London bombings

This is a “small third world war”,if they one day use quimical,biological or nuclear weapons,we gone became in big troubles.It´s a SAD day to all of us,and to those who love freedom,we hope than some rules on immigration can be put in our country,there not enough room to so much immigrants.

Im agree with the guy with the medal :stuck_out_tongue:

I see that the white power wankers attacked a Hindu temple following the London bombings, maybe it was the same tossers that vandalised the home of a pediotrician during the News of The World’s pedophile panic a year or so back.

Re the lifting of the ban on US service personel, families and civillian workers entering Greater London. Yes George you may be the leader of the worlds last superpower and the most powerful man on the planet but if you try to tell women where they can and cannot shop, your going to get a shoeing

I think what the terrorists are trying to do is inflict fear into the world showing them that they are capable of doing horrible things.

unfortunatly london at the moment is crawling with fear.

I don’t think so! Remeber the differences in reactions between Madrid and London after such tragedies.

Bearing in mind our monarch and several thousand people turned into the streets of London jsut shortly after the bombing I think we have shown that we are not afraid.

Our head of state stood in the back of an open topped limousine for a slow motorcade along an exposed roadway, Not to demonstrate courage, but purely because she had planned on doing it and no-one was going to change that plan!

(though i do wonder who and what was in that second Range Rover? 8) )

Hmm, dont agree with that. Look at London today - not crawling with fear I feel.

slightly off topic, but WW2 related:

During the VE day celebrations this May I met a Canadian veteran of the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada. During the war he was a dispatch rider and a sergeant, doing mostly convoy duty in Britain (about 4 weeks before D-day he had a bad accident with his motorcycle and was still in hospital with broken bones on invasion day. When he recovered, the powers that be told him that he had to stay in Britain and train new dispatch riders as an instructor).
Back to the story:
One day he was guiding an American convoy of tractors pulling low loaders loaded with tanks northwards. Along the way they were suddenly ordered to drive off the road into the fields, because another convoy including a Dodge driven by an ATS girl, who later became your Queen, was passing southwards and since one of the drivers was the Royal princess, they had the right of way. The Canadian sergeant later had the problem to sort the thing out with the huge black American truck drivers “Their arms were bigger than my legs, no power steering back then!” , who were very pissed off that their heavy trucks and trailers got bogged down to the axles in the mud. The sergeant eventually told his lieutenant to drive to the next village and have a beer, while he would sort everything out. He normally got along quite well with the drivrs and after several hours of hard work, they got on the road again.

Your Queen sets her mind to do something, she will do it :wink:


If you think that, have a look here :

Less than a week after the attacks…crawling with fear?

(It’s worth clicking on the " In pictures: The nation remembers " link too)

slightly off topic, but WW2 related:

During the VE day celebrations this May I met a Canadian veteran of the Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada. During the war he was a dispatch rider and a sergeant, doing mostly convoy duty in Britain (about 4 weeks before D-day he had a bad accident with his motorcycle and was still in hospital with broken bones on invasion day. When he recovered, the powers that be told him that he had to stay in Britain and train new dispatch riders as an instructor).
Back to the story:
One day he was guiding an American convoy of tractors pulling low loaders loaded with tanks northwards. Along the way they were suddenly ordered to drive off the road into the fields, because another convoy including a Dodge driven by an ATS girl, who later became your Queen, was passing southwards and since one of the drivers was the Royal princess, they had the right of way. The Canadian sergeant later had the problem to sort the thing out with the huge black American truck drivers “Their arms were bigger than my legs, no power steering back then!” , who were very pissed off that their heavy trucks and trailers got bogged down to the axles in the mud. The sergeant eventually told his lieutenant to drive to the next village and have a beer, while he would sort everything out. He normally got along quite well with the drivrs and after several hours of hard work, they got on the road again.

Your Queen sets her mind to do something, she will do it :wink:


This was probably due to the number of accidents involving US Army drivers and locals. Major Howard’s military career was ended after being hospitalised by a US Army driver on the wrong side of the road.

One of my grandfathers was a Sapper during the war doing bomb disposal and I can remember some of his frankly hair raising account of driving flat out down a road to get to a shout and discovering a US convoy coming straight at him on the wrong side of the road. :shock:

You mean that he was on the correct side of the road. Sorry you all do everything backasswards then everyone else. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You mean that he was on the correct side of the road. Sorry you all do everything backasswards then everyone else. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

LOL, the only time Ive ever driven on the wrong side of the road was in the UK. Was home on leave and just went into Germany mode. Oh what a prat I was, driving along the Promenade near my home straight towards the bin Lorry… And I was thinking, what is this git doing, only thing was, I was the Git!

Both countries drive on the right side of the road. It just depends in which meaning you use for ‘right’ :wink:

You mean that he was on the correct side of the road. Sorry you all do everything backasswards then everyone else. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

My dear chap,
we drive, naturally, so that one’s sword arm is nearest the oncoming fella.
How else would one do it?
Chap might be a cad, or worse…it could be I…n :twisted:

Is there any truth to the story Americans (and continentals) only drive on the right because Napoleon had a fit of anti-English pique and decreed it so?
EDIT: Another theory is that Henry Ford thought that Americans would be unable to change gear with their left hands (before they got lazy and all had crappy automatics :twisted: .

Traditionaly everyone rode on the left for three reasons: Firstly so that the weapon arm (usually the right) would be towards oncoming traffic. Secondly because the scabbard hung on the left for ease of draw - meaning that riders must mount from the left and having mounted they just proceeded onwards down the left side of the road. Thirdly holding a weapon (or anything else) in the right hand leaves you the left to hold the reins and even with the best schooled horse it’s easier to steer it to the left that the right.

Edited to add: In theory far more people drive on the left that the right - not only Britain, Australia, NZ and Japan but also the whole Indian subcontinent. Don’t know about China and Indonesia though…

China drives oin the right, and I know this is way off topic but this is an informative little site about driving on which side and why etc:

Driving on the right mean that on a trap or cart (OO-ar Im west country can you tell!) the whip does not enter the oncoming carriageway when held in the right hand!

However if you are leading horses whilst on foot the bridle would be held in the left hand so that you could eat turnips and drink cider roll fags open gates and wave at farm wenches, with your right hand. With the horse on your left it made sense to walk on the right facing hte oncoming traffic.

I be simple, but makes sense to me like, “alright my lover”. (pronounced - oyt moy uvvur!

Saw something about the Czechs driving on the left till the Nazis invaded.

how ae railways layed out in the US?