Mod awareness

Recently people have been creating rooms, mostly in the Games forum of rooms that have already been made, there has to be at least 3 rooms called “The best WW2 game” , its not a huge problem but just something i wanted to tell you guys about.

I thought i should make a room here for any Mods or Admin that are unable to visit the site for a period of time, wether its holiday or business it will be good to know. :smiley:
So if any of you wont be able to visit the site for more then 3 days please post a message here. 8)

Cdo, now you are a mod! It is supposed that you read all threads (at least here :lol: :lol: ).

Sorry Dani, :oops: im new to the system and all :slight_smile: , but im getting familiar with everything very quickly and doing very good :smiley: 8) .


Can I have the same privelidges that Erwin has? Seems unfair that he is singled out for special treatment doesnt it?

What priviledges has he got then?

Ive sent you a full-toss BDL.

Rx’ed mate, cheers. All very strange

Can I be told too?

One heading your wy Big K

That is shocking, if true!!!

If Erwin has been reduced to the ranks then surely all privledges from the higher rank must go with it.

On the other hand if he is in the ranks and gets special privilidges, then shouldnt all be given them?

Maybe but that would cause anarchy.

Thin end of the wedge, a benite solution, etc.

I don’t have any special treatment,also im Combat Photographer,so im part of the staff.

Im second lieutnant but that isn’t something to have or not treatment.

Im combat photographer,that’s like a mod.



Pd: you have better treatment than me,so,i don’t know why you ask this

yes,tell me

So Combat Photographer is treated like a MOD then?

Interesting indeed.

It is responsible and hard work which is also bad when you have that mess of lots of pics and symbols in folders :lol: .



I’m off for about three weeks on holiday. I will pop in now and again, but my girlfriend has certain priorities on my time :wink:

Have fun with FERROUSWALT while I’m away. :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: lol go get her :wink:

i hope you dont burn out like me
just too many idiots bashing at each other