Mod awareness

yes,maybe you do that without taking sides!

Gen. Sandworm is true. There is a lack of communication between us (mods and admins). We should use more often the war room for any problems and questions.
Sending a PM sometimes is useless due to limited capacity of the inbox. Not to mention that a PM means most of the time 2 persons: sender and receiver.

We should start to act like a team.

Speaking of Falkland, Arkantos asked me before why I closed his first topic. I explained him that the topic will remain closed for a while due to flaming wars. And he, at that time understanded.

Maybe we should act with Falkland issue like before (when we had closed all topics related and after a while we reopened them).

Speaking of trolls: It is inevitable to have here trolls (as well as other specimens). We should react fastly (like Tiger and Crab today - btw, congrats!).

More will follows.

Dani makes a good point because not only do we need to work as a team more to keep the trolls at bay we also have to keep our current members in line. So an idea:

Maybe to help ease things we put Sam and Dani in each forum. Also the other mods as well. If they feel up too it. The original idea was to have a more specific approach. The problem is that the trolls and bastards can show up at anytime and at least a mod can keep them undercontrol untill an admin shows up to ban them. So SAM and Dani you dont really have choice in this matter coz thats part of your job. :slight_smile: However the other mods I would like to know what you think? Would you like to be more spread out over the forum? I do feel that a different set up of the moderators could help

It seem that we have been really busy with bastards lately. So the teamwork between mods and admins in going to have to be much stronger for the site to run effectively.

Erwin if you have a problem with crab get it out in the open! I would want the same for me. Then you 2 can sort out your problems. Coz honestly Erwin I would like to have you back and more involved but that descision is up to you. Anyhow back on topic we need your input about the board

I dont know how strongly I can express the importance of this but do not undermine, argue or do anything that makes the management of the forum appear incompatent to run the forum. Maybe all warning issued to mods will be done in the war room??? ALL PROBLEMS WITH MODS OR ADMINS ARE TO BE DISCUSSED IN HERE. If i catch you doing it out there YOU WILL FEEL GEN. SANDWORM’s FOOT IN YOUR ASS.

Also dont know if maybe your are busy but im still waiting on input from cactus SAM FW and Erwin you didt really give input so please do.

SAM will come in a couple of days or so. He hadn’t internet connection for a week.

yes,maybe you do that without taking sides![/quote]

Ya know Erwin as ive looked around the site all I see you doing is alot of bitching and not really trying to work out any problems. Plus you seem to make it clear that you do not want to be a mod anymore…correct? That was also part of the combat photgrapher job. So ill put it to you as an old friend used to put it to me: “We would be great with ya but we will be fine without you” So if you dont want to be a mod or combat photographer anymore we can fix this problem? Ill give you a couple of days to think things over and let you decide. If you dont respond then I will have to move on. No offense meant but the show must go on. Thats just how it is.

Also im still waiting on input from FW SAM and Cactus. Or should I assume that you guys are not interested in your positions as well???

i dont know what to say
these days, most of the topics are not world war 2 related, and erwin just want anyone he hates to be ban.

i think we should consider taking somtimes off from the off topic section and go to world war 2 section

as for not enough commuication, i dont think there is such a problem, dani and i are working really good on it

As always short and to the point. :wink: Thank your for giving your input and please feel free to add if you can think of anything else.

i think the problem is about agrument between the brist and the people from agentina, they both just cant accept the war is long over and its time to forget it, i simply dont see what they can beneifit from that.
as for those picture that is offensive to them?
i dont see those as a problem, they are simply pictures of the war and erwin somehow think that is offensive??? that really dont make much sense

I note that most of the arguments are still about the Falklands. Perhaps we should put a burden of proof on allegations made.

Alleging that an individual soldier committed a single war crime is extremely serious. It can gather the attention of the world - witness the fake photographs in the Daily Mirror. How much more serious then, to allege that battalion size formations committed war crimes regularly and routinely? An International Committee of the Red Cross report should be the minimum level of proof required for such an allegation, although an Amnesty International report would do.

If extremely serious allegations are to be made, then suitable evidence should be offered to support them. This site looks silly because of constant argument over the Falkland Islands. However, it would have no credibility if Erwin’s repeated lies about the Gurkhas went unchallenged.

Ban the Falklands as a discussion. So far all we have is the unresolvable argument of ownership (unresolvable as National Self Determination is considered too good for the Islanders by some people), stupid lies about sinking the patently still floating HMS Invincible and evil lies about war crimes.

Crab …Could you come up with a list of guidelines mabye. Yea ban the topic but you cant always keep people from mentioning things about it. For instance the exocet missle that hit the sheffield inspired the US to take a closer look of the vulnerablity of their own destroyers and construction of them. This is a fact. But however it is deals with the falklands conflict. It would be nice to make this kind of comment with starting a flame war.

Crab with his stuff of the “faklands”.
clearly he moderates at one side,and he insists with his posts to make me and my compatriots look like bad guys.

you already made a boring topic here:

don’t make dirty the others.

First of all, I would like to say that I am extremely sorry that I havent been in at all for more than a week. Please don’t take it wrongly and think I am avoiding this forum. I am not.

I completely agree with Gen. and Dani. We have to become more organized in working together to get all the junk out of there, and try to get it to a level of debating decently. Now, I havent checked all the other topics yet, I came here first to see whats up, and well I think I got the picture (or maybe not). But it seems like most of the problems are coming from the off-topic section? e.g. Falkland, Falkland related. Now heres a drastic idea, I want to see what your opinion is, and maybe we can get some where.

What do you think about deleting the “Off Topic Military” and “Off Topic General” topics? After all this site is about WW2 and not about the Falklands. I am not saying I am for this or againsnt this. It was just an idea that popped into my head.

The off topic sections are the most popular ones on the site, if we were to delete those, we’d have alot of unhappy users :shock: and noones forcing them to log on, so we could possibly lose users as a result of that. Maybe the Falklands Topic should just be closed and a rule made that you can’t discuss it. But I’m gonna let somebody else do it, seeing as my last rule went over very badly.

No worries SAM. I dont think getting rid of the Off topic section is a good idea. However I think we should be very strict on those sections and what goes on there. I think I am going to soon give mods control to all sections of the forum to help curb trolling and assholes. So Dani and Sam you will be playing more supervisor role. But as ive stated before I would like to have at least one mod on all the time for safety reasons.

Important note: As per a brief conversation with Erwin…he informed me that he has had enough and will most likely not be returning to the site. Or at least for quite sometime. Ill give him just a couple of day to make sure he wasnt drunk. If that is the case he will remain an active member but dropped as a mod and combat photographer. Therefore I feel that we must find a replacement for him. The new person will be the combat photographer and will also be a mod as well. I was thinking we post the new position and see who is interested. If there is more than one person we will let the members vote on the new mod and make there vote worth 30% and then we will have are own vote and that will make up the remaining 70%. LET ME KNOW IF YOU THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?

Just incase you didnt under stand my math thing :slight_smile: For example

Member 1 gets 5 votes from normal members.
Member 2 gets 3 votes from normal members.
Member 1 gets 2 votes from admins and mods.
Member 2 gets 4 votes from admins and mods.

Member1 (5*.3)+(2*.7)=2.8
Member2 (3*.3)+(4*.7)=3.7 Winner

Also im going to give Cactus a few more days and see if he is still interested if not we might need another mod So please respond if you read this cactus.

Actually, Gen.Sandworm, I recently talked to Cmndo Jordovski via MSN Messenger and he informed me he would like very much to be a moderator. He makes good posts and is pretty responsible on this site, so I think we could give that a try. If it’s alright with you, General.

Again, I recommend Walther as a new mod. He is always polite, his posts are useful and he brings a very useful perspective to the site.

If Erwin doesn’t come back, I can temporarily fill in his job for Combat Photographer :slight_smile:

I don’t have a problem with that. Plus, it will be easier to get a new mod if the job isn’t tied to that of avatar-maker. That way, we won’t rule out people who don’t want to or are unable to do computer graphics.

I can’t agree with you more, Crab, but has Walther ever expressed that he wants to be a mod? Cmndo Jordovski has told me everyday how much he would love to moderate this great fourm.

I never expressed a wish to be a mod. The first I thought about it was when I got a PM asking if I wanted to be one. I can PM Walther asking him if he’d be interested, unless someone thinks we should wait.