Favorite Waffen SS division

So, in light of this thread would you equate stockbrokers with untermensch :smiley: ?

I wouldn’t go that far.

I don’t think they’re worth the price of a bullet. :wink: :smiley:

60p! That much!

Upon reflection, my attempt at humour at the expense of stockbrokers was ill-conceived.

It suggested that that the so-called ‘untermensch’ were worth the price of a bullet, which devalues their lives and pointless deaths. That wasn’t my intention.

I dug myself into a hole there and I won’t try to dig myself out of it, beyond saying: I’m sorry.

Me too, apologies to anyone if my poor attempt at humour offended. I should know better.

Nah, you were just responding, quite innocently, to my misplaced attempt at humour.

Although I don’t think we should let stockbrokers off the hook.



What industry to I work in again…:oops:

Having studied law I found the idea of a lawyers unit really interesting…even if majorly off topic :wink:

Let’s try to get it back on topic.

My favourite Waffen SS divsion would be that one that had the highest death rate.

Don’t know which it is/was.


That works for me.

If it was composed entirely of lawyers, it would probably be the most popular division ever.

This is really harsh!
We ought to remember we’re talking about real people here, even if they fought for an ideology you despise.
They were all somebody’s son.

So were the British soldiers at warrenpoint, whoops sorry! Wrong thread.

Yes sir, they certainly were.
Please do me the kindness of looking at my last posting on that thread and I trust it will clear the air somewhat.
Kind regards,

Read, just wanted to make a point.

I do not understand how one can have a favorite SS Division, after what these bastards have done is quite amazing to think that you write on a site that examines the Second World War and who know the horrors commisent by these monsters , May have a preference for these species of rotten.
Fred France

I do not think it harsh at all. Those who chose toward the SS also chose away from mommy’s apron strings. you really are beginning to sound like an apologist for the SS. Although you have made apologies, that also means that the behavior for which you apologized will be discontinued. so lets have no more apologies, just stop what you’ve been doing. Shall we consider this an official Moderator notice ? I think so.

As well as the german soldiers that were tied to the tank turrets of the Inns of Court Regiment

Back to topic,
1 SS Division Leibstandarte, outstanding performance in Kharkov and during Goodwood, Wittmann, Peiper, Witt, Wϋnsche are some of the legendary names linked to this division.
Kindly regards,

Leibstandarte? The same bunch that massacred the Royal Warwick Fusiliers, took part in Kristallnacht and night of the long knives, rounded up Jews in Berlin in Operation Fabrikaktion, Malmedy and had a good go at slotting Jews in eastern Europe. Yeah real bunch of heroes.

Show again. Take him away sergeant major!

I’ve been thinking (yes I know very dangerous). Moderators, can you bin/lock this thread. I don’t think it’s appropriate to idolise a bunch of racists and mass murderers it’s akin to playing top trumps with British serial killers, i.e. Peter Sutcliffe vs. Fred West.