Guide to Britain for the Americans


How proud of yourselves you must be for your behavior. At least you don’t hide it and anyone can see what twats you are. :lol:

Thats a might high Horse your on.

Correct me if I’m wrong but it was the American sailors who got so drunk they didn’t return to their ship? It was American soldiers who thought it was funny to laugh at a British soldier for being short (and then got filled in for his trouble)? How does that make us twats?

I could tell you hundreds of stories about British soldiers acting like twats to, but I don’t want to, so ner

Back before 1994, when the US Army Berlin Brigade was still based in Berlin, my first Ex, a Filipina, met some other Filipino women in the local Asian food shop. The husbands of the women, most of them immigrants from the Philippines, were soldiers in the US Army. Through this I was introduced into the Filipino-American community in the US Army Berlin Brigade. Those families in their married quarters had regular parties (about once a week, most people living in this housing area were young families, so noise was less of a problem).
Obviously as one of the few Germans who got invited to those parties, which were else mainly frequented by soldiers of one particular platoon and their families, I usually brought a keg of German beer as a contribution.
Funny thing is, the guys had a lot of American beer, which they could get cheaply from the local PX, but the keg of German beer was usually empty first! :lol:


Correct me if I’m wrong but it was the American sailors who got so drunk they didn’t return to their ship? It was American soldiers who thought it was funny to laugh at a British soldier for being short (and then got filled in for his trouble)? How does that make us twats?

I could tell you hundreds of stories about British soldiers acting like twats to, but I don’t want to, so ner[/quote]

i could tell you a hundred as well, but Im a Crab and you lot would just pick on me, so there…

You’d deserve it. Bloody work shy crab bastards :wink:

Its because the keg need’s to be returned for its deposit. OR save the best for last. LOL :lol:

Similar story to 1000yds, but I do not know the exact details. It happened in Texas during our bands tour. A big Texan pick on a drummer, never the biggest of people, end result, septic is dead and drummer in custody. It took a number of months before it was decided it was self defence as all in the bar, septic included, had said that the big Texan had started on the drummer.

I have pity for you guys. Truly. It must be sad to feel so incapable that you are compelled to lash out like this. Deserters I suspect.

Who’s a deserter?

At least that’s something you’ll never be accused of eh Ironman? Being too scared to serve your country has some benefits I suppose.

Yea, Americans like beer almost as much as the British! However, alcoholism is rampant in Britain. It’s not over here.

Wow! In addition to his other qualifications in Philosophy, Infantry Tactics, Turbomachinery, Ballistics, etc., Ironman is now an expert on epidemiology!


Well My pub has its fair share of Soaks, come in Drink fifteen pints of an evening, get up the next day walk to work because they left their cars at the pub. Work a 12-16 Hour day over the summer and hten come back to the pub! Alcohol is only a problem if it affects your ability to do your job and to live a working life. - Id say they drink too much but they are in loving stable relationships and in Employment.

How have they “lashed out?” They have told a few drinking stories. In a thread about the difference between the US and the Uk, it would be stupid to tell drinking stories about the time they met a load of Belgians would it not?

So they had a fight - its not exactly shocking they were pissed it happens!
get over yourself


How have they “lashed out?” They have told a few drinking stories. In a thread about the difference between the US and the Uk, it would be stupid to tell drinking stories about the time they met a load of Belgians would it not?

So they had a fight - its not exactly shocking they were pissed it happens!
get over yourself

NOW FUCK OFF[/quote]

Come on Bluffy. Don’t tell me you’re letting up on your America bashing! I did not take you for a quitter, just an idiot.

Stop trolling


The same with me! :smiley: .

But im more familiar to the British English because all english schools here are british.
however,i also have some american words,so i have a mix.

Suck yourself kid.

Erwin, I like the picture in your posts. That’s true of some soldiers. I have noticed a few American soldiers lately who biotch about it. However, I’ve also seen some missing a leg that say they’s do it again if their country asked of them. There’s alsway people like that in the military.

Strangely enough auto-fellatio is one of my many talents!

For someone that cant even spell, “Biotch” I think that “suck yourself Kid” is cruder than I dared imagine hearing from the southern Baptist “intelligent design” supporting ingrate that you are.