Guide to Britain for the Americans

Sure I have.

Hmm. That’s funny. Not long ago you said that you were currently a soldier. Before that you said that you worked in the military industrial complex. What next?


Hmm. That’s funny. Not long ago you said that you were currently a soldier. Before that you said that you worked in the military industrial complex. What next?[/quote]
From memory he’s TA (reserve component) so it would be wierd if he didn’t do both.

And that is why nobody drinks it warm… because all beer tastes like crap warm, except to the British.[/quote]

sigh. I try to help you but your comprehension when reading fails you yet again.

Those lagers that were listed are NOT the “warm beer” that the English drink. They are lagers, much more akin to the sort of “beers” drink cold.

All beer does NOT taste like crap warm. Although I was trying to say that many of the drinks that people here admit to liking and drinking taste just as crap warm as American beer does - hence why lagers are served chilled so to round on America for something that the whole world does with Lager is a bit… well.

But I won’t try agreeing with you again since you are clearly incapable of reading it properly.

Have you seen how fast the mobile Pizza Hut and Subway gets set up after US Soldiers enter a location? They’re there before half of the army gets there.

They kept shutting our Sub way down because of food poisoning in the gulf.

Never tried BK, the burgers from the cookhouse were just as good.

I thought due to marketting they ahd to be “pizza Inn’s” though of course I havent had first hand expereince so my claims count for nothing!

IRONMAN, I am in a reserve component of hte British Territorial Army. I am presently studying for a degree in international politics whic HMF believe will make me a better attribute for her forces (bear with me) Therefore I am Cat B and not eligible for caull up whilst studying. My university has Semesters and I get Holidays. Holidays extend over hte summer months and Enable me to work to Earn money. I work in A pub.

Just to clear things up IRONMAN.

I have worked a number of jobs, those that I can remember are.
Pubs since 14 as a sous chef waiter and barman and lackey
as a nightclub doorman and barman.
as a crewman on Scottish Kreel fishing boat out of Skye
as a Farmhand in the Falkland Islands
as a Hotelier and receptionist in Snowdonia
as a Factory production operative
as a Skipper n a 50 foot oyster yacht in the carribean
as a deckhand on a 170 foot 102 year old 3 masted topsail schooner in the Carribean and pacific.

I have visited France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Morroco, Norway Sweden, Denmark, The Falkland Islands, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Holland, Belgium, Southern Ireland. the Azores, Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados, St Maarten, BVI, USVI, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Dominic, St Lucia, Montserrat, St Bartholomew, Florida, Panama, the San Blas Islands, The Galapagos, French Polynesia, the Tuamotus, the Marquesas, the Leeward Islands, Fiji, Tonga and Los Angeles.

I would be delighted if you didnt assume I knew nothign about the world being closed minded, xenophobic or insular. I think I have a greater understanding of the worth of travel than you do.

Do you even own a passport?

You wanker Bluff!!!

Do you even own a passport?

I was holding that in reserve.

I believe the vast majority of yanks do not hold pass ports.

Is that true DEADHEAD?

The food on the menu at a certain huge Gulf US airbase is ok, but definately based around a fast food menu. Most of the meals can easily be eaten with 1 hand.

As Ive said before, the Salads were exceptionally good. Most of the USAF personnel avoided these though.

But in all fairness the grossest fatest person I ever saw there was a female member of the RAF. The combination of high temperatures, a uniform stretched to its max and 18 stones of pure blubber was an awesome sight to behold.

Yes, Americans like modern, chilled beer. Not the slag that the Norse drank in mead halls in the 5th century. :lol: I find that “Guide” rather funny actually.

why are we discussing fast food i was trying to teach te colonial about beer!

HE still hasnt explained why he was surprised that beer tastes like soggy rotting barley? Beer is made out of soggy rotting Barley and malted hops you Nonce! - ony for the brave, but this is why you shouldnt give women fast food!

Of course you like modern beer! Your country is younger than the fireplace in my pub!
and Archers Golden is a modern beer! its served cellar cold but will taste good even at the end of your game of pool when the chill ahs come off it and youreturn to your seat!

The Michelob faught the largest percentage of the battle, while the British slag-brew provided support form the rear. it was the fierces battle between meads in the history of modern brewing!

Its freeking FOUGHT! Have you no dictionary?

And nice words in you analogy there. Going against the exact thing you have apparently been getting at us for?

Oh and Mead isnt Beer.

Proof positive that he has never drunk British Ale.

British “slag-brew” is called lambrini!
and no British beer provides support from the rear!!!

I would disagree Bluff, 15 pints of Nookie Broon will provide plenty of support from my rear.

I must learn to distinguish between the effects of 15 pints of ale, and the effects of a kebab bought after 15 pints of ale!

Yes, mead is made with honey and is mead.

Not beer not wine, mead.

I would disagree Bluff, 15 pints of Nookie Broon will provide plenty of support from my rear.[/quote]

:lol: Funny that.

Ever drunk NOOKIE BROON?

tell me what it is then? and it wont appear on Google! so good luck!