Hysteria and Tantrums

Not only that, but it gets worse. Found the following in the back of a drawer at Somerset House. I can only assume that it got chucked in error. I’ve no webspace atm, so I’ve transcribed the content:

COBRA – 1/6/82



1.1 At 1802 Zulu, 30/5/82, contact was lost with HMS INVINCIBLE. No further contact was made and a patrol of Sea Harrier aircraft reported wreckage at the ship’s last known location.

1.2 HMS INVINCIBLE is thus presumed to have sunk with all hands. Search and Rescue operations are being undertaken, but no survivors have yet been found.

1.3 Given the state of public morale, PM, 1SL and 2SL are of the opinion that the loss of HMS INVINCIBLE should be concealed from all parties.

1.4 To facilitate this, it is proposed that the dockyard at Ulaan Baatar be contracted to build a replacement vessel in secret. It is estimated that such a vessel may be completed in approximately 18 months if procurement is expedited.

1.5 To explain the disappearance of INVINCIBLE, BBC and other broadcasters will be informed that the ship has been detached to the Antarctic patrol, covering the area south of 60 degrees latitude and that the nature of the operation demands total communications blackout.

1.6 HMS INVINCIBLE’s air wing must also be replaced. As per procedures laid out in RAF A.P. 1564, a suitable obituary for the wing’s commanding officer has been prepared and will be released by DCC (draft attached in section 2.1). New pilots and aircraft will be procured via RAFC Dartmouth and BRNC Cranwell.

1.7 No further action appears necessary at this time

2.1: Proposed obituary, CAPTAIN WILLIAM BUSH.

2.1.a: The Ministry of Defense is saddened to report the death in action of Captain William Bush RN whilst carrying out bridge demolition operations. Captain Bush was commissioned into the Royal Navy at an early age, serving under Captain Sawyer in HMS RENOWN before gaining the command of HMS NONSUCH. He was decorated numerous times for gallantry in action, most notably for his part in the battle of Omdurman and leaves behind two sisters.

MEMO PREPARED BY: Dr. U.T. Cobbley, et al


Mate, stop insulting me. Is the last informal warning. Please talk to Erwin. Maybe you’ll understand something.[/quote]

Edited: I’d say “amigo” instead of “mate” but I’m afraid that I could insult you :wink: . (remember “gracias”…)

True mate! Get a life, don’t you?


Flash, also it is the last informal warning to you.


you will censured me for telling the true.

gracias, gracias tu vieja gitano de mierda.

I’d second that…

that is dumber than george bush’s brain

These accounts need to be terminated. They are trolling, and I feel that I can say this on the basis of only 2 posts each. Have a look in Off Topic - football for the evidence.

I’m deleting so many of their posts it’s not even funny :evil:

Have PM’d Dani asking him to delete / send another admin to delete the accounts of thge two morons. No warnings or anything, just bin them. The rules are for site members. In this case, they aren’t trying to participate.

For the time being, I’d suggest just binning anything they post without explanation or justification. That’s what I’ve done in my two subfora.

Here’s a brief conversation in Conceptual Superweapons:

They’re disobeying the orders of a mod and posting useless bile in a topic

Also look here, their idea about how to become higher in rank


Well, in case there was any ambiguity from my previous posts:

BAN Both. No warnings, no nothing. Just a simple ban.

It’s a shame neither of us have the authoritah to do such a thing.

They’ll probably make other accounts to bypass the ban, but then we can contact their ISP :twisted:

it smells delish!!! i eat it out of a dish!! LOL

i could really go for an ice cold anus right now LOL

They claim they’re Commando Jordovski

Apparently, since their IPs don’t match:


willy tastes good with buns and a touch of chili!

Dani, close this thread please. :!: