Georgia in Crisis: Major Fighting Erupts with Russia

Not as much as I loathe our last American lap dog Prime Minister and his ‘suck up to America’ government for getting us involved in that disaster.

Not since we got rid of our last American lap dog government.

No. Even the last government was against that. Unless there is some dramatic change in the Iran situation, that’s the way it will stay.

P.S. For American members, my comments don’t reflect any distate for Americans but purely disgust for our last government and its conservative predecessors who, in the misguided belief that it will earn us brownie points in case we need American diplomatic pressure or military help in future, blindly follow America into conflicts that have nothing to do with us and do us more harm than good.

The interceptors works against any ballistic targets.Not just N/Korea and Irans.
Thrue , it works effectively ONLY against limited figures of Targets (10-15) but has no significant effect against 200.
But the problem that Russian STrategic Forces is melting.Стратегические_ядерные_силы_Российской_Федерации
The absolute majiority of the Russian Missles today is the is the obsolet soveit RS-18( 660) and RS-20 ( 750) that have been entered in service in end 1970-80.Those are most effective and serious soviet rockets that ONLY pose a real threat to American continent( 15 000-16 000 km range of hit) It have been stopped to produse since 1990.
They have a maximal operational-time is no moe 25 years. Thus TILL the 2015 the LAst of it has would have been utilized.But indeed the most of RS-18/20 would have been destroyed already in 2009-11 becouse the operational time will expired.
Although Russian is rearming its strategical forces- we build no more 3-5 per years of Topol-M2 ( RS-12M2)
Today we have 200+ but through 5-8 years will no more 60-80 .

The Russians only have 50 missiles total? Why do I doubt this?

Because you watch the CNN that wash brains very well;)
As i said we will WILL HAVE no more 50 of Intercontinental ballistic missles that CAN threat the America.
Plus the few dozens of subcontinental ( with range no more 5 000 of km)
SO newest American Interceptors can very effectively works agains 50 russians missles ( even if dozen of missles will have reachув the aims- thay can’t guaranty the TOTAL destruction of USA, thus we have the ABSOLUTLY new situation when Americans CAN strart the nuclear WW3 without fear of to be the seriously damaged)
It will be a ABSOLUTE new situation when the USA will have the absolute nuclear monopoly and it can be very dager for World.

And in anycase, the MIRV is a force multiplier that makes each missile into a dozen ones…

No my friend.
The OLD soviet Multi-warheads missles like RS-18 ( SS-19 in NATO calassification) is dying now.
Indeed the new Russian Topol-M have SINGLE warhead, but it can additional engines to manoeuvre.
This increase the chance to overcome the American interceptors field in final trajectory but decrease the ability to damage the aims.
So even 10 additional interceptors in Europe can decrease the nuclear damage of American continets, but increase the damage of Europe.

Um, Europe tends to agree with the US on many of these issues. They may well fear Russian “hegemony” or gas pipelines with shuttered valves more than the Americans across the pond…

Europe is not a threat for Russia- you have to understand it.
Russian indeed needs the Europe as much Europe needs a Russia. Becouse Russian is a part of Europe.
The Russian “hegemony” is a myth, created and supported by …Washington.
In fact Russian depend on European market as much as the Europe need the Russian gas and oil- this is MUTUAL dependence.
And nobody will break it voluntary.
Europe can to be realy strong world leader if join the Russia as a part of it.If they got the Russian resources , gas and ets and Russian manpower - it can be very great fro all of us.
But , just ask yourself - who don’t wish the STRONG independent Europe?
Right, your “lovely” USA.
The USA is going to Isolate the Russian from Europe via the Eastern Europeand puppets who FULLY supports the AMerican interests in Europe.They are obvuoisly need to separate Russian from Europe in aim to prevent the Rise of Europe.
Now russian desperatively try to resist to those puppets , and strat to build the Pipe directly to the OLD Europe ( the contract with Germany), to defend the OUR mutual Russian -European interest from the Washington.
But how many squeal today about it?
And all squeal is coming from …you know where:)
Sad fract the BLIND Europe still depend of Washington Ambition

Australia will step up its civilian commitments of aid and expertise to help with the reconstruction of both Iraq and Afghanistan while winding back its military presence in Iraq, Foreign Affairs Stephen Smith has announced.

Wow finaly they are withdrawing from Iraq.Good news.

No. Even the last government was against that. Unless there is some dramatic change in the Iran situation, that’s the way it will stay.

But who does bother to creat the “dramatic change” mate?
You see the sutiation is under controll- everything is possible.Nobody guaranty that some Ultra-radical islamic group “from Iran” will attack the any state with bombs.
The everuthing next is just the matter of Mass media:)
We have seen as the 9’11 the MAss media warmed up the Anti-Iraq feeling among the americans, who after that was ready to support the “little victorious” company ( as it was promised) .
So as is said , everything is possible.

I know.

That’s what worries me.

The world has more than its fair share of lunatics and far too many of them have access to weapons, and increasingly dangerous ones.

Russia loses again – this time in Georgia — Article by Frank Richter at freep

Russia’s invasion of Georgia came at a huge cost. The Russian causality rate was nearly 100 times the rate suffered by U.S. forces during the Iraq invasion…
Russia has a long history of military disasters. Napoleon’s Grand Army bested Russian soldiers in battle… The Turks beat czarist Russia in the Crimean War 1853-56. Japan bested Russia in a 1905 war. Russia lost to Germany in WW1 and was forced to cede Ukraine to the Kaiser. Even newly formed Poland licked Russia in a 1920 war, and tiny Finland humiliated the Soviets early in the Winter War, 1939-40… Even Russia’s Third World neighbor Afghanistan triumphed over Soviet armies…
Moreover, Moscow’s invasion of Georgia has given its neighbors a reason to coalesce into an emerging anti-Russian alliance… Poland has finally agreed to station American anti-missiles on Polish soil, and Ukraine and Georgia may soon find themselves on the fast track for NATO membership.

But i think you have to realize- that OUR cynical politicans just exploit our “patriotic feeling” and fear.
And they justify their action by our wishes.Peoples very easy believe on what the local TV inspires them.
We see it everywhere.
Probably OUR local idiots in Moscow, after they have learned how the “deeds is doing in Washington”( i mean how they justified the invasion to Iraq after 9’11), have started their own “Patriotic company” in Russian mass media.Putin calls it as “restoration of rusian power”
Of cource peoples in West might worry of this new “insolent” russian behaviour - but the other bitter true is - they simply deny their OWN insolent behaviour toward other nations.
This is sad true of our life.

What a nonsens:)
So how many russians lost in “Georgia”?
As we know the AMericans losed in Iraq about 3 000 until.
So 3 000 x 100 = 30 000 russians killed:)
This is probably the MOST STOOPID LIE that we ever heard from this dirty company:)
don’t you know but whole russian forces that have been used in Georgia is SINGLE 58 Arrmy plus aviation…no mre than 15 000 of mans:)

The quote was “during invasion”, not “during occupation”.

And then Napoleon’s Grand Army almost died during the retreat from Moscow:)

The Turks beat czarist Russia in the Crimean War 1853-56.

Not turks but British-Franch -Turks alliance.
But anyway - later Russians kicked their Turkish ass out from Causaus and Crimea:)

Japan bested Russia in a 1905 war.

And then Japs have been f…cked in 1938 and then finaly their kwantung army suck the russians … for TWO WEEKS in 1945

Russia lost to Germany in WW1 and was forced to cede Ukraine to the Kaiser.

Not to Kaiser but to Antanta, who let the Poland cupture theUkraine in 1920.
And not whole Ukraine but just its Western part.:slight_smile:

Even newly formed Poland licked Russia in a 1920 war

But soon in 1939 have been forced to “return the captured lands” back:)

, and tiny Finland humiliated the Soviets early in the Winter War, 1939-40…

Yea and then Finns proudly payd the 300 million compansations, ships and ets to the “humiliated” USSR.
And of couse have returned all the lands of Karelia that Soviets demanded in 1939:)

Even Russia’s Third World neighbor Afghanistan triumphed over Soviet armies…

This is ONLY true:)
The AFganistans is a strong GREAT countrly.
Envy to Afganistan:)

Moreover, Moscow’s invasion of Georgia has given its neighbors a reason to coalesce into an emerging anti-Russian alliance… Poland has finally agreed to station American anti-missiles on Polish soil, and Ukraine and Georgia may soon find themselves on the fast track for NATO membership.

What anti-russian alliance?
IS NATO anti-russian already:)?

And how many have been lost during invasion to Iraq?

Dunno, how many russians were killed during the georgian conflict :smiley:
Devide that number through 100, hihi

Yerstaday the Russian Military press-secretary officialy declared the figures of died - 70 KIA, 27 MIA and about 100 wounded.
SO we can divide it on 100 - Really 7 USA soldiers died during invasion?

Well the US and their other alliances are worried about russian agsean and the way they still have not left Georgia. But even thow they seem to be leaving the Russians may leave some units their to watch and see what happans. so it is anyones game this early. And to hard to tell how will make the frist move!

US lost 140 men, UK 33 men.
542 were woundet in action.

was that at the start of the invasion? Or a bit later on?

At the end of the invasion on the 1 May 2003.

The bottom line is that the US missile defense system is probably pretty ineffective since most of the tests have been rigged and made very easy and it is a “kinetic energy based system,” meaning that it is a bullet trying to hit a bullet. The Russians know this and know it presents little actual threat currently. Otherwise why not just use the new found oil wealth to modernize or expand current stocks of nukies?

The real perceived threat is in the future and based on Russian fears that the US could perfect the system, then surround any nation with an armada of missile ships and land based ABMs. But that is prohibitively expensive and a long way off…

Because you watch the CNN that wash brains very well;)
As i said we will WILL HAVE no more 50 of Intercontinental ballistic missles that CAN threat the America.
Plus the few dozens of subcontinental ( with range no more 5 000 of km)
SO newest American Interceptors can very effectively works agains 50 russians missles ( even if dozen of missles will have reachув the aims- thay can’t guaranty the TOTAL destruction of USA, thus we have the ABSOLUTLY new situation when Americans CAN strart the nuclear WW3 without fear of to be the seriously damaged)
It will be a ABSOLUTE new situation when the USA will have the absolute nuclear monopoly and it can be very dager for World.

No my friend.
The OLD soviet Multi-warheads missles like RS-18 ( SS-19 in NATO classification) is dying now.
Indeed the new Russian Topol-M have SINGLE warhead, but it can additional engines to manoeuvre.
This increase the chance to overcome the American interceptors field in final trajectory but decrease the ability to damage the aims.
So even 10 additional interceptors in Europe can decrease the nuclear damage of American continets, but increase the damage of Europe.

Europe is not a threat for Russia- you have to understand it.
Russian indeed needs the Europe as much Europe needs a Russia. Becouse Russian is a part of Europe.
The Russian “hegemony” is a myth, created and supported by …Washington.
In fact Russian depend on European market as much as the Europe need the Russian gas and oil- this is MUTUAL dependence.
And nobody will break it voluntary.
Europe can to be realy strong world leader if join the Russia as a part of it.If they got the Russian resources , gas and ets and Russian manpower - it can be very great fro all of us.
But , just ask yourself - who don’t wish the STRONG independent Europe?
Right, your “lovely” USA.
The USA is going to Isolate the Russian from Europe via the Eastern Europeand puppets who FULLY supports the AMerican interests in Europe.They are obvuoisly need to separate Russian from Europe in aim to prevent the Rise of Europe.
Now russian desperatively try to resist to those puppets , and strat to build the Pipe directly to the OLD Europe ( the contract with Germany), to defend the OUR mutual Russian -European interest from the Washington.
But how many squeal today about it?
And all squeal is coming from …you know where:)
Sad fract the BLIND Europe still depend of Washington Ambition

Even if a few missiles got through, there still would be untold devastation, and the US would cease to be a power. And your pronouncements of the eroding Russian nuclear force are heavily speculative…

[i]Current composition

The composition of missiles and warheads of the Strategic Rocket Forces must be revealed as part of the START II treaty exchange. The latest date of exchange was January 1, 2005.

At the beginning of 2008 the Russian strategic forces included 702 strategic delivery platforms, which can carry up to 3155 nuclear warheads. The Strategic Rocket Forces have 452 operational missile systems of four types that can carry 1677 warheads. The strategic fleet includes 14 strategic missile submarines. Their 172 missiles can carry 606 nuclear warheads. Strategic aviation bomber force consists of 78 bombers that can carry up to 872 long-range cruise missiles. The space-based tier of the early warning system included three satellites that appear operational—two on highly elliptical orbits and one on a geostationary orbit.

The Strategic Rocket Forces operate four distinct missile systems. The oldest system is the R-36M / SS-18 Satan which is capable of carrying ten warheads. 85 remain in service, although plans to retire the older of the two versions in service, the R-36MUTTH, will leave 40 of the less aged R-36M2 in service past 2020. The other missile capable of carrying a MIRV warhead is the UR-100NUTTH or SS-19 as it is known to NATO, with 129 in service with up to six warheads each. The most numerous missile serving is the Topol or SS-25, a road-mobile missile. Despite over 300 in service, they are reaching the end of their service lives and are due for replacement. The only new missile entering service is the Topol-M, or SS-27, and can be either silo-based or road-mobile. Deployment has begun with the announcement of the first operational unit, but full-scale entry into service is expected from 2006.


The above hardly seems trivial…

And the US has “European puppets?” LMFAO!! Chevan, that is a seriously deluded asnd insulting statements you’ve ever made. The vast majority of Poles did not support the US basing ABMs on their territory until the invasion of Georgia, where the ratio slipped to an overwhelming public support. This despite, OR EVEN BECAUSE of Russian threats to nuke Poland.

Russia has no one to blame but itself for the wariness of the surrounding European powers. If anything, the current clowns in the US executive branch have only mostly ignored Russia for the past seven years. Remembers the days of when Putin and Bush gazed lovingly into each others eyes, and saw their “souls?”… :wink:

Alright that is enough, Chevan has a point, and Russia has to blame it’s self and so does the US for not watching and seeing the problem before hand. If Georgia started this then Everone shoud of seen it coming. This is a problem that even I fore seen coming but a little sooner!

Which was exactly my point, guy who “hates Russians”… :rolleyes:

Russia-Georgia conflict created a big headache for Israel which armed and trained Georgians for years - and now suddenly Russians threaten retaliation by supplying S-300 SAM batteries to Syria. Here is what a prominent Israeli analyst says: