The Stephen E. Ambrose book im currently reading is “D-Day” it’s one of the best detailed versions i have read of the Normandy invasion.
I highly recommend it.

Yes I have that too. Although Ive said before Im not a great Ambrose fan and he does get some facts wrong. Try the Longest day, thats another good D-Day book.

actually, I’m not really an Ambrose fan either. No offense to anybody, but certain parts of his books come across to me as “WW2 for flag-waving dummies”. His writing, however, is very simple and readable.
but some of his arguments are poorly reseached.

Hes not a real researcher like David M. Glantz and he throws out statistics, loss figures, units strengths left and right with many of them wrong. all his information are readibly available info from the net and old, sometimes inaccurate books written in the 70s-80s.

IE, He gave the strength of KG peiper in the ardennes 22,000! When everyone knows that KG peiper was 4,800 men strong!

He used the old “patton estimate” for german causalties in normandy, with is 250,000. But the actual number, compiled by historians with german records, is 89,000.

he constantly uses the slang jabos, which started to annoy me.

he calls every german tank gun “an 88”. he claimed that the panther had an “88”!

etc, etc

Yeah alot of Ambroses writing is quite comprehendable and explained military vehicle and army names.

And as stated before, for example in band of Brothers, he always has them fighting elite units, Im sure they did on occassions, but not all occassions.

Still his books are readable and not heavy going as some are. I would say they would be a good starting point for anyone getting into the subject.

Also, he does seem to treat Eisenhower as a God.

there is the 82nd airbornes’ complete combat history out in bookstores now. ITs 800 pages, and documents Every combat action of the 82nd. I skimmed through it, and its “action-packed”. Mr.Nordyke knows his military equipment, as well as making the book very readable.

The only flaw is that the book isn’t objective, its heavily tuned to a pro-american slant. In fact, i’ve rarely read a book so americanized. With chapters like “My God,Matt, can’t anything stop these men”

still recommend it, though

interesting in that the 82nd, besides engagements with/ low quality troops or regular troops, paid a disportionate toll in blood against the hermann goering panzer division, and 1st SSLAH, 2nd SS das reich.

All American, All The Way: The Combat History Of The 82nd Airborne Division In World War II by Phil Nordyke

John Corsellis, Marcus Ferrar: Slovenia 1945- Memories of death and survival after world war II; I.B. Taurius, Great Britain

D-DAY the invasion of europe by the editors of american heritage

My fav is American Caesar by William Manchester. Absolutely beautiful writing style plus a very comprehensive look on Douglas MacArthur’s life. No wonder Manchester was noted as one of the greatest history writers of our time.

I’m currently reading Shattered Sword by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully. I’m about half way through the 600-page book. It is simply the best book on the Battle of Midway I’ve ever come across, and I don’t even need to mention the fact that Jon and Tony’s dedicated research uncovered a lot of facts that the western world had taken for granted about the battle were WRONG. Excellent read.

My favourite is “Winter” forget who is the auther though. Also novels by Sven Hassell are very good too

I am in search of a WWII book that was written while the war was in progress. I know that this book is real and that I did not dream about it. While visiting at a party with members from the 101st Airborne division (Band of Brothers) one of the re-enactors was there getting autographs and had the book with him. I forget what the name is. I was also told that with the help of Dick Winters and others during the filming of Band of Brothers that this book was also used so that the movie would be accurate. Any ideas out there? :?:

Read that…Excellent book. Now reading the “sequal” Citizen Soldiers. Highly recommended.

I’m currently reading “Path to Victory: The mediterranean Theater in WWII” by Douglas Porch. Haven’t gotten far enough in it yet to form an opinion, but has, thus far, kept my interest.

I would recommend Luftwaffe Aces.
Luftwaffe Aces
The auther also does Infantry Aces, and Panzer Aces.
I recommend them all. There filled with exciting stories and first hand accounts on
the battle field by the real men that he interviews.

Right, nice book. I read it last year.

By the way, that is a neat signature/avatar!

That sig is very cool, did you make it yourself? If so what effects did you add to it, it certainly rocks!

Thanks for the complements on the signature. But no I didn’t make it. I had it made at another forum. The address is on the bottom right hand corner.

Flyboys–James Bradley

Band of Brother-Stephen Ambrose

Origins of the Second World War–A.J.P. Taylor

I am looking for a good first person aaccount from a Luftwaffe pilot if anyone has any recommendations.

Here you go:

Thank you for the reccomendation. I’ll go to Amzon today to see if they have it.