hearts and minds

I feel I may be about to lose my politeness medal.

How dare you ask someone else on this site to answer a yes or no question. You have consistently avoided answering any question posed to you! [/quote]

HOW DARE THEY that defolients were dropped with the intention that they would kill civilians. Shame on them.

Come on now. Gather yourself. We can debate without that trash Tubbyboy.

No, I have not implied it. I have stated that their religion dictates it. And it does. Even the Quoran has numerous such passages in it. Are you going to debate that those passages do not exist now?

By my logic, Islam will always produce terrorists. Now you go on about Irelans. That’s a different issue. That has nothing to do with the subject of Islam, terrorists, and the war in Iraq. I knew you were going to bring that up. :roll: It has nothing to do with whether or not Christianity or even Islam is evil. It has to do with Muslims and terrorism.

You think for some reason that I am afraid to answer your slanted, unrelated question?[/quote]

I have quoted you in full so that everyone can see what you posted in the first place.

First point, I don’t know enough about defoliants (note spelling) to comment.

Second point, you are a troll.

Third point, I accept that you haven’t implied it, you have stated it as fact. I was trying to be nice.

Fourth point, Irelans (sic) has EVERYTHING to do with terrorists. You saying that it doesn’t merely shows just how ignorant you really are.

Fifth point, I have asked you atraight yes or no questions and you have never responded. Why have you implied that I have lied about my military service?

Finally, please answer the questions posed to you or fuck off and get a life.

You will never find a comment saying that Muslims should Kill anyone!


One of the biggest problems GWB faced was that he called his initial assault on Afganistan “Enduring Justice” (I think.) In any respect he lifted a soundbite from the Koran, and ONLY Allah has knowledge of what is Just.

Hence the importance of: The last day, The day of Judgement. No Human can say who lives and who dies, to do so would be to equate oneself with Allah.

The Koran states that no Muslim would / should ever kill anyone, as to do so would elevate oneself to the position of Allah, with control over life and death. The Koran might state that nonbelievers will die, but this is not the same, it is with reference to eternal life an eternal death after the day of judgement, once all lives have run their natural course.

Before offering your interpretation of the Koran you might want to understand some more about the religion.

  1. My two top tips are, go out with a Half egyptian girl that lived in Bahrain for the first sixteen years of her life, In the American compound of an American owned oil firm.
  2. Get her drunk and let her talk to your Protestant father about the situation post 9/11

for everyone else, I recommend you get yourselves half egyptian girlfriends they are great! :lol:

Editted to include my references and to “try” and improve the Spelling, Puntuation and Grammar.

It was an attempt to kill enemies who in Vietnam disguised themselves as civilians and mingled. Yes it was a mistake. But then, Britian has made the same kind of mistake. However -

I am not going to get into a nationalistic bitching session with you young man. Do it for yourself if you feel compelled.

hmm next time i need to identify a legitimate target, hiding amongst a crowd of civilians Ill remember the “kill em all” tactic. Then call it a mistake (regardles of how often it is repeated!),You never can tell when a 7 year old child is masterminding a plot to kill you. And as for those men and women stanidng in the paddy fields and gathering rice, well that rice could be a danger to the GI’s so well have to cover that with some industrial pesticides!

Appart frum thee oddd speeling mistak, a verry gud post. :smiley:

I would suggest that some of the people in here read the chapter Leviticus from the Bible:


Sounds familiar?


It has absofreakinglutely nothing to do with world terrorism. Are you completely and utterly lost? The situation in Ireland is an isolated one. The Irish are not attacking Islam, Russia, Spain, the US, or Chechnya. Good Lord dude.

It is not related to the war in Iraq either. Nor is it related to Muslim vrs Christian doctrine or the Muslim/Slavic conflicts of Eastern Europe. Remember that chit? It’s still going on too. Please, stay with this thing if you are going to debate. Next you’ll be saying that the Irish are world terrorists and have training camps teaching suicide bombers to attack Australia. :lol:

Have you never pointed to US military mistakes and implied that they were intentional attempts at genocide or some iother such insane trash?

Put down the spoon. Push the cereal box away from you. Take a deep breath.

Training people in Libya and Syria
Being trained under Quaddafi,
Buying semtex from the Balkans,
Exchanging currency through ETA.
Being funded by the PLO,
Sending “advisors” to the FARC.
Running most of the Drugs trade from Europe and central america in N.I.
trafficking Immigrants

No of course the IRA never did that, its just Seamus and Sean and his dads .22 taking potshots at squaddies when they get bored.

Back on ignore Bluffcove. You’ve proven your inability to debate without resorting to hatefulness and lies. What a dork. Your posts will no longer be read.

You are putting in a factual comment in with a false, personal opinion.

Yes Muslim children are taught the Koran, they are not taught to hate.[/quote]

Are you having difficulty understanding something? Read this s l o w l y:[/quote]

Muslim children are taught from the Qouran in the Middle East every day of their lives.


They read the Quoran at home.


The Qouran has numerous statements of hatred toward Christians and statements that they must be killed and eliminated form the earth.

False. Show me where in the Koran it is written that they must kill Christians?

OK. Now, knowing this,

No it is not OK.

do you really think that a religion based society such as the cultures of theMiddle East are going to ever stop producing terrorsts when they are taught from the Qouran? Also, do you really think that the Muslims will ever denounce their own holy book?

On one expects the Inquisition!!!

Ofcourse not. Now, I hope you can see that my statement that Muslims are taught to dislike

You said hate, a little different.

the west every day is true and that it directly relates to what is going on and what will be going on in our world untill the end of humanity.

The children that go to my daughter’s catholic school aren’t.

[quote]The population of Islam is growing faster than the population og the Christian west. Do you see a big rosey picture somewhere?[/quote

Kill them all is the final solution then.

2nd of foot, “no one expects the S.I” classic! but possibly wasted on our knuckle dragging lowbrowed friend!

Can you clarify your post re: duahgters catholic school esp. the quote preceding it.

IRONMAN -glad to here you dont read my posts, nothing like a refusal to acknowledge other points of view for fostering a “narrow minded view” Just like to say.

What a shame that your posts will be read!

Did you really mean indignantly? What, we said “Oh my god there goes a darky, how dare he be here?”

I think you need to resit English, my boy Sonny Jim

EDITED to be really condescending and patronising.[/quote]

This post makes no sence whatsoever. Please try again.

Out of the mouths of babes, check you current affairs. :roll:

2nd of foot, whilst I agree that the IRA did train people in at least Libya Syria and Sout America I have missed the point at which IRONMAN made the post you quoted, KICKING MYSELF now.

Bluff not sure what you mean but in my girl’s school (catholic) are a large proportion of Muslim children. Also the school she went to prier was also the case (prep school). For a small town we have a large minority of Muslims of different flavours.

[quote=“2nd of foot”]

The Qouran has numerous statements of hatred toward Christians and statements that they must be killed and eliminated form the earth.

False. Show me where in the Koran it is written that they must kill Christians?

Did you not read my previous post of this? There are numerous passages in the Quoran that bespeak of killing the Christians (unbelievers or “People of the Book” as the Quoran states).

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. [al-Ma’idah 5:51.11]

Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)

Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. (Koran 9:5)

Take him and fetter him and expose him to hell fire. (Koran 69:30-37)

I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them. (Koran 8:12)

They (the unbelievers) should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides. (Koran 5:33)

Funnily enough the Muslim friend/former flatmate I referred to earlier was educated in a Catholic school. It’s obviously not uncommon.

Is it the end of post sent at 1200hrs. i have also seen reports that htey ae exporting info/training to Iraq.

I haven’t seen anyone explain how they think we are losing the war on terrorism.

Because terrorism continues, perhaps?

Because by your own admission there is no way one can win.

Im sorry if you went to a special school, where no one ever LOST! But second place is first loser! therefore if you cant “Win” the war on terror you lose, if victory is an impossiblity, as you agree it is, You can only ever lose.

(but you do get a gold star and a “god effort”)