Hysteria and Tantrums

Clauss, as 1000ydstare explained, check my post http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=18176#18176

  • Asinine random lists - they’re really not interesting and if someone wants a list they can find it. And what is the reply to such a list? “good info, thanks, have a medal”. Nothing to debate.

  • Asinine polls which don’t compare like with like - “What is your favourite - the BMW motorbike or Sherman Tank?” type things. “British gun”, “german gun”, “US plane” fall within this. They don’t garner debate, since it’s impossible to compare e.g. the No.4 rifle with the Vickers or the Gloucester Gladiator with the B29, since they do different things!

Please??? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

We’d had a merciful few weeks with very little of this (thanks to a heavy parody-propaganda campaign) but now they’re back…

When i write that post,1000 is finish yours and send him ,becouse this is dont saw 1000 post,sorry if i upset you becouse this.

Off-topic for 1000ydstare:
Thanks Sarge! :wink:

Edited: Clauss, you didn’t upset me.

Ok i agree my last topic is List of USA divisions in american military,mod’s please lock or delete that topic ,do you agree with this .

Ok get beck on topic :lol:

Only mods in charge for that particular forum as well as the admin(s) could do this.

This was more a polite general request to the membership…

:smiley: MoS, my answer was strictly connected with Clauss’s request.

Also I agree with your request.

Plus, threads starting with a tract from Wikipedia have started reappearing. We all know how to use it! There’s no need to start doing this again!

Holy freaking guano, Stoatman! It’s not just me that’s had a tolerance failure :smiley:

While I’m on a bitching session, please can we also stop it with the:

“nice picture”, “good info, thanks” one-liners from the same 3 or 4 posters all the time? It adds nothing. You can say it in PM.

“hi welcome to the site i hope you enjoy it if you need any help just ask me” posts from the same 3 or 4 posters every time we get a newbie. Again, it adds nothing and can be said in PM.

“I choose the ZZTOP underwater soot juggling gloves” one-liners. Again, don’t care what you think, am more interested in why you came to that conclusion…

There may be more after dinner…

Yes i do this :hi welcome on site and ggod picture ,ok i dont do that anymore ,if i have more mistakes please when you post here put Clauss dont do this…and i will try do not do that agian ,do you agree. :wink:

Good post Clauss :twisted:

Looks like an asinine random list to me! :twisted:

In some countries, to deny certain historical facts is a crime.

In France & (I believe) Germany, to deny the Holocaust happened is punishable with fines and prison, and rightly so. Without intending to cause uneeded offence to any Germans or French folk here, I never thought I’d be in favour of a law they had that we didn’t have in Britain! (a little anti-EU spurt there . . .)

That said, if folk choose to believe that Argentina managed to sink the INVINCIBLE, then let them.

It doesn’t alter reality.

Some folk choose to believe in aliens, religion, pixies, Thule, Atlantis, flat Earth, that man didn’t land on the Moon, that Princess Di was offed by MI6 working under the orders of PTG, Lord Lucan is running a bar in Guatemala with Elvis and Shergar, or even astrology.

Each to their own.

A school of thought suggests that any belief becomes a reality on some level. I seem to recall Douglas Adams espousing this in “The Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul”, as well as a number of quantum physicists alluding to such a theory.

Of course, it’s all b*llocks. Truth is truth and wishing won’t make it so.

Kind regards to one and all, even the deluded


I would really like to know why so much time seems to be devoted to the Falklands/Malvinas on this ww2 board. Try some of these:




Google for more, join in with the forums and read the history.

Then please come back here and try to be resonable without making things up.

I like many others here I suppose am thoroughly fed-up with it.

We all are, I suspect, but whilst these muppets continue to post rubbish, you can’t really stand back.

I mean…HMS Coventry sank in 20mins and had over 100 casualties. I notice that claim didn’t resurface.

HMS not only sunk, but replaced with no one knowing.

Thatcher about to nuke argentina?

You can’t not get involved in this sort of comedy genius.

Sorry but I dont drive a Fuchs :lol: we do have, however, an MM1 (mass spectrometer used in the Fuchs) my work is, mainly, lab based.

The story behind the Fuchs name is a different tangent.

Tried the otherlinks, they don’t have anywhere near the vitality of this site.

Maybe i could lob in a few of AIDES pictures and claims to stir things up a bit.

It could even unlock some of the mysteries. Like where was that picture first published/seen.