Hysteria and Tantrums

For those of us who aren’t that computer literate, how does one check someone’s IP address?

It’s usually recorded by the server they are downloading information (for example this page) from. The server needs to know this as the IP address is basically the address to which the information is sent.

your signature is offensive for me,DANI,you have to see it too,you only saw the sign of the argentinians.
this photo is in malvinas.

This has nothing to do with the topic of this thread surely you can sort this out by PM? It’s up to the site admin and mods as to what is offensive or not speak to them I’m sure they will react accordingly.

This has nothing to do with the topic of this thread surely you can sort this out by PM? It’s up to the site admin and mods as to what is offensive or not speak to them I’m sure they will react accordingly.[/quote]
you too,moderator,please delete fucks post.

Erwin you sad little child.

The picture shown is not in any way offensive. It is one of the most common pictures used in all manner of publications.

Silvermans, a British catalogue of military and camping equipment had it on their front cover for one season.

Stop whinging like some spoilt child.

Remember how you giggled with glee whilst IrishDuck and Arkantos posted pictures of Britains defeat? We never bitched but you choose to. Even when you posted pictures and giggled openly on the net, we didn’t stoop to your level. Yet you choose to complain like an old washer woman.

Get a grip you failed commando.

And it is Fuchs, as in Fox.

For Fox sake!!!

It is surprising that an Argentine/German isn’t aware of this, I thought you were proud of your heritage Erwin.

It is surprising that an Argentine/German isn’t aware of this, I thought you were proud of your heritage Erwin.[/quote]

Would you be ? :shock:

It is surprising that an Argentine/German isn’t aware of this, I thought you were proud of your heritage Erwin.[/quote]

Would you be ? :shock:[/quote]
im proud of my heritage,but im more proud of my true country.

and why you think i have to be angry about

And it is Fuchs, as in Fox.
,fuch is birtish,not german.

me failed commando?,you know me?,what makes you think that was a bad commando?

Try asking Jan if you dont believe me but Cuts is 100% right Fuchs is German and means fox.

As for you being a failed Commando you said yourself you quit but that’s something you’ll have to live with.

a) The fact that you admitted you jacked it.
b) Your general attitude.
c) Your inability to remain calm.
d) Lack of a sense of humour when the going gets tough.

I could continue but it would be utterly pointless.

It hurts, I can’t go on, please i can’t carry this pack, you want me to go over the assault course, no it hurts, I’m weak, I’m feeble, I am a WALT!!!

Yes you are a WALT, in the truest and cruelest sense of the word.

You hide behind the victorys of others yet can’t take criticism or proof that you are wrong.

These kids Erwin, are not even 12 years old, and yet show grit and determination on a real British Army assault course.

Look at the pain and determination in their young faces.

Yet they are so much better than you.

A final note for you to ponder.

It’s not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or when the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worth cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat. Theodore Roosevelt

a) The fact that you admitted you jacked it.
b) Your general attitude.
c) Your inability to remain calm.
d) Lack of a sense of humour when the going gets tough.

I could continue but it would be utterly pointless.[/quote]
of course im in a forum,do you think i do this with the good guys??

and you don’t know nothing about me,think that makes me unvulnerable to you.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
those children are scaring me!.come on!

We know so much about you Erwin, and you don’t even know it.

Read the post the kids aren’t meant to scare you.

These kids Erwin, are not even 12 years old, and yet show grit and determination on a real British Army assault course.

Look at the pain and determination in their young faces.

Yet they are so much better than you.

you don’t know nothing more about me than the name,heritage and age.
and the commandos.
the other can be or not true.

the pain?,lol :lol: ,those children are playing with dolls comparing to what i do,are you kidding?

Erwin claims

the pain?,lol ,those children are playing with dolls comparing to what i do,are you kidding?

And what pray tell do you do.

Don’t tell me, flipping burgers in McDonalds is hard, gruelling work is it?

Or is it hard work being the only idiot in your village?

What do you do?

Walk round BA saying Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda to people and “interest” them as you “interest” us with your drivel about jacking the commando course?

face it you are a loser.

Grow up and come back when you have hair on your chest.

Do you mean you were lying about your military service too ? :shock:
Heavens above - I’m so shocked !

You have proven beyond all possible doubt that we were right about your honour.

It may be time for a thread purely on what people think Erwin does in the day.