Hysteria and Tantrums

Try asking Jan if you dont believe me but Cuts is 100% right Fuchs is German and means fox.

As for you being a failed Commando you said yourself you quit but that’s something you’ll have to live with.[/quote]

Fuchs es zorro en aleman.



You seem a bit stressed Erwin.

What’s the matter?

No it’s not, there’s no such place - FALKLAND ISLANDS.

fuch is birtish,not german

But the Fuchs vehicles he drives in work are German - I assume that’s what he’s named himself after.

the pain?,lol Laughing ,those children are playing with dolls comparing to what i do,are you kidding?

What do you do Erwin? I’m interested to know what civvie job could have work harder than going over British Army assault courses?

Wonder wear IrishDuck and Arkantos are.

They’ve not popped up for quite a while.

Arkantos sent a naughty message to Flash, but apart from that he’s been quite quiet.

They must be their annual pre-school trip to, the Museum of warped military and historical facts.

Hope Erwins gone with them too!!!

Where is he today? He’s normally all of the forum like a rash!!! A very irritating one.

Anyway have solved the riddle of what he does all day


Follow the link to his profile.

Occupation: Nothing now :frowning:

He a bloody Doley.

That would explain his bedwetting leftism then! :twisted:

Flash will now recieve an official warning for telling people he has recieved messages! :roll: Its preposterous!

No, he wont mate.

He posted it, and Dani warned him.

But then Dani withdrew the Formal warning to a informal warning because Flash was new and had been very co-operative about the whole thing. I saw the message prior to its deletion that’s all.

I think then Flash get a warning ,look ij warning section but mod’s will forgive him becouse he dont know rules .

The conversations over the last few days have really got me thinking.

So here is the situation.

30 may 1982. HMS Invincible has been sunk. What happens next…

Apart from hell freezing over!!!

I look forward to your opinions. Let your imaginations run free (and wild). Enjoy.

I thought reality was already suspended for the people on this forum who actually believe the crap a military junta force feeds its populace.

The Hand of God then descends and smites our remaining air cover, then sinks the Belgrano again (there were two - they had a spare one hidden in cordoba which is why we wanted to nuke it, so they renamed this other ship and sent it out disguised as the belgrano).

Michael Foot, the trotskyite leader of the Labout party then implodes, and the resulting EMP wipes out what remains of the Argentine airforce, leaving neither side with a single aircraft, having destroyed all 10,000 of the Glorious Argentine Airforce’s jets.

This leaves a single, very pissed off Gurkha corporal armed with a Kukhri to run across the island dressed in a tutu to take the surrender of the remaining argentine goat in Stanley.

HMS INvincible is very popular on forum :lol: :lol:

They could have thrown this tubster out of a plane. The resulting tidal wave would have destroyed the Royal Navy at sea, remembering that all of the Argie navy was in port!!!, cue Dambusters theme!!!

Doo, doo, doo, dodododooo, doo, doo, I’m a dambuster!!! Sploooshhh!!

Diego atomic bomb , :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ooh, ze fallen Maradonna wiz ze bick boobies!

That’s the Hand of God which descends and smites the British air cover! :twisted:

In reality the Belgrano was not sunk by the British. It was intentionally scuttled by the Argentine Navy outside the exclusion zone to garner world opinion.

The crew was removed before the event by the 2 Destroyers that accompanied it.

If we do imagine that it was sunk, that poses a few questions. It was the lesser of the 2 carriers, the Hermes being a convrsion of a proper carrier. It would have mede the hermes that much more important and it would have had to stand out further east. But by that time, Im not sure that the outcome of the War would have been changed.