Falklands Conflict

What does ‘Me entrego’ mean in English?

I dont think its a word we’ve ever used.

Arkantos, any ideas?

Me entrego is used like I SURRENDER.

cider and kebab on the screen, but only after reading the subsequent post you B*d. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



the Invincible was attacked on 30 may.

Go away you thrush


It wasn’t me that said it, it was a member of the Royal Navy. I’m fairly sure he knows the ships of the Royal Navy better than you?

We have answered your questions, we told you that you’re talking crap and asked you how the British government could sneak roughly half a billion pounds through to pay for ‘new’ ship? We asked you who crewed the ‘new’ ship down to the Falklands from the UK? We asked how the government had kep the ‘new’ crew, the original crew, the families of both and the dockyard workers that build the ship quiet? You’ve yet to answer any of those questions.

So, i know you can´t accept that the Invincible was attacked because your Royal Navy would be a shit and a loser, but the true doesn´t hurt, you can say it.

Strange that a ‘shit and a loser’ navy would host the surrender of the ‘victorious’ forces isn’t it? Don’t you find that a bit strange?[/quote]

“New ship”
Illustrious was in Malvinas in August search in your “google” and see.
Top secret, man you are brit you know, UK can managed all the press of the war.
and let me tell you that in Malvinas war the press in UK were all with Maggy, noone discuss her, and i know that because i talked with a man who was in Enlgand during the war.

“Strange that a ‘shit and a loser’ navy would host the surrender of the ‘victorious’ forces isn’t it? Don’t you find that a bit strange?”

I´m not saying Argentina won the war, I´m only saying Invincible was attacked.


This topic is to talk about the HMS Invincible, why you permit other stupids things???

You want to start another flame war? As I remember, in the locked thread you said that HMS Invincible was not only attacked, but also bad damaged and even sunk.

Please argue with decent arguments. As far as I search I don’t see anything related to the attack on Invincible but few Argentinean sites.

I repet what I stated before: NO ONE in the world at that time(meaning Capitalist block, Communist block, “3rd World block”) says anything related to the attack. Check my opinions in my posts in locked thread.


Nobody can´t ask my questions…


why are two differents photos of the aircraft carrier??? haahah

you know, it was attacked.


This topic is about “The sinking of HMS Invicible in Malvinas war 1982”

You could take this as a parody.


It was attacked because your propaganda said so, child.

It is a friendly advice not to post simple statements.

You want to start another flame war? As I remember, in the locked thread you said that HMS Invincible was not only attacked, but also bad damaged and even sunk.

Please argue with decent arguments. As far as I search I don’t see anything related to the attack on Invincible but few Argentinean sites.

I repet what I stated before: NO ONE in the world at that time(meaning Capitalist block, Communist block, “3rd World block”) says anything related to the attack. Check my opinions in my posts in locked thread.[/quote]

locked??? why, you are like a “dictador”

The true won´t be censured, you will know.

And not all is in “google”, I´m an investigator, and i gave you a web page:


There are lots of things that aren´t in te web

I asked the pilots man, the carrier was attacked, and possible sunk.
I´m telling the true.

I explain that whit the example of HMS DASHER, here is happen the same.

I’m amazed - all this is so secret that the British Government kept it from the Brits, Yanks, Russkies, Japanese and everyone… except one right-wing nationalistic propaganda website! And this one batsh1t-crazy site knows the truth that is so secret that nobody else in the world knows about it!

Wow! I’m convinced… :roll:

I copied the URL for the “discussion” to a dark blue friend of mine - hey I figured everyone required amusement on a Thursday morning. I have copied his comments below.

"However - the freak is right in so much as there is a different carrier there in his photos - we had HERMES at the time plus only one INVINCIBLE Class (HERMES was not of the INVINCIBLE class - laid down in WWII and finished in the late 1950s).

Did anyone point this out in the end…? That would have sorted out their clap-trap re sunk carriers and pennant numbers…

HMS INVINCIBLE R05 - launched and in the Falklands
HMS ILLUSTRIOUS R06 - only commissioned in 1982
HMS ARK ROYAL R07 - commissioned 1985

Only INVINCIBLE served in theatre, with the old HERMES (R12), subsequently sold to the Indians…"

Thanks to Carpe Diem on an unofficial British Army site, who posted this. The ‘Dark Blue’ friend is a Royal Navy type. No, will you please sod off and play with your authentic Malvinas War toy soldier set, with realistic burning British ships and 12,000 dead Gurkhas*

  • brought to you by Junta Toys Ltd, bringing toys to fuckwits with no mind of their own since 1976

TheIrishDuck, for now I’m getting sick with such “arguments”.

Check this anyway:
Certain gold sites from Tierra del fuego must belong to Romania! Iuliu Popper (Julio as you know) was Romanian.


Edited for clear view.

I copied the URL for the “discussion” to a dark blue friend of mine - hey I figured everyone required amusement on a Thursday morning. I have copied his comments below.

"However - the freak is right in so much as there is a different carrier there in his photos - we had HERMES at the time plus only one INVINCIBLE Class (HERMES was not of the INVINCIBLE class - laid down in WWII and finished in the late 1950s).

Did anyone point this out in the end…? That would have sorted out their clap-trap re sunk carriers and pennant numbers…

HMS INVINCIBLE R05 - launched and in the Falklands
HMS ILLUSTRIOUS R06 - only commissioned in 1982
HMS ARK ROYAL R07 - commissioned 1985

Only INVINCIBLE served in theatre, with the old HERMES (R12), subsequently sold to the Indians…"

Thanks to Carpe Diem on an unofficial British Army site, who posted this. The ‘Dark Blue’ friend is a Royal Navy type. No, will you please sod off and play with your authentic Malvinas War toy soldier set, with realistic burning British ships and 12,000 dead Gurkhas*

  • brought to you by Junta Toys Ltd, bringing toys to fuckwits with no mind of their own since 1976[/quote]

Illustrious was in Malvinas after the war in 1982, asked a falklander.

Well Dani, you are the moderator, but you insulted me in the others two messagges.

No mate I didn’t locked FW-190 Pilot (as a admin) has locked.


An insult might be “child”. I wait to see the second one and I’ll comment.

No mate I didn’t locked FW-190 Pilot (as a admin) has locked.


An insult might be “child”. I wait to see the second one and I’ll comment.[/quote]

It’s not an insult if it’s accurate :smiley:

I’ve seen better arguments put forward by 5 year olds as to why they should not have to eat their vegetables :twisted: