Falklands Conflict

Since we’re avoiding confrontation, can we ask Erwin to remove the offensive song from his signature that has appeared at some time this evening please?

It’s not big, it’s not clever, it’s insulting and it’ll just start trouble.

just the inverse to the thing that bluffcove did when ironman was here,and nobody said nothing,and he didn’t receive a warning also

ok,i remove it

just the inverse to the thing that bluffcove did when ironman was here,and nobody said nothing,and he didn’t receive a warning also[/quote]

It’s something you’ve done deliberately to start trouble Erwin, and you know it.

editted - thank you for getting rid

just the inverse to the thing that bluffcove did when ironman was here,and nobody said nothing,and he didn’t receive a warning also[/quote]

It’s something you’ve done deliberately to start trouble Erwin, and you know it.[/quote]
I said,ok,i remove it.


just the inverse to the thing that bluffcove did when ironman was here,and nobody said nothing,and he didn’t receive a warning also[/quote]

It’s something you’ve done deliberately to start trouble Erwin, and you know it.

editted - thank you for getting rid[/quote]

Erwin got rid of it, now drop it right now.

I had - I thanked him for getting rid of it.

editted to add - don’t talk to me like I’m 12 again please.

BDL said:

“No we didn’t, there were no civillians on the islands when the British claimed them.”

The british claimed the islands only between 1764 and 1770. When the spanish Buenos Aires governation, dependent of the “Virreinato del Alto Perú”, forced to the british colonialist to retire of the islands. The fair rights of the spanish crawn are written in the Tordesillas.
Great Britain did not claimed the islands and did not make a complaint about the expulsion of the british colonialists never.

When the Great Britain send the HMS Clio to the Malvinas islands with no reason, more than tweenty civilians were standed in Soledad Island, and they were forced to quit to the islands and go to Montevideo, Uruguay.

Im fed up with this.


Argentina belongs to Spain.

You never answered my Malvinas questions, so why should I listen to you?

What are you trying to say with ARGENTINA BELONGS TO SPAIN?

Which questions I didn’t answer to you?

Been trying to find out what these Sk 37 things are that the Argentine armed forces are after… can’t find anything about them wanting Viggens… Although they’re welcome to have a crack at the RAF with Viggens: hardly cutting edge now are they? But, one more obsolete aircraft won’t stand out too much in the FAA.

Or you might mean the Sukhoi Su-37?

tanks!,no planes :lol:

Yeah, but that’s the thing Erwin, I haven’t managed to find any reference to an SK 37 tank either.


or i was wrong in the name,or it is our denomination as we denominated the cal 30 as la sesenta y dos.

be patient and wait :smiley:

You do operate the SK 105… but I highly doubt you’d boast about that.

maybe that is,it is a light tank right?
then it is.

Yes it is a light tank - an Austrian job in much the same mould as the AMX-13

thank you :smiley:


You can take the example of Israel. The government knows that the territories in Gaza are from Palestine. And the retired, and retired their civilians. They said. If you want to be part from Palestine and live like people of Palestine, you can stay. If you try to defend the Israeli flag and follow the israeli traditions, you have to go from Gaza.
Although it doesn’t recognize this, the british government knows that the rights from sovereignty are legitimate Argentinian, and only hides behind the false “Autodetermination” right, which is not accepted for the reasons that I gave in other posts.
I don’t try to say that the islanders have to go from the Malvinas. If they want to stay, so be it, but always respecting the Argentine government and Argentine flag. If Britain know that they haven’t got any right over the islands and are worried about the thinking of 2500 islanders, why don’t tell to them, WELL, THE ISLANDS ARE ARGENTINIAN. YOU CAN STAY, BUT RESPECT TO THE ARGENTINE POSITION, OR YOU CAN GO WITH US TO BRITAIN, WITH NO CHARGE, WE BUILD YOUR HOUSES AND LOOK FOR A JOB. If Britain would be just, Britain should do that, respecting to Argentina, and respecting to their colonialist who, by mistake, were put in a foreign territory.

We don’t look at the islands like a prize. The United Kingdom did that in 1833, when find a good point of vigilance of the pass Atlantic-Pacific, in a foreign territory which was in a civil war -that’s why that country couldn’t defend the territory-, and sent to her troops to invade the place. We look at the islands like a part of Argentina, as these are.

It seems to be that you are the child. I am attempting to have a seriously with knowledges, but you show that you are not interested in.

What are you saying about the Junta? The Argentine historic-school system always teached to me that the worst age in Argentina was since 1976 to 1983. Don’t talk if you don’t know anything about Argentine history. I hate the Junta, and the 99% of the Argentinians think the same.

I don’t think the recovering the island would improve my country, or get it worse. It’s ARGENTINE territory, recognized by international rights. Let’s try to put an example…
What would you do if your neighbour remove the fence of his garden and advance the fance taking 4 acres of your garden, where you had your flowers? Your neighbour touch your door and says “I am returning to your flowers of my garden, where now I have my flowers”.
Tell me, what would you do? If we think, the fact cannot affect to you at all, but you know that your neighbour stoled that slice of the garden.
Would you try to recover it or just say “Oh, look at his flowers. If the flowers are there, it’s better I don’t disturb them, and I think I would accept that these 4 acres are from his property”? Think it and answer to me.

You are only showing that if the islanders want to be british, they will be it, but you don’t recognize that Argentina have the legitimate rights of sovereignty over the islands.

Yes, I am a student, only 17 years. And what’s the problem?
Why are you “attacking” to the students? if in the United Kingdom the students haven’t got the posibility of complain or try to improve all the things that would be possible, try to accustom yourself because I would complain all the bad things I’ll find. In Argentina the students have the choice of do all the posible to improve the things, are they (we) are NOT looked as donkeys whose only worry is go deeply into the school and study when the adults try to get better all the society.

Insults? Tell me when, where and how I’ve insulted you or any other member of the forum. Try to respect a little more to the members who share this forum with you, right?