Favorite Waffen SS division

I have to go with 5th SS Panzer Division “Wiking” simply because SS-Panzer Grenadier Regiment 10 Westland was a unit in that division and I guess I should pick a unit comanded by a distant family member if I have to pick an SS Division.

I believe he does.long time I haven’t heard of this division by this name.
Sounds like a bad history channel dvd title.

The way I called it does? I thought that was its actual name?

No ,not you ,the gunny guy.
Sorry for the confusion.:slight_smile:

for me it’s
the liebstandant adolf hitler
6th ss mountain
and any ss panzer div

Its sad how SS were animal lovers and would not hurt a fly but they would call Jews rats and kill there own fellow human beings.

Would this be the PETA version of the SS?:mrgreen:

Das Reich or Wiking

Sea Sheperd, more like…

i think my fave is the 9.ss cause they had no war crimes i think>? someone confirm this for me

Yes officially from what i know they are clean from any crimes .

At least none large enough to justify blaming the entire Regiment

well then there my favorite cause some of the other SS units were real ass holes.
pardon my french

And pardon your English!
The Wiking Division. Tough fighters, with an excellent combat record who were fighting for what they believed in (right or wrong)… but definitely not ‘ass holes’


12th SS, Wiking and 2SS Das Reich.

Das Reich

Das Reich & Wiking

I don’t have a favorite SS div, just like I don’t have a favorite mass murderer or dictator.

But I have a favorite SS div symbol, and it’s on my car:

Please, lets get over the whole ‘SS Knights’ thing.

Have a read about Dirlewanger and Kaminiski.

Excellent combat record? Please… Some of the divisions have terrible combat records.

I can never do the whole ‘favourite’ thing with Waffen-SS formations. Despite studying them for 20 odd years, I still cant understand the adolaration people feel for them. I find them fascinating to study, from the mindset and combat performance, not too mention the sheer diversity that served, willingly and unwillingly in Waffen-SS units.

However I will conceed that Wiking has a better reputation than most with regards war crimes.

They did shoot 36 Jews near Lvov in '41, after a colonel was killed and they assited Einsatzgruppe A in rounding people up. There are also a number of claims against them in 1945 for shooting prisoners and Jews on the camp marches. Still better than most German formations.

To their credit, the did try to have Mengele removed from their honour roll after his crimes in the camps became evident. He served as a doctor with them, and by all accounts was rather good. Got the Iron Cross for rescuing two crew from a burning tank.