Macedonia Is Greek

Why not? There’s nothing any more secret about Tube stations than there is about obselescent jets.

Please tell me your joking!
They shoot ppl for not stopping to check points!
With this outfit?They propably blow you off ! :?

That particular guy was wearing a padded jacket (just like Palestinian suicide bombers often wear) and sprinted for the nearest train when challenged by armed police. In that situation they would reasonably assume that they were dealing with an armed suicide bomber.
If you’re just taking photos the worst they would do is stop and search you, before letting you go. There’s nothing illegal about it, although it would be regarded as somewhat suspicious.

Yes, but you can’t do any damage to tube stations just by taking pictures can you?
Nor can you learn anything usefull about old jets that you couldn’t find in Jane’s or a museum somewhere.

You are welcome to take pictures in Berlin underground for personal, non-commercial purposes, only don’t use a flash because the intense light will dazzle the drivers.



Oh and Minimalistix? Quite frankly your attitude is racist.[/quote]

when did i say anything racist?

by calling Skopjans Slavs??? not my problem there a country with a history that dates only from 40’s

they can ‘try’ and steal our history, but they’ll never get it

Firstly, I agree with Walther, this jingoistic stuff is all getting out of hand.

Secondly, it does smack of racism.

Thirdly, Im not even sure if the Greek population living in Greece today are the same guys that lived there 3000 years ago.

Fourth - you guys are being racist. Greece as a Kingdom and united country isnt that old and I personally dont see any racial diffrence between greeks and Macedonians from Skopje.

Fifth, at the end of our my runway there are always plane spotters with a video camera and long range lenses. The RAF even provides them with an area to take their photos.

And finally. I re-iterate, what has all this got to do with WW2 and who cares what they call themselves and Alexander died thousands of years ago.

If the UN (The General Assembly or Security Council) decided that Republic of Macedonia should be called FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), at Greece insistence, which is the problem? If Yugoslav Macedonians wants to be known as Yugoslav Macedonians and not Skopjans ( :lol: :lol: ) do you think that they want to steal Greece’s history???

Explain me then what about Cyprus and Turkey? You, as a Greek, and I as a Romanian, amongst many other nationalities, agree with Cyprus as a state. Turkey doesn’t want to recognize Cyprus. From “your” Macedonian point of you, do you think that Turkey is right?? :smiley: :smiley:

Edited: Speaking of stolen history: Don’t you agree that United States of America should be called United States of Western Indies??? And South America should be called Inca Empire??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now that’s a stolen history!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

so if u think Greeks and Skopjans are the same, are you saying that Greeks are from the same stock that migrated to the Balkans from Mongolia 1500 yrs ago???


If the UN (The General Assembly or Security Council) decided that Republic of Macedonia should be called FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), at Greece insistence, which is the problem? If Yugoslav Macedonians wants to be known as Yugoslav Macedonians and not Skopjans ( :lol: :lol: ) do you think that they want to steal Greece’s history???

Explain me then what about Cyprus and Turkey? You, as a Greek, and I as a Romanian, amongst many other nationalities, agree with Cyprus as a state. Turkey doesn’t want to recognize Cyprus. From “your” Macedonian point of you, do you think that Turkey is right?? :smiley: :smiley:

Edited: Speaking of stolen history: Don’t you agree that United States of America should be called United States of Western Indies??? And South America should be called Inca Empire??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now that’s a stolen history!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

the thing is with Cyprus, Turkey will recognise it as a state if they wanna join the EU…

also you dont understand what i mean by stolen history
ill give u a example

what happens if England started claiming that Roman history was actually English history, isnt that ridiculous and we all know Roman history belongs to the Italians

thats what i mean, Alexander was Greek and it remains Greek history, but that Skopjans claim that it was Skopjan history, not Greek

isnt that ridiculous???

If it was a condition like that for Greece to join EU (I mean to recognise Republic of Macedonia) in 1982, I bet that Greece (as a state) would accept that!!

I look forward for another applications from Balkans for joining EU (and you know that I’m reffering at former Yugoslavian states - with exception of Slovenia - and from Albania.

If it was a condition like that for Greece to join EU (I mean to recognise Republic of Macedonia) in 1982, I bet that Greece (as a state) would accept that!!


Greece never would

If it was a condition like that for Greece to join EU (I mean to recognise Republic of Macedonia) in 1982, I bet that Greece (as a state) would accept that!!


Greece never would[/quote]

Your knowledge and experience of politicians and the machinations of international politics and is sadly naïve.

If it was a condition like that for Greece to join EU (I mean to recognise Republic of Macedonia) in 1982, I bet that Greece (as a state) would accept that!!


Greece never would[/quote]

Oh yes they would have, when it comes down to benefits from the EU, every country will bend over backwards to accomodate it.

I agree with Dani here. Also you cant honestly be saying that Slavs are not as good as Greeks.

I have travelled to Greece/Bulgaria/Turkey and Skopje (in the FRY if you must) and can honestly say that the culture of all countries is very similar.

I suppose that comes from all of your inclusion in the Turkish Empire for a few hundred years.

To try and pretend that the Greeks in Greece now are exacly the same ones as in Alexanders times is sheer nonesense. People move, borders move, empires come and go, live with it, get on with your neighbours and move with the times.

I don`t have nothing against greece,but the slavs have their culture too,and i like them (specially slovenia).

can you tell me why you think that firefly?,thanks

so if u think Greeks and Skopjans are the same, are you saying that Greeks are from the same stock that migrated to the Balkans from Mongolia 1500 yrs ago???

No I think that the original Greeks were part of an Indo-European speaking people who migrated there from central Asia about 3000 years or so ago, they are generally referred to as Aryans (not the nazi reference though).

As far as I am aware human life did not evolve in Greece speaking Greek.

[quote=“Erwin Schätzer(argentina)”]

I don`t have nothing against greece,but the slavs have their culture too,and i like them (specially slovenia).

can you tell me why you think that firefly?,thanks[/quote]

I dont, please re-read what I said.

I re readed it,and i don`t see anymore,please,reply.

He said that the Slavs are not as good as Greeks!

yes,i know,that`s why i ask why,i want to know,only that.

No I said - to Minimalistix

You cant honestly be saying that Slavs are not as good as Greeks.

I am asking him why he thinks slavs arent as good as greeks, not stating it myself.
