Falklands Conflict

The link says exactly that. It’s a direct copy and paste

yes, but i´m only agree in the part they mentioned the Illustrious.

Oh, well then. If we’re only agreeing with parts of sources that we agree with, that’s ok then :roll:

The link clearly states Invincible made it home safe, and was met by HM.

It doesn’t say anything else.

Duck find links, that are not written by insane Right wing propaganda merchants, and prove to us that Invincible was sunk.

Dani has asked you for sites from the counties that you say also know the truth.

Please list them.

If you are a student and/or investigator you should be able to put forward you opinions and beliefs in an ordered fashion with evidence that proves them.

You are not doing this.

Each time you post you merely hammer on the same stuff, with no supporting evidence. Despite being asked by BDL et al for proper evidence.

Come on put your money where your mouth is and start proving your point.


The link says exactly that. It’s a direct copy and paste

yes, but i´m only agree in the part they mentioned the Illustrious.

Oh, well then. If we’re only agreeing with parts of sources that we agree with, that’s ok then :roll:[/quote]

no, the link said:

"After the impact, the aircraft carrier may sank or remained inactive.
According to the British official history, on September 17 of 1982, the aircraft carrier HMS Invincible, returned to port of Portsmouth, after complying a record of navigation of 166 days on the high seas.

  1. There isn´t exist any photo of the arrival. However, you can see lots of photos of the Hermes and other importants ships that arrived to England. The Queen of England, accompanied by the duke of Edinburgo and the Princess Ana, visited the supposed Invincible that day, but not any photo exists, when never lacks a photographer, in that kind of events.
  2. Was the last ship to get to port. (The others did it between June and August)."

got it?

look, here said something about the attack:


It says nothing of the sort

Ships and Aircraft

Some ships will sadly not be returning - destroyers “Coventry” and “Sheffield”, frigates “Antelope” and “Ardent”, LSL “Sir Galahad” and the “Atlantic Conveyor” - but by the end of August, most of the others have left the Falklands area (some later make a second trip) to be replaced by a smaller number of destroyers and frigates and other vessels mostly on their first journey south. Amongst these are the four merchantmen, two minesweepers and their support ship “St Helena” all of which which sailed from the UK before the surrender. MCMS “Brecon” and “Ledbury” arrive in early July to relieve the five minesweeping trawlers, and spend the next five weeks hunting for any ground mines laid by the Argentines, none of which are found.

Of the major warships, assault ships “Fearless” and “Intrepid” set sail a week and a half after the surrender, and arrive at Portsmouth on the 14th July after first unloading marines and Sea Kings of No.846 NAS at Devonport. As for the carriers, until the arrival of the RAF Phantoms at Stanley, only their Harriers can provide much of the air defence still needed by the Falklands. Following the surrender, “Invincible’s” first priority is to sail well clear to the north, escorted by frigate “Andromeda” in order to change a main engine. “Hermes” remains behind until “Invincible” is back, and on the 4th July sails with escort “Broadsword” for Portsmouth, arriving on the 21st to another great welcome. Well before then, on the 2nd July, Admiral Woodward is relieved as Task Group commander by Rear Admiral Reffell flying his flag on destroyer “Bristol”.

But there is no relief for “Invincible” which has to await the arrival of newly-commissioned sister ship “Illustrious” carrying a reformed No.809 Sea Harrier squadron and the first early airborne warning Sea Kings. Reaching the Falklands on the 27th August, and after a day’s vertrep, “Invincible” is at last able to head north on the 28th accompanied by “Bristol” and later RFA “Olna”, arriving at Portsmouth on the 17th September to be met by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. After 166 days at sea, “Invincible” claims the record for the longest continuous carrier operations ever.

The Sea Harriers and most of the Navy, Marine and Army helicopters go back to the UK with the returning ships. As for the RAF, mainly based at or flying to Ascension, the few Vulcan bombers fly home by the time of the surrender, and the last Nimrod MR.2’s continue operating from Ascension until August, but even then, there is little let-up for the other aircraft. VC.10’s maintain the air-link between the UK and Ascension, returning with many of the troops from there. Hercules transports fly south regularly, and from late June are landing at Stanley. (By then, two members of 47 Sqdn have earned gallantry awards for their air-drop missions.) And for many more months, Victor tankers and later Hercules conversions refuel the extended range Nimrods and Hercules deep into the South Atlantic and on to the Falklands. On the island itself, a number of Harrier GR.3’s of 1(F) Sqdn once again fitted with Sidewinder for air defence, are based at Stanley, but in October, 29(F) Sqdn Phantoms fly down from Ascension to the newly opened RAF Stanley to start taking over from them.

Finally there is the question of the last resting place for those British dead not buried or lost at sea. The policy has long been for those killed on active service to remain in the country where they fall, but many families choose to bring their men home. In October, LSL “Sir Bedivere” leaves the Falklands carrying over sixty back to the UK. Another sixteen however, including Lt Col Jones VC, stay in the Falklands.

You can’t just lie about links to make you look right, even if it is what you;re used to your government doing

TheIrishDuck why you cannot accept what they tell you i dont know nothing about war 1982 ,but i read all posts here and you dont have prove ,then he sunk or not,becouse that all of you calm down and been cool,thats stupid war is finnish. :lol: :wink:

Numbnuts (Arkantosser) and the bog trotters (The Irish Duck) only evidence is a piccie poorly faked by the Military dictatorship of the time. It’s not exactly the JFK exposé is it?

Simple facts.

Argentina needed a diversion from the way the Junta was running their country into the ground. Solution was to pop across to The Falklands to attempt to instil some enforced patriotism. Great idea if the Falkland Islands was owned by Lichtenstein. Unfortunately, Maggie called their bluff and beat the living bezejesus out of them from 8000 miles away. It helped most of the Argie populous in that it helped to over throw the dictatorship after the defeat. It gave them the chance of democracy.

Those small minded Argies that cannot realise that a last ditched propaganda effort by the Junta (the fake picture of Invincible being attacked) published over 23 years ago must be in need of medical help or wish to revert back to the days of the ‘disappeared’.

Top tip. Investigate some of the propaganda that the Furher pushed out in the latter stages of WWII and you will discover a close parallel. If you wish to ignore that, I suggest you have some very close genes to certain Austrians with a penchant for small moustaches.


if you don´t know nothing about Malvinas war, please stay back.[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
A whole world don’t know anything and you are convinced that you are the keeper of THE TRUTH!! :lol: :lol:

Based on what? Based of an unconfirmed information? You just re-iterate this propaganda information that could be found only on few argentinian sites.

I ask you seriously at this time to give any link (no argentinians, por favor) that sustained that propaganda information.

Also “I talked to the pilots” sounds identically as the informations on the argentinian site. Speaking about “talking with pilots”, how old are you? That war was 23 years ago.

You don’t answer yet at my question about what your neighbour Chile said.

Until your proof (independent sources) that HMS Invincible was attacked, heavily damaged and sunken, I am afraid that I’ll consider you as a troll.

Edited for clear view

2nd edit: I am getting sick of: check the paint! it’s green and it was supposed that should be red!! :lol: There are 5 holes. NO, there are 20 holes. Come on, be mature.

3rd edit: A useful reading might be http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=245 .Maybe you’ll realise your position!

don´t have prove??

buy a pair of glasses boy.

" poorly faked by the Military dictatorship of the time."

at the time, in argentina doesn´t exist any military dictatorhip, so shhh silence.

It´s not a “propaganda”, I gave you two links, one of the “small britain wars”, is it propaganda too?



if you don´t know nothing about Malvinas war, please stay back.[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
A whole world don’t know anything and you are convinced that you are the keeper of THE TRUTH!! :lol: :lol:

I ask you seriously at this time to give any link (no argentinians, por favor) that sustained that propaganda information.

Also "I 2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=245 .Maybe you’ll realise your position![/quote]

tell me…
if i´m a stupid and only believe in propaganda, why this topic and the other are the most populars???

and you don´t know about Malvinas, nobody knows nothing here, so I´m think i´m wasting my time with you girls.
Girls and pirates who don´t want to see the true.

don´t have prove??

buy a pair of glasses boy.[/quote]

I not insult or take offansive post of you so you dont on me ,ok :lol: why you dont calm down and think about all ,let that stupid war and ship ,here have more good topics. :wink:

Hmmm… well quite apart from the rather blatant trolling, do you realise that more than one member of this site has actually been there in a professional capacity? Since I’d say it’s a racing certainty that you’ve never been there (going by your apparent age if nothing else) your assertation that “nobody knows nothing here” rings rather hollow.

As for describing everyone else as “girls”, I can only assume that you’ve not got past the age of 12 or so and so presumably still see girls as evil scary creatures from another planet. This will change with time.

Because many patient people, who genuinely do know a lot more than you, are trying to both help and educate you.

Unfortunately for you and your ‘argument’ we actually know a lot more than yourself.
Have you ever actually been to the Falklands ?

If your point was to try and win people over to the fantasy for which you are a major proponent, then you’d better try to find people with less experience of the real world than yourself.
I realize it will be a difficult task to find such individuals, but time spent looking for them will give you less to post utter drivel here.

One more question.
If you and Erwin are as he claims indeed two different people, why do keep using Erwin’s favourite insults ?

You’re not ID in a webcafe or at the uni and ES at home are you ?
It wouldn’t be the first time he’s tried that.

I suppose you could always ask one of these.


seems to be invincible returning to port

edited ot add

some more info on its service.


PaddyQuack, you are both as stubbon and dim as our favourite Ferrous friend. Are you perchance related?

at the time, in argentina doesn´t exist any military dictatorhip, so shhh silence.


Hmmm… well quite apart from the rather blatant trolling, do you realise that more than one member of this site has actually been there in a professional capacity? Since I’d say it’s a racing certainty that you’ve never been there (going by your apparent age if nothing else) your assertation that “nobody knows nothing here” rings rather hollow.

As for describing everyone else as “girls”, I can only assume that you’ve not got past the age of 12 or so and so presumably still see girls as evil scary creatures from another planet. This will change with time.[/quote]

get a life

No, but that story to which you gave the link is.

(My bold.)

Then from the ‘article’ (for want of a better word):

(My bold)
Only the Argentine version is the truth, ergo propaganda.

Yet another question, which will undoubtably remain as unanswered as the majority of those I have set you, but of all these “devoted personnel from the Argentine Navy that fought and worked so hard,” how many of them actually left Argentina after the General Belgrano sank ?

Hmmm… well quite apart from the rather blatant trolling, do you realise that more than one member of this site has actually been there in a professional capacity? Since I’d say it’s a racing certainty that you’ve never been there (going by your apparent age if nothing else) your assertation that “nobody knows nothing here” rings rather hollow.

As for describing everyone else as “girls”, I can only assume that you’ve not got past the age of 12 or so and so presumably still see girls as evil scary creatures from another planet. This will change with time.[/quote]

get a life[/quote]

Glad to see you’re entering into intelligent debate again Erwin.