Falklands Conflict

at the time, in argentina doesn´t exist any military dictatorhip, so shhh silence.

  • and why is that then???

On behalf of her majesty and the commonwealth I accept your thanks for our disposal of your military dictatorship - I understand you are very proud but I know what you meant.

TheIrishDuck read this invincible come back home he is not sunk ,here thats write. :wink:

Naaa, you can see the floatation bags all around Invinsibubble in that pic.

Tell you what, Argie na sayers. Lets fund a massive sonar sweep of the South Atlantic. Any prizes to what the largest lump of metal down there is?

  1. The Belgrano
  2. HMS Invincible
  3. Lots of Skyhawks

First prize goes to the first Dago with answer 1.

Get a grip. You fcking lost. Even the sheep didnt want you in the Falklands.

IDESA - find out the maximum range of the skyhawk aircraft, add onto this the range of its radar.
find out ow far from the argentine mainland the invincible ws when it was “attacked and sunk”
subtrract the former from the latter!

The resulting number should be “distance the pilots swam to shore”

Do you now see why you have been lied to?

1.I am not britich you cannot tell me then i am lose

2.Do you read link thers write:

Between 1986 and 1988 Invincible underwent a large refit at Devonport Dockyard. During NATO exercise Tapan in 1998 Invincible simultaneously operated three kinds of harrier aircraft- the Royal Navy FA2 Sea Harrier, the RAF GR.7 Harriers and the Spanish AV8B Harrier. In the same year she not only became the first carrier to enter the Baltic for many years on a visit to Poland but she also became what is believed to be the first carrier to visit HM Naval Base Clyde (Faslane)

3.He is not sunk he is been in NATO exercise 1998

4.If you still not belive i give up

And your point being, Mr Boxhead?

Flash ship is not sunk ,open link and read all text there,soory i dont want upset you ,forgive me if i am.

Well done. Tell the world something we didnt know.

If only we can tell a couple of crack addicted Argies that their life is worthless and that the Falklands is British. AND HMS Invinsible did not sink. If they still believe it did, I have a few items on Ebay they may be interested in.

Moon air- $30 a bag, Dolphin boots- $24.99 a pair and a scale model of the Belgrano dated 1986- $641.50.

The Duck sez

tell me…
if i´m a stupid and only believe in propaganda, why this topic and the other are the most populars???

Yes you do only belive in propaganda, and non of your posts prove otherwise, nor do they prove that you are anything but stupid!!!

This topic, and others are the most popular because the biggest group of people on this site are BRITCON, who are all serving soldiers in the British Forces.

Most of us have been to the places you are talking about, most of us have served with people who fought in the Falklands War (my RSM, CSM and several training Cpls and Sgts in Basic all fought in the Falklands).

A not small number have probably stood on Invincible. But most of all, you are funny. We log on in the hope of seeing you post something funnier than what you have already done so.

You should be on stage or in a circus. You amuse us. Well, when we are not pitying you.

Every argument you have posted (from Coventry sinking in 20 minutes and haveing 100 deaths, Gurkha war crimes, Invincible and even, entereing in to the realms of fantasy where you live, a nuclear bomb threat that only Thatcher, the Pope and the entire nation of Argentina knew about) we have destroyed.

And you’re only response is to get shirty.

and you don´t know about Malvinas, nobody knows nothing here, so I´m

I think you prove this about yourself everytime you post.

think i´m wasting my time with you girls.

Do you really think you have made a sensible argument that would
convince us of anything you have said?

Girls and pirates who don´t want to see the true.

Why do you use Erwins insults?

Flash mate, bit hard on Clauss there.

On the subject of which, AIDES.

Clauss has openly admitted he has no idea what happened in the War.

Through merely reading all of the posts on these topics he has already stated what he thinks.

Using intelligence, reasoning and the ability to read he has stated his position. Which pretty much falls in line with us.

I know you’ll probably insult him, or use another post of his out of context (like you mis-use texts and lie about links) to prove your point. But why would he do that?

Simple, our argument is backed up by evidence and a good dose of common sense. Mainly that it is impossible to replace a Billion pound aircraft carrier and it’s crew without nobody but the argies batting an eyelid!!!

Do you get it yet?

Or arguement is completely groundless and seems purely based on propaganda from a falling regime (aka blatent lies!!!), of which one bit of evidence is the most outrageously faked picture ever seen, I have seen picture of the Loch Ness monster that looked more realistic.

Your claims that Invincible is a different ship!!! When it is blatently not.

And the fact a website seems to have mucked up with the R numbers.

I mean lets look at that shall we. R05 was sunk, we want to hush it up, we launch an identical ship to cover the fact up, at the cost of Billions, hush all the families and workers involved with said operation.

And then number said doppelganger ship R07…

And you trying to tell us you are absolutly sane?

We have the resources to hush up the loss of a carrier completey but not the wit to put the correct number on it? How many marbles do you have?

Please read the bit in red carefully. Ask if you need anything explaining your making clearer. Then get back to us with what you think.

I can’t believe this is still going.

ID - you posted a link that said clearly that the Invincible was not damaged, but had returned to Portsmouth safely. I’ve posted proof that aircraft from the Invincible were flying the day after it was supposedly sank. Why are you still arguing, you stupid, stupid troll?

Im posts on 11 page ,have link and there write Invincible been in NATO exercise 1998 ,thats mean he is not sunk ,maybe he been damaged but he is come back home in portsmouth ,i belive he is not sunk and i leaving from this topic,i find good info for myself. :wink:

I want to inform you that TheIrishDuck and Erwin are two different users (this is for sure).

I suppose that TheIrish Duck is a friend of Erwin (as I remeber what Erwin posted).

Yes, HMS Invincible was sunk and yes, today the Argentine inhabitants of the Falklands happily make Chocolates for Willie Wonka alongside the Umpa Lumpas. A veritable South-American paradise where the sun shines all day and the people are eternally gratefull.

Another Falklands Hero dies:


And I suspect the real main reason for continued Argentine interest in the FI:


Firefly, please, more respet to the Argentinian members.

Greetings from Argentina.

No there isn’t

But I know your message is not a provocation, is not an insult to me or the other argentinian members. A lot of people who don’t apreciate or don’t respect to the others could ask to the mods to remove your sig. Although, I dont gonna do that, because I know that is not offensive.

I removed the picture that was apparently offensive after Dani requested it.

With my avatar or sig, I think is the same problem.
My sig/avatar are not offendig to british people. I am only deffending my cause. If I would have an avatar with Argentinian aircraft attaking british ships, or a british flag burning, I could accept that it is a offense.

I don’t care what you have as an avatar, I was pointing out that two of your country men cried because I had a picture of the Argentinian surrender as a signature and a couple of other members had Falklands related pictures which they’ve been asked to remove.

(Replied in the correct topic)

RIP Bondu.

(You nasty creature you ! You’re still missed for some reason.)