hearts and minds

Show me where it says in the Bible that Christains should kill Muslims.

Try looking when the Bible was written and when Islam began. I know enough about Christianity to know if you selectively quote the Bible you can get all sorts of wierd and wonderful and frightening results, the same is true for selectively quoting the Quran. I’m just pointing out the absurdity of your argument.

ps how about those straight answers?

But I thought all the Pagans were gone before Islam came?
That’s what one of your previous posts claimed, after all.
You’ve shown nothing to indicate an instruction, in the Qur’an, to kill Christians.
Not one word.
Of course, if you actually had a Qur’an, and could check your quotes, rather than search frantically over the Internet for quotes to suit, it would be so much easier, wouldn’t it?
“Those of the children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus the son of Mary”
That would be Jews criticised for backsliding, not Christians, since Jesus is described as cursing them.
In the Bible, all sinners are destined for Hell, with Jesus as the only way to God, so what’s your point?
Before you start pontificating that Muslim terrorists are acting on the word of the Qur’an, I suggest you read it, not Google individual verses.
And have you ever actually been in a madrassah?
How do you know what Muslim children are taught?
You’ve read half a dozen verses from the Qur’an, and suddenly you’re an Imam?
Is this the " a guy I met in a bar told me" school of education?
Or the “Sky News Academy”?
Or is it your old favourite " the everybody knows university"?
As for Islam adopting an older, Pagan name for God, do you happen to know, without Googling, what Christians call God?
Easter is the Spring Fertility Festival of the Pagans, Christmas the Winter Feast, when Pagans prayed for the Sun to return to warm the Earth.
All " new" religions adapted the older names/feasts of the religions they were trying to supplant.
It made conversions easier.
Islam was no exception: it also adapted Pagan customs, but I’ll leave you to Google for them yourself: you could use the education.

Again, what’s your point?

And get that eye seen to Junior: that twitch is getting worse.

You did. You have intentionally misquoted me with what you yourself said.
Your answer has been posted repeately. You gain nothing by acting like a dink and pretending that it has not been.

As far as I see you’ve been ducking and diving all over the shop, but if you have remained constant you wont mind giving me short answers to my questions it shouldn’t be too hard for someone of your caliber now should it?

Oh please hurry up I’m bolloxed want to sack it as I have to get up early in the morning to jump out of aeroplanes again, just a couple of words to each question is all I want.

But he’s small calibre, so is less reliable and has a curved magazine so can’t fire tracer and has to operate the hammer on an SMG due to his steep feed-ramp and is used in the assault so is an assult (sic) rifle except when used in defence when he’s a defensive rifle and carries out section fire at 600m with cannon and is spring operated :roll:

But he’s small calibre, so is less reliable and has a curved magazine so can’t fire tracer and has to operate the hammer on an SMG due to his steep feed-ramp and is used in the assault so is an assult (sic) rifle except when used in defence when he’s a defensive rifle and carries out section fire at 600m with cannon and is spring operated

I’ve heard it’s all true :lol: :lol: :lol:

Christians are called “unbelievers” and “disbelievers” in the Qoran. So are the Jews. This has been explained to you repeatedly. You’re thick.

Did I say that only Muslims are terrorists? Another failed attempt to put words into my mouth. :lol:


You are so unknowledgable as to ask?

Why are the terrorists we are fighting from the Middle East Muslims? Christians lived hapily beside Muslims in Jerusalem under control of the Muslims prior to the Crusades? WTF? Your in bad need of a good history book. And there is not a “large” Christian and jewish polulation in Iraq. Christains and jews are a very, very, very, small portion of the Iraqi people. :roll:

Who is Allah? It’s debatable. Allah is the name of the pagan God worshiped by Arabs prior to the foundation of Islam. You need to understand the many contradictions in the Qran.

Oh, so you mean a couple of twisted sickos that represent .001% of the Christains in the world. You really think the insane are representative of Christians?

Dudey, you’re jnot comprehending simple sentances. You just reiterated my own statemnt, then ask me the statement as a question and wonder why i have not answered it. :shock: Put down the spoon. Puch the cereal away from you.

Nope. But I got some concurring facts there.

Quite a few. I’ve quoted some of them for you. You are trying to play semantics and claim that the Qran does not way what it does to support your false contention. Your doing so does not change the meaning of the Qoran’s passages, at all. Semantics always fails. Remember that.

Ironman, I don’t care if I will be banned from here or not.

[16] YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT ! [/16]

I ask you again: How many Muslims do you know? How many Muslim countries have you visited?
Googling American right wing bible bashing sites proclaiming a new crusade doesn’t count as knowledge.

My knowledge about the topic comes from having been married to a Muslim woman from Sierra Leone, West Africa from 1996 until last January, having lived with her from 1994 until 2001.
During This time I met lots of West African and Arab Muslims from various countries. I also had back then plenty of Indonesian, Iranian and Turkish Muslim friends (BTW, within my circle of friends were also several Jews, Christian from all denominations and atheists as myself).
I met several Imams and had talks with them.

While I always found the Q’ran as well as the Bible too boring to read, there are several people in here who have read this book in full.


We all should read this it is very good and basically disputes all ironman’s posts. :lol:


Para 27 The Islamic religion teaches that Jesus Christ was a practicing Muslim. My question is: is this any less ridiculous than if Christians said Muhammad was a practicing Buddhist?

But if Christ is Muslim…….

From which southern baptist hole did you dig out this site?


OK given up not going to get a straight answer tonight, might look in to see if any words of wisdom have appeared in the morning, if I can be arsed. Night all :wink:

[quote=“2nd of foot”]

As long as there are Muslims willing to act on the words of the Qoran, there will be terrorists. And that is true as well.

Not exactly, the Qu’ran doesn’t preach terrorism as a path to god. In fact, about 98 percent of all muslims aren’t radicals, but the 2 percent that are, are the terrorists. They believe too deeply in the Qu’ran and sort of bend the words of the holy book to entice other devout muslims to join them.

No they are not read your link


Did I say that only Muslims are terrorists?

As long as there are Muslims willing to act on the words of the Qoran, there will be terrorists.

Looks like it to me.


And that means what, can you not answer a queation?

You are so unknowledgable as to ask?

Why am I unknowledgable, I have asked you were you you got this opinion from. Any chance of an answer rather that stupid comments?

Why are the terrorists we are fighting from the Middle East Muslims? Christians lived hapily beside Muslims in Jerusalem under control of the Muslims prior to the Crusades? WTF? Your in bad need of a good history book. And there is not a “large” Christian and jewish polulation in Iraq. Christains and jews are a very, very, very, small portion of the Iraqi people. :roll:

Look it up


Six years after Mohammed’s death, the Caliph Omar enters
Jerusalem and Jews are readmitted to Jerusalem

Who is Allah? It’s debatable. Allah is the name of the pagan God worshiped by Arabs prior to the foundation of Islam. You need to understand the many contradictions in the Qran.

Read your link it has it all there.


Oh, so you mean a couple of twisted sickos that represent .001% of the Christains in the world. You really think the insane are representative of Christians?

But you are condemning Islam in the same way.

Dudey, you’re jnot comprehending simple sentances. You just reiterated my own statemnt, then ask me the statement as a question and wonder why i have not answered it. :shock: Put down the spoon. Puch the cereal away from you.

Probably because you accept that the bible is the only true book and any who follow it can do as they like.

Nope. But I got some concurring facts there.

If you read it you would see that your post on god and Allah are crap.

Quite a few. I’ve quoted some of them for you. You are trying to play semantics and claim that the Qran does not way what it does to support your false contention. Your doing so does not change the meaning of the Qoran’s passages, at all. Semantics always fails. Remember that.

No not a single quote has said that Christian must be kill. It is your interpretation that said that but your link disproves your comments.


So show me were you got the original quotes from?

It is one of ironman’s and confirmation of his posts. :roll:

[quote="“PzKpfw VI Tiger”"]

Can you amend this please it is not my post but ironman’s.

Apologies for quoting myself but IRONMAN has not yet responded when he pleaded for reasoned debate!

Hit the nail on the head and shot your own argument in the foot.

Something you excel at. But of course, in racist-land, 0.001% of twisted sicko Christians are preferable to 0.001% of twisted sicko Muslims I take it?

Hit the nail on the head and shot your own argument in the foot.

Something you excel at. But of course, in racist-land, 0.001% of twisted sicko Christians are preferable to 0.001% of twisted sicko Muslims I take it?[/quote]

Fucking spot on Festamus. Hit the nail squarely on the head!

Hit the nail on the head and shot your own argument in the foot.

Something you excel at. But of course, in racist-land, 0.001% of twisted sicko Christians are preferable to 0.001% of twisted sicko Muslims I take it?[/quote]

Fucking spot on Festamus. Hit the nail squarely on the head![/quote]

Excellent, leave IRONMAN in the dust for the slow bleed out, and we can all go for tea and Medals.


(I cant prove any of that, but I dont need to “it is jsut a statement of fact” I dont need references, Im WRITING IN CAPITALS)

EDITED TO CORRECT FORUM CODES (Ihave no idea what they are or why the fact I write this at the end of my posts let me change them willynilly,)

Hit the nail on the head and shot your own argument in the foot.

Something you excel at. But of course, in racist-land, 0.001% of twisted sicko Christians are preferable to 0.001% of twisted sicko Muslims I take it?[/quote]

Fucking spot on Festamus. Hit the nail squarely on the head![/quote]

Excellent, leave IRONMAN in the dust for the slow bleed out, and we can all go for tea and Medals.


You bastard, how do I clean Stella out of a keyboard?