Georgia in Crisis: Major Fighting Erupts with Russia

Ok people hate is a strong word. how is dislike, is that better. the Russians are just not who I can get a long with. So I will try to not say hate and Russia in the same sentince, after this. (Ok)

And for me to dislike the Russians, is as easy as waking up every morning.
It is in my Family to DISLIKE the RUSSIANS!!!

I don’t hate the people, just the actions that they take. And Im not saying that America is the holy land, because they have doobn wrong. But We don’t always us Force to solve problems And Russia always helps anyone who hate the US. If a small country says Ohh we hate america Russia will throw Ak-47’s at them. So Im sorry, I don’t have the right to say I hate Russia but I will say Dislike for now on.

I have generally gotten along with anyone I met in the flesh, Americans, Russians, French, and yes even some English. Do you know or have met a Rusian? Also, seriously, if the one half of the world is using Russian weapons, isnt the other using US ones? Another thing to remember is that maybe the Russian weapons are better, maybe more reliable, maybe its just that they are cost effective? Who knows? Not you for sure.

So instead of automatically disliking something, find out about it, free your mind instead of narrowing it.

So which is worse?

You seemed to think the Chechens deserve being suffocated but the beautiful Vietnamese were all victims of the American “Imperialist aggression.”

I just wonder how you can be so critical at rolling out the same ultra-critical “Yankee bastards” cliche when ignoring the fact that your country is quite capable of carrying out ruthless wars using intentional targeting of civilians (several instances are documented in Chechnya) and using some rather nasty weapons in doing so.

It’s like some odd form of preemptive propaganda…Like it’s okay for Russians to target crowded markets in Grozny with SCUDs or using thermite “vacuum bombs” is somehow preferable to napalm or white phosphorus…

Are we really going to argue over nicer ways of killing people? Really?

did you hear the Saakashvili publicaly declared in miting in Tbilisi the “total Victory over Russia”:):smiley:
He tanks the “Heroical Georgian army” that defeat the “Russian agressors”.( inspite the fact that GEorgians have dropped all the wearpon and run away from Gori firs, befor the GEorgian police that also escaped , leaving the rest Georgian civil population without protection from local criminals)

No I didn’t. But obviously he’s trying to “save face” and I doubt his troops had much choice but too run in the face of superior numbers and firepower. They retreated to defend their capital as anyone would…

We have much of fun here when see this madman during his "emotiona " speeches:)

Well, your foreign minister has also made some “mad” statements…

One example of an “emotional…mad” statement would be the continual silly accusation of “genocide” and the numbers game of “2000 killed” when Ossetian hospitals had only reported 44 deaths and less than 200 wounded…

No doubt more died than that, but some of the Russian statements of “throwing grenades into bomb shelters” and intentional targeting of Ossetian civilian areas are nothing but hyperbole…

I’d say he’s clueless, and so is anyone thinking that 10 US ABM interceptors in any way pose a threat to Russian nuclear deterrence of hundreds of MIRVs. Especially when they are not in the direct route over the bearing straights.

The missiles are in the direct Iranian flight path to the West however…

Really? Ten interceptors are going to stop hundreds of warheads on MIRVs?

Placing the missile defense is no doubt a thumb in the eyes of the Russians and the increased military ties between the US and Poland may be one of the consequences of the Russian offensive in Georgia…

But the missiles are too few and too poorly placed to be useful against hundreds if not thousands of nukes. Like throwing rocks at a swarm of locusts!

So why the clusters bombs shall be worse?

You seemed to think the Chechens deserve being suffocated but the beautiful Vietnamese were all victims of the American “Imperialist aggression.”

I just wonder how you can be so critical at rolling out the same ultra-critical “Yankee bastards” cliche when ignoring the fact that your country is quite capable of carrying out ruthless wars using intentional targeting of civilians (several instances are documented in Chechnya) and using some rather nasty weapons in doing so.

I never thought neither Chechens deserved something, nor associate them with Vietnameses.
The problem in way of your thinking Nick.
You probably think that USA might make a mistakes, attacking everybody they want around the world.
Israel might attack the neighbourds as much as they wish.
And ONLY russian shall shut up when some bas…rds kills our peoples.

This is what we call DOUBLE -STANDARDS, very actual things in West, in relation not just to Russia but for China and otheres.
Just say honestly - you are simply irritated becouse the OTHER state tru to do , what America did a long time.
The Washington din’t worry to much when Turks attaked Iraq, right?
As well Washington FULLY supported the recent agression of Isreal on Libanon, this is a FACT.
SO what to hell, thos cynical Americans politics try to blame russsia in “disproportionate answer” if we all know - after 9’11 the American answer was DAMN DISPROPORTIONAL.

And what, does somebody in Washington administration worry much about it?

Are we really going to argue over nicer ways of killing people? Really?

Of course not.
We are going to argue- if USA can bomb everyone they want- the Russia also has right to use the power, isn’t it?

No I didn’t. But obviously he’s trying to “save face” and I doubt his troops had much choice but too run in the face of superior numbers and firepower. They retreated to defend their capital as anyone would…

So why he is saving face , using the danger military demagogy and obvious lie?
West try to prick Russian mass media in non-objective views.
Do somebody in west ever notice what this idiot Saakashvily talk to their people?

Well, your foreign minister has also made some “mad” statements…

One example of an “emotional…mad” statement would be the continual silly accusation of “genocide” and the numbers game of “2000 killed” when Ossetian hospitals had only reported 44 deaths and less than 200 wounded…

That’s true.
I doubt in figure 1600 of dead too, however you are wrong if think that ONLY perished in Hospitals 44 were confirmed.
I heard there were no lees then 500 dead.
Anyway this is in several TIMES less then died Georgians during so called “Russian unfiar bombing of Georgian cities”.
BTW why then the Georgian madman start to repeat the silly word “genocide” in his speeches right after the russian ministry?
And how you can call the situation when GEorgian army round up the Osetians civils in one village in building and then fired it up?
Nazis commited the same with Jews during the ww2.

No doubt more died than that, but some of the Russian statements of “throwing grenades into bomb shelters” and intentional targeting of Ossetian civilian areas are nothing but hyperbole…

Oh you probably didn’t hear the Osetians refugees.
They tells the terrible things.Just listen them.
But does the CNN show their intervievs?
I know for sure the Euronews showed the suffering Osetians , and believe me- they were no kidding, talking about genocide.

But are those 10 US ABM only the American interceptors in a world that shall meet the Russian “hundred”( indeed no more 50 will in service combat-ready in 2011) missles?
DO you wish to say that USA have no more interceptors over US territory?
So from this prospect the additional 10 ABM is a REAL threat for Russian 50 missles that can be used as nuclear answer of first americna strike.Of course, Russian will have to direct the part of missles to attack the Poland and Chech in this way - therefore the Threat of Total Nuclear damage is decreasing down for AMerican continent.
But at the same time the Europe would be seriously damaged by the Russian missles.And this is not in their interests.
From this poin the Europe is getting the Hostage of the American policy- they should be attacked first
The right question - does the Europe need it, to be the American puppet, simply becouse the couple of american collaborationists ( Poland and Chech) want to get their personal profit from USA( money , wearpon and ets)
Is the Europe enough self-determined in their policy?
I doubt it.
Obviously the Europe is going to be “voluntary victims” of AMerican hegemony.
Are the Europeans so stupid to take the first nuclear strike on their territory for America?

The missiles are in the direct Iranian flight path to the West however…

So why this russian-hate idiot from “Paris island” think otherwise?

No I have not meet you and you are probably cool. but I have had Russians friends that desided to hate me for being German. And I realy have no problem with others just Few. I understand that saying That I hate Russians offinded you but Being called a Nazi for the better part of my life by both Russian, French,and many others, has made me a little pissy. So I am sorry that I upset you and such, and you are probable a cool person and someone I would hang out with, But being perdagice ( bad Speller ) is hard to get drop. I will try to with strane my self and be a little more knowing on what i say. And cost effective yes. better not always. Ak-47 a good weapon yes powerful 7.62x39mm is a hard hitting round but out of the Ak it is not accurate because of the way the front sight, and rear sight, they are to close if they were a little bit back it would beable to kill up to and past 800 yards. M16a2 Good weapon has distance and at close range the 5.56x49mm is a killer round. has a massive power loss when it comes to the Ak-47. but has the range to kill the one holding the Ak. Both have advantages and disadvantages. one has range the other has power. Ak-47’s round go’s right thew the body, but the m16 round when it hits the body tumbles and explodes. and does more damage. So I do know about Russian and American weapons every well and I have fired both weapons and weapons of world war II and you can ask me and I will tell to the best of my abilaty. So I do know. Now about the missiles I did not know the number of missiles. And I was reading that it was a big number. So I now can get a estimate of how many.

I very much doubt there is any realistic prospect of an American first strike, despite recent idiotic belligerent comments by a Russian military leader about attacking Poland threatening to raise the stakes.

I don’t think America is going to nuke Russia to preserve its anti-missile sites in Poland and thereby provoke a Russian strike on America. And Poland. We’re a long, long way short of the Cold War tensions and even they didn’t result in a nuclear strike, or any other strike.

Well, at least this time Poland and Czechoslovakia get a choice, unlike post-war and Cold War periods when the Soviets made them Soviet puppets.

I can understand why you have your views because you’re directly affected by these developments, and the same for some American members, but as someone who is completely outside the Russian - American contest I’d say each country is about as bad as the other in their own ways.

I suspect that a large part of the problem is that the current leaderships, and some of the people, in America and Russia are both carrying baggage from the Cold War, while the rest of the world has moved on and we don’t want to see a return to super-power nuclear idiocy threatening the rest of us.

Anyway, the only looming nuclear attack risk at the moment is Pakistan since Musharraf resigned. If the Islamic zealots get into control there, the least of America’s, and Russia’s, and much of the rest of the world’s, worries will be a few anti-missile missiles in Poland.

Russians and Americans can argue that, but a lot of the rest of us would argue that it would be nice if they both abided by what passes for international law and common decency, so that they stopped flexing their bully boy muscles just because they can.

And stopped interfering in other countries, just because they can and to advance their own interests, without regard to the interests of the rest of the world. Or the poor bastards who have the misfortune to live in some of the countries they interfere in, from Vietnam and Chile to Iraq or Hungary and Czechoslokia to Georgia.

No country has clean hands when it comes to using its power against smaller countries to advance its interests, but America and Russia have dirtier hands than most.

Yes Russian and American hands are muddy and bloody. America was saving their interests, When we went into Vietnam, Russia was their to. Some As China, all of us were their. In Vietnam My dad shot a man that looked russian. And that is a clue that shows me that even Russia is everywere. Hell even China was in vietnam. Everybody was.

So yes Russians and Americans can argue that Russia can use force when ever they want, sam e as the US. But the way I feel, is that both countrys have some of the same interests. But That what makes us differnt is what makes us friends, But that what makes us the same is killing us. And yes Russia and the US are everywere. in every conflict and in every war, by some little part. AK-47s, M16’s they are everywere. some people carry both. Hell why not. Both good fire arms. heel the Ak-47 is on a country’s flag, because it help them with their Indepindince.with out knowing they changed the world and it’s polacy. US is the good guy, Russia is the bad guy. This has been going on for the better part of 55 years. and It is time to start hating some one else. Because people or not they can flex their muscle. but Just a little less. let everyone breath a little. Being American does not give me the right to bash others for how i have been treated. The hole world is not like this. Even if it seems that way. Both Russia & the US needs to lower the ego and kiss and make up. this has been going on for over half a century. And it is geting a lot older the more I think about it. Russia helped with the stoping of The Mighty German army , and then we go to war that lasts 40 years. what the hell? I* love war, but wo in my life time is good three is ofer doing it.

You must be thinking of the Mozambique flag

Lmao:D i agree

Jesus, kurwa, whatever :slight_smile:
There is no Czechoslovakia any more!
Chech Republic and Slovakia are independent states since 1st of January 1993 ( for 15 years!!!)


yes that is the one!

That’s another thing to blame on the Soviets! :smiley:

Well, I’m a long way away.

It takes a long time for news to reach us down here. :smiley:

I don’t know. But the interceptors barely work against crude ballistic missiles from the likes of North Korea or Iran. I doubt they’d pose much of a threat to a Russian ICBM…or SLBM…

So from this prospect the additional 10 ABM is a REAL threat for Russian 50 missles that can be used as nuclear answer of first americna strike.Of course, Russian will have to direct the part of missles to attack the Poland and Chech in this way - therefore the Threat of Total Nuclear damage is decreasing down for AMerican continent.
But at the same time the Europe would be seriously damaged by the Russian missles.And this is not in their interests.
From this poin the Europe is getting the Hostage of the American policy- they should be attacked first

The Russians only have 50 missiles total? Why do I doubt this? And in anycase, the MIRV is a force multiplier that makes each missile into a dozen ones…

The right question - does the Europe need it, to be the American puppet, simply becouse the couple of american collaborationists ( Poland and Chech) want to get their personal profit from USA( money , wearpon and ets)
Is the Europe enough self-determined in their policy?
I doubt it.
Obviously the Europe is going to be “voluntary victims” of AMerican hegemony.
Are the Europeans so stupid to take the first nuclear strike on their territory for America?

So why this russian-hate idiot from “Paris island” think otherwise?

Um, Europe tends to agree with the US on many of these issues. They may well fear Russian “hegemony” or gas pipelines with shuttered valves more than the Americans across the pond…

And Semper Fi will have to speak for himself…

This is true mate.
But other true is …that the “rest of us” ( i mean Anglo-Saxs) supports the American intervention very actively.
You scold the Bush , but at the same time Australia supports the American adventure in Iraq.I bet also they will support the possible invasion into Iran.
And this is a reality that we can’t ignore.Because inspite of “peace-loving demagogy” of mid 1990-y we have got a serious trouble - Nato is is coming much closer.
The rest west “portray the discussion” but FULLY depend on American military will. We might agrue - is it bad or well,but this is a FACT.