hearts and minds

He was a Muslim 6 1/2 centuries before the founding of Islam, and 8 centuries before the Qoran was written.

I’m not Baptist. I’m non-denominational. But if I were baptist, that would not change what the Qoran says or the fact that Middle Eastern Terrorists killed lots of innocent British citizens recently, and many others as well, and every day in Iraq.

[quote="“PzKpfw VI Tiger”"]

But it teaches terrorism.

He was a Muslim 6 1/2 centuries before the founding of Islam, and 8 centuries before the Qoran was written.[/quote]

Somebody please put him out of his misery, he is now being contradictory for no reason other than hes a fucking troll!

You have accepted it is unfair to judge a religion on the minority.
You have explained that Allah God Jahweh and Jehovah are all one and the same.
Get your self a passport and go and MEET foreigners (outside your country outside your state, dare I say it outside of your naitonal boundaries! (maybe just outside of your computer room)

Middle Eastern Terrorists killed lots of innocent British citizens recently, and many others as well, and every day in Iraq.

Terrorists are in the middle East, I agree but they would probably appear anywhere that the worlds largest Military arrived uninvited! Iraq neighbours their sacred nation and religious homeland. We are taking oil from them at far below cost price, They dont like Christians in their area they dont like westerners in their area, however it is not surprising!

I would personally kick the Pope and Mother Theresa out of my backgarden if they set up camp in it, They can be as benign as you like but its my fucking garden. You cant blame the Islamic religion for the fact individuals dont like the western powers imposing themselves places - how they re-act to that situation is then up to the man on the street, If I an Iraqi I wouldnt blow myself up, but Id be annoyed that the US and Uk were there.

Shining path, Farc, Haiti, IRA, ETA, WLA, Zimbabwe, none of these is Middle Eastern. Terrorism is a phenomenon in its own right! OK! OK? OK?

Terrorism and Islam are seperate independent entities that co-exist! OK?

Now fuck off and change your colostomy bag you Jizzwad!

Yes, the terms “unbelievers” and “infidels” refer to both Christians and Jews - those who do not believe as Muslims believe.

Then you agree with that? Good. It’s true, unfortunately.

Sorry. He’s a popular comedic actor from the US. He was in the “Rush Hour” comedy movies with Jackie Chan.

There have been a number of documentary films about the Arab peoples which describe some of the things they are taught in school. Among these things is that the west is full of evil and that the western “unbelievers” are doomed to hell because of their worshiping a man instead of God. I’m sure that you can find any number of books that will tell you the same thing. I saw in an MSNBC documentary about 2 or 3 months ago - a US reporter asked a Muslim official in Bahgdad if children in Iraq are not taught these things. He said that it was very true in the past, but that since the war in Iraq, these teachings have been “lightened-up” and not as prominent in education because of the coalition presence in Iraq.

Dude, that was a loooong time before the establishment of the state of Israel in the 1940’s. Ever since then, the Jews have been the target of more terrorism than any other nation in the world - all of it from Muslim extremists!

In some places in the Qoran, yes. It is also true that the name “Allah” is the name the pagan Arabs used for their diety (not the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ) long before Islam was established. So, who “Allah” is might depend on whom you ask or what part of the Qran you read.

No, I’m not. I only said that Muslim children are taught to dislike the west, that the west is evil, and that as long as there are Muslims willing to act on the words of the Qran, there will be terrorists. Again, you are trying to make it look like I have said things that I have not. What is controversial about that? Nothing at all!

Dudey, you’re jnot comprehending simple sentances. You just reiterated my own statemnt, then ask me the statement as a question and wonder why i have not answered it. :shock: Put down the spoon. Puch the cereal away from you.

Probably because you accept that the bible is the only true book and any who follow it can do as they like.

The only book of true religion? Ofcourse I do. I’m a Christian. The Muslims feel the same way about the Qran. What’s odd about that? How is it that you think I believe that Christians can do as they like? Surely you don’t mean to imply that I am implying that terrorism is ok if conducted by Christians, do you?

Every one of them that uses the terms “unbelievers” or “infidels”, yes. In which case they refer to either the jews or the Christians. What other people do you think they are refering to? :o

Hit the nail on the head and shot your own argument in the foot.

Something you excel at. But of course, in racist-land, 0.001% of twisted sicko Christians are preferable to 0.001% of twisted sicko Muslims I take it?[/quote]

The Bible does not say things like

“The infidels should be killed!”


“The unbelievers should be sent to hell!”

That kind of thing is abundant in the Qran. :shock:

Also, there has not been peace between them since. Did you ever stop to consider the pressure they felt knowing that all of the people of Europe were Christians? Yea, thier fears were well founded. The Crusades came a few centuries later.

Surly by deffinition a middle eastern terrorist would have to come from a middle eastern country. In the most recent case( London) three of the four were British with Pakistani heritege and the fourth was from the carribean. I dont see a middle eastern country in this.

Hit the nail on the head and shot your own argument in the foot.

Something you excel at. But of course, in racist-land, 0.001% of twisted sicko Christians are preferable to 0.001% of twisted sicko Muslims I take it?[/quote]

The Bible does not say things like

“The infidels should be killed!”


“The unbelievers should be sent to hell!”

That kind of thing is abundant in the Qran. :shock:[/quote]

I’ll give you that. This thread is really heating up in the 24th page… :roll:

Were they not Muslims? Come on man. Now you’re talking like a bonehead. Be real.

I’ve often found it strange that the KKK have not been defined as a terrorist organisation as their tactics and Ideology have similarities to accepted terrorist organisations.

Also strange was the descison of a San Fancisco court to refuse the extadition of a convicted terrorist(IRA) to the UK in May of 2004 inspite of the fact that the UK is a significant partner in the War on Terror.

Could it be that the the above are white christians and therfore dont fit the profile of terrorist.

Well, teh KKK hasnt exactly pulled a London Underground or a 9/11, so maybe thats why theyre not classiffied as a terror organization

Sorry Boneman you stated middle eastern if you meant Islamic then say so. Was John Walker Lindt a middle eastern or an American Taliban.

semantics, semantics, semantics.

Have you thought about posting on Mil.com you might find some like minded( troubled children) members, Oh I forgot they prefer members to have some military background before they spout off.

I’ve come up with a great idea for a drinking game. every time Boneman uses the term semantics,take a drink. Every time Boneman uses a patronising term take two and every time he posts a pile of shite take three.
I’ve been on line for a couple of hours now and am lucky that I dont have to work in the morning

PzKpfw Tiger I supose you would have to be African American to see the logic for the KKK to be declared as a terrorist group

If you ever visit the UK you may notice that there are no proper waste bins in railway stations including the London Underground( You may find the odd hoop frame with a clear plastic bag). This is due to the IRA.

Oh look three in a row

With regard to the removal of waste bins from railway stations, one of my former oppos was pulled by the Transport Police at Birmingham New Street for putting a post it with the message , Place semptex here, over the bin.

We’ve been talking about the Muslims, not those of the Middle East. Oh wow! Guess what! Muslims populate the Middle East! What a trip that is!

You mention the KKK so I assume that you are trying to slight all Americans for the existance of those punks. I suppose the IRA is like the KKK, except, they keep on killing people, whereas the KKK has been put under the thumb of the law in the US. You can’t say that of the IRA.

I suppose the IRA is like the KKK

In that they both receive/d the majority of funding from the USA yes they are very similar.

Still no straight answers, but I wasn’t expecting any.