Falklands Conflict

I don’t see the sk-37 or the hercules.

it don’t haves the artillery and anti aircraft artillery also :lol:[/quote]

Bloody hell? And you are Argentinian, well the SAMs are part of the Air force as are the Hercs in the Argentine military, just click on the Air Force to see their equipment.

Your winding me up arent you?[/quote]

i don’t see the sk-37 in tanks,also i don’t see many vehicles and there are lots of more planes!

No it wasn’t, the exclusion zone was declared by us to keep civillian vessels out. Your navy not being able to defend one of your best ships is hardly our problem.[/quote]

FAKE,for both military and civilian![/quote]

Either way, we never promised not to sink other ships outside the zone, did we?

I’d be more worried about the legality of throwing students out of Hercs at 15,000 feet over the South Atlantic if I was you, my strange little friend.

Thats because you dont own the SK37- y0ou were saving you pocket money for one remember!

What is with all this talk of legality? if it was a legal issue then Argentina would have taken it to the UN! as it is they thought htey stodd a better chance by making it a military issue, TOUGH SHIT, so did we, look where that got you. A collapsed economy and a democratic government, Aretn we bastards. Oh well guess Im just a romantic and long for the days of the freefall behind a herc with nothing but te sun light glinting of the Pampa in the distance as i arch earthward toward the Atlantic Swell, my only comfort being the Knowledge that the pilot that took me to 30,000 feet was one of hte best in the world.

No it wasn’t, the exclusion zone was declared by us to keep civillian vessels out. Your navy not being able to defend one of your best ships is hardly our problem.[/quote]

FAKE,for both military and civilian![/quote]

Either way, we never promised not to sink other ships outside the zone, did we?

I’d be more worried about the legality of throwing students out of Hercs at 15,000 feet over the South Atlantic if I was you, my strange little friend.[/quote]
we were inside the zone.

that of throwing terrorist who tortured conscripts was an order…
you do it or they kill you.
obediencia de vida boy.

If you were in the exclusion zone, why was the sinking illegal?

The Nuremburg trials established that ‘I was following orders’ is not a defence.

I heard a story that the Argentinians scuttled the Belgrano and took all the sialors off to get world opinion on their side?

we are owning,we own.

im agree,the hercules is so romantic as long you are not with a helmet,the dirty face,the uniform full of mud,blood in your arms,headache and with lots of dangerous mates !

i don’t believe you,you lost my respect

Sorry. Erwin am I right in thinking that right after you invaded our territory you thought the exclusion zone we had drawn in the southern ocean was a bona fide act of good will?

In breaking news, American troops claim that they will not shoot any Iraqu insurgents that were bright red triangles on their chests. whilst carrying out terrorist actions. Iraqi insurgents to press for damages after US soldiers still shot them!!!

FUCKING HELL if you go to war with us, dont expect us to be nice you twat! You sank our vessles shot our boys and hten complain when we didnt stick to rules that we had mae up!

we are owning,we own.

im agree,the hercules is so romantic as long you are not with a helmet,the dirty face,the uniform full of mud,blood in your arms,headache and with lots of dangerous mates !

i don’t believe you,you lost my respect[/quote]


the brits will support you,but when ironman did that,everybody laughed.
i can say that pvt mosconi destroyed a harrier with a hammer also!.

i know that the apache is a chopper,and?.

When you refer to the SK 37, do you mean the SAAB VIGGEN or is it another type of weapons system?
we call it sk37 as you call the mg 12,7 as cal 30.

Yes you could destroy a HARRIER with a hammer. Much faster to destroy a SKYHAWK with a missile though.

If we agree that APACHE is a helicopter, then how is it relevant to a discussion about hand held AT missiles?

I couldn’t find any information on the Spanish ATS system through Google. Is there another description of it or a link to a site?

Is the SK 37 the VIGGEn then? I wasn’t sure from your reply. The only weapon system I could find with the SK 37 designation was VIGGEN.

As to developing nuclear weapons - probably better if you didn’t. I suspect the nuclear nations would think ill of it.

expect to be nice?.

i will die happy before having the head of a brit and killing him first

go to the army sites in english,not our official site,except if you speak spanish :wink: ,search on google.

expect to be nice?.

i will die happy before having the head of a brit and killing him first[/quote]

Im so glad you agree… Killing brits is rather difficult and if you can die happy without doing it, then youll undoubtedly be much happier than the conscripts sent to do the job 20 years ago!


You could have given it a go to, if you hadn’t wimped out of your military training in the second week.


You could have given it a go to, if you hadn’t wimped out of your military training in the second week.[/quote]
i have been one year.

hear PzKpfw VI Tiger and shut up ass


Im sure he has a valid point to make about the use of second world war AT weapons in the modern battleifeld against the Chally2…

Im equally sure his views on the legality of the Argentine claim to the Falkland Islands are coherent and well thought out…

Im certain he isnt dragging this topic out to boost his post count…

for all of these misunderstnadings I apolgise. with my hand on my heart and my fingers crossed like vivian from the Young ones!

(for no real purpose as it is quotes everal times beneath me. but Id like it noted that I was angered when I wrote it and have since removed those aspects of my post htat i felt were un-necessarily inflammatory)

shut up boy

Bluffcove… why I’d never… :evil: you…
