Falklands Conflict

And obviously the Islanders were right on side with the Argies!!!

Look you little scrote. You have provided no information that would make us even want to believe what you say…

If Invincible was holed, how long would it take Illustrious to get down to the Falklands? This would mean a massive gap in capability as there would only be one flight deck available (Hermes). The Fleet and the men on the Islands would have been at the mercy of the FAA.

Even had the harriers not been lost, remembering that there were always some in the air, and the ones on deck (3 in your picture) would have been scrambled off. Where would they go?

They couldn’t go to Hermes, she was already packed with aircraft as it was. Both carriers had extra aircraft added to there normal compliement.

They would have to go to the Islands, they could operate from roads and even take off vertically (with a much reduced armaments and fuel payload) from fields, but here they would have been attacked by the FAA ground attack aircraft surely.

You don’t explain away these arguements with “SHHHH”, “It secret” and the other codswallop you are coming out with.

Make a sensible post, with proper research and explanations.

No mate I didn’t locked FW-190 Pilot (as a admin) has locked.


An insult might be “child”. I wait to see the second one and I’ll comment.[/quote]

you said me “gracias”, and then “child”, and you what??

Here i was the only person that didn´t insult, anyone.

And i had never thougth that a moderator of a fourm could insult me.

Gracias as I know means “Thanks”.
I said to Clauss “Danke” and he wasn’t upset.

If you wish, please accept my sincere apologies if you felt offended by the words shown.

you are a stupid, where is your photo of that ass??? remember??

i´ve written some questions that you couldn´t answer to me, and you couldn´t say me nothing about the photos.

So, it´s mean that I´M RIGHT.

We have answered them you halfwit.


The Illustrious wasn’t in active service at the time.

and you have my explanations in that link.

TheIrishDuck, I want to ask you if my “Comprende?” in
could be an insult?

Arkantos said that he understanded. Also he understanded why the thread opened by him should stay closed for a while.

So your entire argument is based on one source, from a right wing dictatorship trying to save their skin after getting hammered in a war?

BDL, please edit your post. Thanks (apologies if thanks might be considered an insult).


BDL, please edit your post. Thanks (apologies if thanks might be considered an insult).[/quote]

It was meant to be one :wink:

editted now though

OK, then IrishDuck (I am going to regret this I’m sure) what questions have we not answered?

Please list them sensibley and numbered. Our answers will include the number of the question that you have posed.

Please do us the favour of answering OUR questions also.

Oh, and the picture of the ass, of course I remember it, I posted it!!! You seem to believe that the posting of a persons botty somehow lends your stance weight?


We have answered them you halfwit.


The Illustrious wasn’t in active service at the time.[/quote]

don´t understand eeh?

wasn´t active but she wen to portsmouth as Invincible like you can see in the photo and like that german said in the other topic.

So your entire argument is based on one source, from a right wing dictatorship trying to save their skin after getting hammered in a war?[/quote]

what?? right wing dictatorship???

the man who made that link, that work about the carrier is an investigator like me, you are so stupid…

1000ydstare, please edit your post as well: http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=18514#18514

DuckBoy quit the stupid insults.

Refer to my last post.

We’ll have a bit of Q and A.

The German who admitted not having a clue about what he was talking about?

She never went to Portsmouth as anything you fool.
Invincible was never sank.
Your pilots never got near it.
You lost the war, live with it and stop coming out with Junta propaganda shite as ‘fact’

He’s as crap at his job as you are then, isn’t he.

you can see my questions in the first post of this topic.


Attacking, damaging and sinking were claimed ONLY by Argentina.

NO ONE in the world agree with this propaganda story.

(And you couldn’t blame Soviet Union: at that time the biggest threat for them were Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It had to be the biggest opportunity for the Soviets to agree with Argentina on a strike against their enemy - remeber it was the Cold War era…)

By the why, in your opinion, why Galtieri started that war?

Edited: poor grammar :oops:

And also I want your feedback regarding my apologies. Thank you