

When I’m inner, it’s bliss.

Although, somewhat perplexingly, it’s the most fun I can have without laughing. :smiley:

Hey Rising Sun, may i suggest some thing to you.
I know youre very educated, but when youre on this forum, you dont need too speak like youre in the court room,some times i have no idea what you are on about. I want to know what you are talking about cause im a sticky beak.
Does boast mean laughter. Truce

For whom? :slight_smile:

Although, somewhat perplexingly, it’s the most fun I can have without laughing. :smiley:

Fun, as in recreational pleasure, for you - and hysterical laughter, for her? :slight_smile:

When RS boasts one cannot help but laugh. :slight_smile:

RS is speaking in standard English, and not the language of the courtroom.

Now I know this might sound absurd, but, perhaps, you could learn something from him. :smiley:

Hey Bravo32, Please explain Boast for me will you please.
You mean i should get RS as a teacher,that will cause ww3 wouldet it.

Does her mean me?

No!..I think, perhaps, there’s a little paranoia setting in.

Wait a minute, bravo32 could you please explain to me what boast means please.

In this instance, i.e. where RS is concerned and not myself , of course:

[b]# show off

speaking of yourself in superlatives[/b]

and then:

# sport: wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner; “she was sporting a new hat”

But there are also hollow boasts. :slight_smile:

You mean i should get RS as a teacher,that will cause ww3 wouldet it.

Yes, and no - he’s a pacifist

I’m beginning to believe that you’re a guy, taking the piss.

Therefore, RS might mean you. :wink:

Taking the piss, im sure i have .What cause you to think im a guy? Hehehe.
RS might mean you- in what way.
Did i say some thing to manly did i?

I have absoutely no idea. For teh most part, I haven’t a clue what you are saying. :slight_smile:

That makes two of us, I cant understand youre and RS male language.

That’s because, like everyone on the board except you, we’re using something approximating English which, shocking though it may be to you to learn, is currently known as the Queen’s English. (In case you aren’t aware of it, a queen is female, so we’re actually using a female language.)

You’ve run your race with your manufactured dumbness and your manufactured victimhood because you’re supposedly a girl.

You’ve ended up as you started out, a tiresome troll with nothing to contribute to the board except a waste of bandwidth.

Time to shape up or ship out.

RS has found a new Nemesis to pick on. Thank god it isn’t me anymore. I feel so much at ease lately knowing that there is someone else getting the short end of the stick for a change…and to think, it’s a fellow Austrailian!LOL

Actually its the Kings language and the King is male.And it was men that made language, men ruled the days back then, you should now that , werent you around back then.
You cause me to fell like a victim cause of youre bulling, not cause i was a girl.You need to chill out RS.This is a site for everyone and not just for you high rollers.

See, kitten, there you go showing that you’re not as dumb as you make out.

A moron is consistently moronic, but you’re not. Because you’re a troll.

Call the RACV.

Sorry, I thought this site was for people who were capable of discussing military history with a reasonable level of knowledge and expression.

You, however, are leading the charge to turn it into a historical, intellectual and English wasteland.

Which I suspect is your purpose, as about all your manic rate of idiotic posting contributes is to undermine the site.

Yeah i know, i outsmart you for once.RS youre not in the court room, stop treating me like im the victim in the stand.

Call the RACV.

The Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) is a motoring club and mutual organisation, providing services such as roadside assistance, vehicle, home and contents insurance, personal and car loans, driving instruction, tourism services, home security products, as well as a lifestyle club known as RACV Club.

The Royal Automobile Club of Victoria was founded in 1903, and it held its first car rally at Aspendale Park Racecourse in 1904[1].
Today RACV is one of Australia’s most active members of the Australian Automobile Association which has member organisations in each state and territory of Australia.