Guide to Britain for the Americans

No, thank God.

How would you be able to see that it is funny then? Stoip boosting your post count OXYGEN THIEF

Hmm, Noookie Brooon, drunk from a 1/2 pint glass and topped up regulary.


Heaven indeed. I was at Sennybridge once on an Ex with some mainly geordie Regt and Im not trying to stereotype Geordies, but in the Bar they all drank it.

Mind you I like mine chilled, is this sacreligeous?

You know it is the right temperature when the start turns white, or is it blue?

I wonder if they still make Amber, I used to like that, never seen it for years though.

Never even heard of it!! I don’t think I have any way.

Heaven indeed. I was at Sennybridge once on an Ex with some mainly geordie Regt and Im not trying to stereotype Geordies, but in the Bar they all drank it.

Mind you I like mine chilled, is this sacreligeous?[/quote]


Now, a nice cold Michelob or Samuel Adams and a bowl of peanuts after a hard day’s work…

Simply beautiful!

I wonder if a guide to America ever existed for foreign troops. Doubtful since not many of them come over here. We haven’t found the need I suppose.

If I remember correctly the UK sent 2Bns a year to work with US units, the 2i/c of the tank school is a brit, a number of posts in US inf school are held by brits, a number of lecturers in each of the officer schools are held by brits, 3 or 4 paces on the Ranger course are open to HM Forces, not to mention all the navy and RAF posts. The Anzacs also regularly exercise in the US. So not that many, no.

If I remember correctly the UK sent 2Bns a year to work with US units, the 2i/c of the tank school is a brit, a number of posts in US inf school are held by brits, a number of lecturers in each of the officer schools are held by brits, 3 or 4 paces on the Ranger course are open to HM Forces, not to mention all the navy and RAF posts. The Anzacs also regularly exercise in the US. So not that many, no.[/quote]

Yes, I knew that some Brits train here, but I meant that its a big difference from sending tens of many of troops here, as was done in WWII with US troops going to Britain. You are right, not that many.

What are Anzacs?

If I remember correctly the UK sent 2Bns a year to work with US units, the 2i/c of the tank school is a brit, a number of posts in US inf school are held by brits, a number of lecturers in each of the officer schools are held by brits, 3 or 4 paces on the Ranger course are open to HM Forces, not to mention all the navy and RAF posts. The Anzacs also regularly exercise in the US. So not that many, no.[/quote]

Yes, I knew that some Brits train here, but I meant that its a big difference from sending tens of many of troops here, as was done in WWII with US troops going to Britain. You are right, not that many.

What are Anzacs?[/quote]

Very strange indeed. The guide to America wouldnt be written by Americans it would be written as the guide to the uK was, by the country that was sending the forces.

I have at work many guides to US and canadian bases. We use them when we deploy. They cover etiquette, where to eat, where to and not to go etc, where the crime is and isnt.

We do it all the time mate…


If I remember correctly the UK sent 2Bns a year to work with US units, the 2i/c of the tank school is a brit, a number of posts in US inf school are held by brits, a number of lecturers in each of the officer schools are held by brits, 3 or 4 paces on the Ranger course are open to HM Forces, not to mention all the navy and RAF posts. The Anzacs also regularly exercise in the US. So not that many, no.[/quote]

Yes, I knew that some Brits train here, but I meant that its a big difference from sending tens of many of troops here, as was done in WWII with US troops going to Britain. You are right, not that many.

What are Anzacs?[/quote]

Long Tan a truly Anzac battle.
Australians lost 17 killed and 21 wounded, with two of the wounded spending a terrifying night isolated in the rubber plantation as the Viet Cong moved about them, recovering their casualties.
245 Viet Cong bodies were found, an unknown number having been evacuated through night.

And the US was used in WW2 to train most bomber crews as it was a safe area.

If I remember correctly the UK sent 2Bns a year to work with US units, the 2i/c of the tank school is a brit, a number of posts in US inf school are held by brits, a number of lecturers in each of the officer schools are held by brits, 3 or 4 paces on the Ranger course are open to HM Forces, not to mention all the navy and RAF posts. The Anzacs also regularly exercise in the US. So not that many, no.[/quote]

Yes, I knew that some Brits train here, but I meant that its a big difference from sending tens of many of troops here, as was done in WWII with US troops going to Britain. You are right, not that many.

What are Anzacs?[/quote]

Long Tan a truly Anzac battle.
Australians lost 17 killed and 21 wounded, with two of the wounded spending a terrifying night isolated in the rubber plantation as the Viet Cong moved about them, recovering their casualties.
245 Viet Cong bodies were found, an unknown number having been evacuated through night.

And the US was used in WW2 to train most bomber crews as it was a safe area.[/quote]

Intersting. Thanks.

Every bottle I’ve ever bought I’ve been sure the star was “broken”, because the f’ing thing never seemed to bear any relation to what temperature it was or wasn’t.

Never had a problem with my little stars, although I can’t get them to change colour with my thumb!!!

My personal favourite guide to the SPAMs was a card roughly 2 x Credit cards in size, lamenated.

It said in Big bold letters

“There are British Soldiers on this Base”,

“Do NOT…”,

“Drink with them”,
“Gamble with them”,
“Fight with them”,



A friend of mine was on exercise with the RN somewhere up in Labrador, and spent a time alongside a USN Vessel, the Ratings from the USN vessel were told under no uncertain circumstances were htey to drink with the RN.

After two buds naturally the US Ratings were called over to the petty officers mess for a few tots of Rum and the like. atthe end of the evening the USN guys departed back to their own vessel, the following morning being outboard the USN vessel departed - leaving behind - two American seamen who had found their way (drunkenly) into the netting around the sides of the helicopter deck!

Seeing as this qualified them as being stowaways onboard a British Warship they were then sent to the Brig for the next two weeks, untila parlez and handover could be organised!

IRONMAN why are you surprised that beer tastes like soggy rotting bread? What did you think Beer was made from?

It’s made from freedom in America you know.

Life can be good in America, Life is great in America da da dat da dat.

On Exercise in Graffenwher, that’s South Germany, anyway these 8 Green Howards are in the bar having a few wets, when some big bulked up SPAM says to one “gee, i’d buy you a beer if you could reach it from the bar!!!” or similar.

The GH in question was about 4ft and a fag butt high.

Cue raucous laughter from all the other bulked up SPAMs, in what was probably the “funniest” moment of their night. Much of which had involved trying to wind up these 8 Brits, specifically the midget.

Anyway, ratfink ran at the SPAM climbed up his shirt and placed a controlled but hard head butt straight on this idiots face.

As the guys nose exploded and the guy went down like the proverbial sack of sh*t clutching his face. A shout from one of the clowns he was with went out “he hit him with/in his face” not too sure on that.

Bar erupts in violence as 8 GH storm in to fray with about 5 bulked up knuckle heads + anything between 10 - 15 lads from their platoon.

Cue me and my muckers think oh, er mrs, and try to stay out of it.

Fighting descends into a general melee, much like the name of the pub “The Gettysburg”. With these 8 GHs smacking several shades out a bunch of yanks that outnumber them 2 or 3 to 1.

Anyway, MPs are summoned. First up are about 5 Snow drops, they rock up in a VW camper wagon thing.

Try to arrest anyone standing around outside, but refuse to go inside on the grounds that they will need support. Promptly call for backup (probably a MP Bn and air support)

Attempt to arrest Brits who leg it, attempt to arrest me and my muckers, my Captain tells them to poke it.

RMP arrive, 2 monkeys one lad in early 20s, Cpl, one lass in teens, small LCpl.

They go straight inside and calm the whole thing down in about 60 secs.

Cue most of Americans from inside includeing all of the bulked up knobers taken to sick bay, GH lads get taken in to custody of my Capt and taken back to the billets with the odd black eye.

HA HA priceless memories.

IRONMAN why are you surprised that beer tastes like soggy rotting bread? What did you think Beer was made from?

I liked your tale, had me smiling all the way through. Seen many similar things myself, though not all with the US.