to Britain? What difference do the Gurkhas make? They were one Battalion, and only had a very small part in one battle. We had no material support from any other country - we were completely alone. France helped you more than us.

  6. You were born 2 years after the war - why do you keep on arguing about it? You clearly have no idea what really happened.

  7. No he’s not. The kind of covers up you lot are coming out with could not happen in western Europe.

You want an example of how difficult it is to cover something up in Europe?

Take the Dr David Kelly “suicide”. The paramedics attending were told not to talk about it (slit wrists but very little blood loss), but even so, a few weeks later one of them talked! So now we know that something is fishy!

Porton Down tests of chemical wpns on soldiers - they were told not to talk, some of them did.

Nothing, but NOTHING is capable of being covered up in Europe - somebody will talk. Some of them will then end up taking a little “walk” like poor old David Kelly. But some of them will always talk.

i´ve answer you in pages 11 i think.

atomic bomb.[/quote]

But we never dropped the atomic bomb. How would we have got it to Argentina? The glorious FAA had destroyed every aircraft that Britain had ever owned, even the ones that other air forces had destroyed before. The Falklands was one big flaming mass of burning Tornadoes, Jaguars, Harriers, Hawks, Spitfires and Sopwith Camels. You’d sunk the Invincible, the Ark Royal, the Hood, the Victory and the Golden Hind. Twenty three million Gurkhas (and one white guy, who’d been hit by a car while delivering mail to the Gurkhas) were dead. Why did you army pull out so fast and leave all of their equipment behind? Surely the victorious army would have had time to load all of their kit back onto the cargo ships that had first brought it and go home at their own pace?[/quote]

polaris class, Will i vaeto explian all??
a ship was going to Argentina.
Maggy planned to attack Cordoba, with an aomic bomb, all people in Argentina know that.
And all know that the Invincible was attacked too.[/quote]

This is absolute bullshit!
Do you know what would have happened if the Britain would have done a nuclear first strike over a few islands in the South Atlantic? They would have become the paria of the world.

It would have caused the UK to be kicked out of Europe.
Every other country in the world would have stood against them.

And Thatcher would probably have been sent to prison by an enraged British population.

The only excuse I have for Erwin et al is that they are very young and have either not yet been born by the time of the war or were little children.

You are still falling for the propaganda published by your old dictators, who couldn’t admit that they started an irresponsible adventure, they fcked up and needed excuses for their failure (Though individual Argentine soldiers fought well and even scored in a few operations).
Today there are politicians again in Argentina, who play the nationalist card because they f
ck up at home.

And BTW, concerning ship’s paint jobs. In between school and university I spent a few weeks working on board of a ship on the Baltic Sea.
Ships made of steel tend to rust, especially if they are exposed to sea water.
The standard job of sailors during cruise, when there is nothing else to do, is to remove rust and to repaint the ship, a job that never ends.

Unless the Royal Navy uses different procesdures than about any other miltary or civilian ship, the sailors were issued angle grinders, paint brushes and paint buckets by their bosuns, a) to keep them busy on the long trip home (several weeks) and b) to get the ship back into shape before arriving in the UK.


So far nobody to spoken on the content of the secret act, but surely one of the main points is the great losses of human lives that the United Kingdom has undergone, during Gesta of the Falklands. Without also forgetting, the loss of great amount of vehicles of displacement, as much aerial as marine. The British official numbers are of 255 fallen and 777 wounded ones. If the single fact that is taken into account the attacker always has more losses than the defender, that number is totally absurd and mentirosa. Next one is to day day the losses that day 23 underwent Great Britain from its arrival to the Georgias of April to the 14 of June of 1982, when the islands are usurped again. References: Whenever a “+” are observed, it is because the stimado number of casualties is greater than the real one.
23/04: 1 (1) Cae helicopter Is King in Georgias. 01/05: 10 (2) Two harriers destroyed near Argentine Port. 8 sailors die before the attacks of the FAA to the following ships: HMS Arrow (1+), HMS Exeter(1), HMS Glamorgan (2), aircraft carrier HMS Hermes (1+), HMS Alacrity (3+). 02/05: 1 It is Harrier in Argentine Port demolished by a tube of 20 mm of artillery. 04/05: 28 (3) Harriers demolished in Aerial Base Cóndor the Falklands. Collapse of the HMS Sheffield (21). The Hermes aircraft carrier undergoes the impact of a Exocet (4+).
05/05: 1 (1) infant of navy in Bay Elephant. 06/05: 2 (2) are demolished two Harriers to the north of the Island Solitude.
12/05: the 4 HMS Glasgow (or Glascow), is outside combat (2+). Attack to the HMS Brilliant (2+).
17/05: 1 (1) is demolished helicopter Is King in Argentine coasts
18/05: 22 Helicopter Is King hit Albatross (according to Argentine sources it was demolished).
19/05: 1 (1) Cae helicopter Is King and dies an expert in SAS.
21/05: 32 Two Gazelles demolished in San Carlos (3). The HMS Ardent is sunk (22). They are lazy outside combat: HMS Argonaut (2), HMS Antrim (1+), HMS Brilliant (2). The HMS Broadsword is damaged (2).

22/05: 1 a Harrier is demolished.
23/05: 8 a Harrier crashed in nocturnal exit of the Hermes aircraft carrier (1). The HMS Antelope is sunk (7).
24/05: 10 the following ships were damaged: HMS Sir Lancelot (2), HMS Sir Galahad, HMS Sir Bedivere (2), HMS Fearless (6+). In the case of the Fearless, a much greater number is considered, since then it had a crew of but of 500 men and took around 300 soldiers to disembark in San Carlos.
25/05: 113 three are lowered Harriers (3). They are sunk: HMS Coventry (70+) (one sank in less than 20 minutes with a crew of 268), HMS Atlantic Conveyor (20). They are lazy outside combat: HMS Broadsword (8), HMS Sir Lancelot (10). They are damaged: HMS Alacrity (1), HMS Yarmouth (1).
27/05: 11 Mueren seven infants of navy in San Carlos (7). Three Gazelles helicopters are demolished, and It is King (4). 28/05: 136 Two demolished helicopters Are King, but a Scout (3). A soldier in the island Great Malvina dies (1). Between the 27 and the 29 of May die (130) men of the 2 For and of the Auxiliary Royal in Batalla by Darwin.
30/05: 44 From the 23 to the 30 of May men in Batalla by Prairie of the Ganso die (38). Be Harrier crashes (1). The aircraft carrier HMS Invincible is attacked (5+), which undergoes 1 Exocet and two pumps of 250 kgs each one. According to unofficial sources the aircraft carrier sank. Of being that certain theory (very probable) the numbers would be much greater than five losses.
08/06: 162 Ataque in Fitz Roy. is sunk: HMS Sir Galahad (89), HMS Sir Tristam (40), barge of disembarkation (LCU) Foxtrot (10+) (although he was not full of soldiers, because it transported logistic material, the losses can be greater). They die (8+) Chinese in the beach, due to the strong bombings. The HMS Avenger is left outside combat (5). The HMS Plymouth in Pleasant Bay is attacked (10), by five missiles of Argentine aviation.
09/06: 18 Mte. Two Sisters, commandos of the SAS.
10/06: 4 Perecen (4) infants of navy by accident.
11/06: 44 Mueren between the 11 and the 12 of June: (3) in Mte. Harriet, (23) of the 3 For in Mte. Longdon, (4) of the 45 of commandos, (1) of the 42 of commandos, (13) of company B.
12/06: 29 (4) in Mte. Two Sisters. The HMS Glamorgan is left outside combat (25), being attacked for the second time, although in this occasion by a Exocet from Argentine Port.
13/06: 360 between 13 and 14 of June by Batallas de Mte. Longdon, Mte. Wiiliams and Wireless Ridge.
14/06: 10 (5) in Zapper Hill, two Are King are demolished. It fights in Bad Top House (5). TOTAL: 1053 fallen, without counting a possible greater number (+). DAMAGED SHIPS: Lost ships (sunk): 8 Destructive Type 42 class Sheffield (D-80) HMS Destructive Sheffield Type 42 class Sheffield (D-118) HMS Coventry Frigate Type 21 class Amazon (F-184) HMS Ardent Frigate Type 21 class Amazon (F-170) HMS Antelope Logistic Ship of Disembarkation (L-3005) RFA Sir Galahad Logistic Ship of Disembarkation (L-3505) RFA Sir Tristam Portacontenedor de Gran Bearing Atlantic Conveyor Landing craft Foxtrot 4 Ships outside combat (inactive): 11 Light Aircraft carrier (R-05) HMS Invincible (sunk) Frigate Type 22 class Broadsword (F-90) HMS Brilliant Frigate Type 22 class Broadsword (F-88) HMS Broadsword Frigate Type 21 class Amazon (F-174) HMS Alacrity Frigate Type 21 class Amazon (F-185) HMS Avenger Frigate class Leander (F-56) HMS Argonaut Frigate Type 21 class Amazon (F-173) HMS Arrow Light Cruise class County (D-18) HMS Antrim Light Cruise class County (D-19) HMS Destructive Glamorgan Type 42 class Sheffield (D-88) HMS Glasgow Logistic Ship of Disembarkation (L-3029) RFA Sir Lancelot damaged Ships (almost inactive): 4 Light Aircraft carrier (R-12) HMS Destructive Hermes Type 42 class Sheffield (D-89) HMS Exeter Frigate Type 12 class Rothesay (F-126) HMS Submarine Plymouth class Oberon (S-21) HMS Onyx damaged Ships: 9 Frigate Type 21 class Amazon (F-172) HMS Ambuscade Ship of Amphibious Assault (L-10) HMS Fearless Auxiliary Ship of Support class Tide (A-76) RFA Tidepool HMS Penelope lanchon of disembarkation HMS Minerva lanchon of disembarkation HMS Sir Bedivere HMS Yarmouth Two ships nonidentified TOTAL HARMED SHIPS: 32 LOST AIRSHIPS: SEA AND AIR SWARMS OF THE REAL FLEET: Be to harrier demolished: 19 Out of service by faults and accidents: 10 Helos demolished: 13 F/S: 32 demolished RAF Harrier: 12 F/S: 5 Helos demolished: 12 F/S: 26 demolished ROYAL MARINES Helos: 13 F/S: 4 ENGLISH ARMY: Helos lost x demolitions and accidents: 8 Total Is Harriers demolished: 19 Total Is Harriers out of service: 10 Harriers Total demolished: 12 Harriers Total out of service: 5 Total demolished helicopters: 46 Total helicopters out of service: 62 TOTAL LOST AIRSHIPS: 154 Total airplanes unfolded in the Falklands: 171, of which 46 were made unusable.
CONCLUSION: TOTAL FALLEN: 1053 TOTAL DAMAGED Or LOST SHIPS: 32 TOTAL LOST AIRSHIPS: 154 Great Britain never declared the true number of casualties of its troops nor the loss of numerous armament. He was inferior to Argentina and it is demonstrated by the great suffered damage, that widely surpasses to that received Argentina. If today the islands are in British possession it is thanks to the aid that Great Britain received from the United States of North America, and other members of NATO. Without forgetting to most of the European countries (except Ireland and Italy), that they economically sanctioned to Argentina. Surely an Argentine triumph would not leave another alternative that to use the atomic pump on national territory, by another reason six atomic submarines did not leave from the British ports for the South Atlantic, with the objective to border the Argentine coasts. Fallen British unofficial data assure that the number of is resembled 1300, which the number more than 1000 losses, is not preposterous. The Malvinense

Can you mongs actually post something from a DIFFERENT source which backs your crazy-hopped-up-on-junta-crack site up?

Or are you just going to keep reposting from that one site until you get bored?