Georgia in Crisis: Major Fighting Erupts with Russia

I also agree with this, though. The Ossetians were clearly opening fire on Ossetian forces and were armed and supported by the Russian gov’t. If Russia is going to absorb S. Ossetia because it is populated mostly by “Russians,” then they should withdraw from Chechnya…

There have been firefights between the Georgian and Ossetian separatists nearly every August…

The tension has been building for a number of months. In July, in response to a number of incidents between the Georgian military and the Ossetians, Russia jets overflew the region to, in their words, “cool some heads”.

Obviously, the Georgians failed to take the hint

So tell Chevan, where are your tanks heading right now???

This didnt take long…

Russia: Poland risks attack because of US missiles By JIM HEINTZ, Associated Press Writer

A top Russian general said Friday that Poland’s agreement to accept a U.S. missile interceptor base exposes the ex-communist nation to attack, possibly by nuclear weapons, the Interfax news agency reported.

The statement by Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn is the strongest threat that Russia has issued against the plans to put missile defense elements in former Soviet satellite nations.

Poland and the United States on Thursday signed a deal for Poland to accept a missile interceptor base as part of a system the United States says is aimed at blocking attacks by rogue nations. Moscow, however, feels it is aimed at Russia’s missile force.

“Poland, by deploying (the system) is exposing itself to a strike — 100 percent,” Nogovitsyn, the deputy chief of staff, was quoted as saying.

He added, in clear reference to the agreement, that Russia’s military doctrine sanctions the use of nuclear weapons “against the allies of countries having nuclear weapons if they in some way help them.” Nogovitsyn that would include elements of strategic deterrence systems, he said, according to Interfax.

At a news conference earlier Friday, Nogovitsyn had reiterated Russia’s frequently stated warning that placing missile-defense elements in Poland and the Czech Republic would bring an unspecified military response. But his subsequent reported statement substantially stepped up a war of words.

U.S. officials have said the timing of the deal was not meant to antagonize Russian leaders at a time when relations already are strained over the recent fighting between Russia and Georgia over the separatist Georgian region of South Ossetia.

Russian forces went deep into Georgia in the fighting, raising wide concerns that Russia could be seeking to occupy parts of its small, pro-U.S. neighbor, which has vigorously lobbied to join NATO, or even to force its government to collapse.

Under the agreement that Warsaw and Washington reached Thursday, Poland will accept an American missile interceptor base.

“We have crossed the Rubicon,” Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said, referring to U.S. consent to Poland’s demands after more than 18 months of negotiations.

Washington says the planned system, which is not yet operational, is needed to protect the U.S. and Europe from possible attacks by missile-armed “rogue states” like Iran. The Kremlin, however, feels it is aimed at Russia’s missile force and warns it will worsen tensions.

In an interview on Poland’s news channel TVN24, Tusk said the United States agreed to help augment Poland’s defenses with Patriot missiles in exchange for placing 10 missile defense interceptors in the Eastern European country.

He said the deal also includes a “mutual commitment” between the two nations to come to each other’s assistance “in case of trouble.”

That clause appeared to be a direct reference to Russia.

Poland has all along been guided by fears of a newly resurgent Russia, an anxiety that has intensified with Russia’s offensive in Georgia. In past days, Polish leaders said that fighting justified Poland’s demands that it get additional security guarantees from Washington in exchange for allowing the anti-missile base on its soil.

Well maybe it could be a both side start. Maybe both Georgia and Russia both fire the fires shots. Or maybe it is a ploy. But we don’t know.

Does anyone know how fired on the Turkery reporters yet?

And if we do good to war with Russia will Germany and France help because they are depindent on Russian oil?

So will we even good to war. I hope not because well Iran is using Russian money to build their Nuclear reactor. and maybe train assasains to kill americans , Iraq troops.

So is what do you all think.

You mean this?


Or this? :mad:

Russian air strike (using clusterbombs) into Gori, Georgia.

I sign under every your word mate:)
It seems we have one more “KGB recruited agent here” - dear mr redcoat:D
Nice surprise to me…
Seems there in west are the people who still able to see the situation objectively.
BTW did you watched the report of FOX news where the Osetian woman with daughter , accidentally said the true:)
She thank the Russian army for that they have saved the Osetians from a total Georgian genocide.
The commentator was so surprised …
Russian Frist Channel has showed this report of FOX .

Where from do you know?
Thank to god they didn’t used the White-Phosphorus bomb like Yankees in Faludjy 2004.

Or vacuum bombs like the Ruskies did in Chechnya…:wink:

Or Napalm like the Yankees loved to use in Vietnam:)
If serious.
did you hear the Saakashvili publicaly declared in miting in Tbilisi the “total Victory over Russia”:):smiley:
He tanks the “Heroical Georgian army” that defeat the “Russian agressors”.( inspite the fact that GEorgians have dropped all the wearpon and run away from Gori firs, befor the GEorgian police that also escaped , leaving the rest Georgian civil population without protection from local criminals)
We have much of fun here when see this madman during his "emotiona " speeches:)

And how the American Anti-missles can defend the Poland?
Now the Russian nuclear attack would be firstly on the POlish territory.The polish authorities simply tryed to involve the Europe in NEW wearpon-race.
Clear , it’s not so hard to turn the part of Russian Nuclear missles to Poland and Chech , involving the Europe into the possible nuclear conflict with Russia or China.
Russia indeed don’t even threat the Poland.Becouse Poland is already in Nato.
The US missles in Europe is just the egoistic american matter.
The question - is the Europe needs the NEw military race for Alien Washington ambitions?

The above few posts aptly indicate the verity of the old adage:

Never underestimate the paranoia of the Rus

Oh really?
What Russians have made to you that you have devoted them entire adage?:wink:
Or is this just a common adage where you can insert any country name- USA, Germany and ets, depends on situation?
Kinda -never underestimate the paranoia of the Amers?
Is it very clever?:mrgreen:
What is a nation that invents such “genious” proverbs?

I think the American missile defince in poland is well a good idea and a bad one. ( how does that work.) It can now defind the American Allies and slap Moscow in the face. ( I hate Russia) But they have done some amazing things. But the Missile Defince is well a slap in the russians face. And it says now you can nuke us and we will be save because you missiles will never make it to us. Ha Ha Ha.But then with the russians and their every bad anger problems with try, But I Don’t think with Nukes but with 1 millain running screaming russian Solders with their aks and other ak type weapons because every weapon in their arsual is takin from the Kalashnikov Automatic 1947

Oh shit, one more russian-hate person is here:(
SO much of them last time:(
So are you openly write that that american Anti-missles are DIRECTED PRIMARY AGAINS RUSSIA?
WHat will Nickdfresh say now?

Well I don’t care what he thinks. And yes i do think it is DIRECTED PRIMARY AGAINS RUSSIA!!! who else maybe Iran But I think mostly Russia. I hope that is not a problem!!!

Bloody hell, are you sure your American? Your language is atrocious. Please try a bit harder to make sense…

That’s not the problem. It would much more effective to try shooting
Russian missiles with slingshots than use crapy patriot missiles.
The problem is: