Mod awareness

Erwin, please will you start acting like a mod instead of posting argumentitive replies in every thread? That’s the reason this whole thread was started.

Erwin, I meant the drunk with power as a joke, no offense was meant by it. IM sure you are a nice guy and I would probably enjoy having a beer with you and talking W.W.II stuff.
Now…If I could just make you understand the truth about democrats… :lol: :lol: ( Joke)

:smiley: ok sorry,im an ass,a shit,but im better than the islanders!!! (this is not for you mike :wink: you are american,luckily).

im too much upset.

yes,we can enjoy beers one day,i hope

My emboldment.

OK, then you have to make a choice:
a) to be upset;
b) to be moderator.

These options are incompatible.

Stop posting your personal emotions! It is an order lieutenant!

Do you want me to take him on the square for some subalterns drill practice, sir?

I’ve got my pace stick all nice and shiny and ready for action.

What you say guys?

Sure, why not?

Sure, let him in. :smiley:

Welcome to our new member: Clauss von Stauffeberg!

Welcome Clauss! You may want to put the 101st Insignia in your signature, now that your a member. :smiley:

Thanks mates i want i copy image adress from picture of your and dani’s signature can i :wink:

Mods, please remove this thread, I was being vindictive to a Mod who I now realise is a decent bloke!

PzKvwxwoeijfosihd1 (or whatever your exact name is) I apologise!

You are doing a good job mate.


Appology accepted. Now onto buisiness:


Er, can someone tell me what is going on in the Moderation forum?

The sticky for HMS Invincible says clearly that warning will take place if the ship that has no name is mentioned, then a ban is suggested.

Then it is all anulled?

Can we have a bit of direction please.

The latest post on the sticky :

I think it means that you may now paste images to the bulkhead.

If you opem topic or put something about him ,you will be ban. :wink:

Cuts, the last thing I want in my mind at the moment is images of you “pasting” things to the bulkhead!!! :shock:

WTF are you people doing??? Ya know when I first came back to the site and started looking around I thought we had gained a bunch of assholes. Maybe we did. But the site seemed a bit disorganized and I couldnt really put my finger on it. Finally I figured out what the problem is. Its the people running the site. There is a appearent lack of communications between the managing members on this forum (aka FW and Mods). But what im really pissed about is you have showed this to the normal members. Leaders always act like they know what they are doing. Even when they dont. THATS WHY I MADE THE WAR ROOM. So we could discuss some things out of the view of the normal members. Its okay to be unsure but do it in private. Discuss those things in here. Coz from where im sitting it looks like you all havent a fucking clue what your are doing.

Look just communicate with your fellow Mods. Get back to the basics. When things look like they are going to start to get hairy edit the persons post and put why on there. They do it again warn them. Also maybe the rules we have need to be changed. Thats okay. But there is not use in making a bunch of rules that no one follows or no one is going to enforce. We need to setup a system that works because in my opinion the present one it starting to look like a cluster fuck.

SO HERE IS WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO! Everybody that is a mod (this includes Erwin) and FW are going to state what they think the problems with the site our and what are somethings we need to do to make things more confortable for all members. If you have any complaints please state them. If you have a complaint about me or any other admin or mod please state this as well. I think we can act as adults and take come criticism everyonce in awhile. This is not a discussion as of yet. This is all the management stating their opinions. You must make your statement soon. If you dont make one I will assume that you are not interested in being a MOD or ADMIN and we can remove you from your position.

We are going to sort our problems out first, quickly and efficiently, then we will work our way down. At the moment I feel i have enough time to help get things back in order. So I will be around. You had better too.

Lets get this done.

We could ban the Falklands as a topic, or at least place heavy restrictions on talking about it. I’m bored with silly people posting obvious lies and then getting stroppy when it’s pointed out that they are speaking out of the wrong end of their bodies. Then people (myself included) bait them, because baiting idiots can be therapeutic when you’ve been trying to ignore for a while.

I’ll agree with Crab (am I allowed to do that?) The Falklands Conflict topic has created many problems for us, me particularly in the past day or so