More classic Iron man

No thanks Hitler.

You blather. You asked me why I did not join the US military, and insinuated that I am a coward for not doing so. Then you try to hound me for an apology for asking you why you are not fighting in Iraq. You are twisted up dudey.

Let us know when British soldiers stop firing back at their attackers so we can ask the US troops to do the same. :lol:[/quote]

I will repeat myself as you still show yourself unable to respond to a straight answer:


Why have you never answered any direct question that I have asked you?

I can only conclude that you are a coward and a moron.

Why have implied that I have lied about my service in the British Army?

Why have you not responded to any of my PMs?

Why are you such an opinionated and condescending idiot?

How little courage does it take to respond to questions on an internet forum?


Just got back from two weeks with the OTC, jolly good fun all around,
I got given a big shiny thing at the end so I presume that I did something right.

IRONMAN, I asked a gurkha colour sgt if he felt that the British army was racist. He told me to fuck off and clean my rifle - fair to say that regardless of regiment all soldiers regardless of ethnicity unite against us students!

oh and I found out that you are now known of at RMAS Sandhurst. and that they are considering offering you a faculty position writing field pams in deferrence to your superior knowledge… :wink:

You still don’t have a grip on yourself.

That’s good it would seem.

suppressing fire does not negate / suppress/ prevent indirect fire.

wired explosives as are shown on the video are “remotely detonated” the bloke detonating htem can be miles away at the end of the wires, or even the end of a phone line. he can be tucked in behind whatever cover he chooses. firing into the air will not prevent him from detonating the device, firing from the vehicle on full automatic will not discourage him.

bursts of auto last for three seconds followed by a lengthy reload they are alot less effective than hollywood makes out, and less intimidating than the ominous sound of well two and three round bursts that one presumes are better aimed and managed than “gung-ho” charlie in the trees.

Incidentally I will shortly be starting an TA scheme in place of my OTC career, so dont expect any let up in my venom and bile.

Perhaps we should drop this thread?

Regardless of the original arguments, IRONMAN has given up on the discussion and is vigorously trolling, no longer making any attempt to contribute constructively and merely posting random sentences to provoke a response. He cannot seriously believe, or expect us to believe that he believes, any of the statements he has made here in the last few days.

Aside to IRONMAN - we disagree strongly on many things, but to reduce yourself to such clear and obvious trolling is a great shame.

So are you implying that the soldiers in the convoy in that video are using surpressive fire with so few rounds? There’s no surpressive fire in that video.

So you’re saying that the grenades that exploded next to the vehicles were remotely detonated?

So you’re saying that the man shooting from the vehicle at insugents shooting at him from the building on the right is firing into the air? The bursts of 3 rounds each you see and hear are fully auto?

So you’re saying theres 3 second bursts of fully auto in that video?

You’re saying that the soldiers shoot gung-ho?

What video are you refering to? Or are you spewing bullshot? You damned sure aren’t describing the video in question. So what bullsot are you spewing?

So true.

I agree, IRONMAN has given up the argument. He does not counter anyone with information, instead he

which in my opinion is quite pathetic. There seems little reason to continue, your points have been made (more than once), and the only opposition has failed to respond in an appropiate manner (recently, atleast).

But I must congratulate everyone here, for reaching 29 pages, and being the most posted topic on the forum (sad).

Nonsence. What should stop is the anti-American blather crapolla, and the attempts to find fault in American soldiers for shooting back at the enemy who is shooting at them. It’s fricken perposterous and assholian.


So true.[/quote]

You have that backwards. The anti-Americanism that you now so plainly profess (aaah… “I’m not anti-American man!” :roll: ) is not fueled by the people of the US, but instead by those who lash out against the US.

A more accurate statement would be:

As long as unchecked liberalism dominates other cultures, the economic and military success of the US remains dominant, and the conservative views of Christianity dominate the US, the people of other cultures will continue to fall prey to jealousy and disdain, which causes them to lash out against the US, typically through hypocracy, and in ways which are completely unjustifiable.

Now that you both have admitted your anti-Americanism, finally, I’d rather not hear again, from you two at least, that you are not anti-American.

Ironman, still

I do have to commend IRONMAN on the word assholian. If its not in the dictionary it should be. Anyhow on with various debateable topics. Oh BTW I think im going to go take a shit. Thats pretty various but not really debateable. Or so my colon is telling me. :lol:


So true.[/quote]

You have that backwards. The anti-Americanism that you now so plainly profess (aaah… “I’m not anti-American man!” :roll: ) is not fueled by the people of the US, but instead by those who lash out against the US.

A more accurate statement would be:

As long as unchecked liberalism dominates other cultures, the economic and military success of the US remains dominant, and the conservative views of Christianity dominate the US, the people of other cultures will continue to fall prey to jealousy and disdain, which causes them to lash out against the US, typically through hypocracy, and in ways which are completely unjustifiable.

Now that you both have admitted your anti-Americanism, finally, I’d rather not hear again, from you two at least, that you are not anti-American.[/quote]

I accept your above statement as being partly true in some countries (mostly countries that are Islamic, and poorer countries, say, Middle east) But it does not fit countries, like the U.K., Germany, France, Spain, etc. They do not hate America for the reasons that you have listed. I think SMLE described it perfectly. They hate/dislike ppl like… (((you))) People who are so patriotic about there country (theres nothing wrong with that, BUT) and they can not change their mind/ideas/views to fit accordingly to FACTS. People who think that THEIR country it the only country that really matters, and everything revolves around their country. I saw this poll that was done a few years ago, asking students (elemetary) if they knew what was north of the U.S. I do not remember the exact percentage that did not know, but it was high.

I also remember meeting one American who said said that WW2 started December 7, 1941.

And NO im not anti American. I have just described why some people in this world have this General dislike for Americans. Theres just this negative vibe. Anyhow, it doesnt really matter where you are from but you can deffinetely say you emit a negative vibe on this forum :smiley:

You blather. You asked me why I did not join the US military, and insinuated that I am a coward for not doing so. Then you try to hound me for an apology for asking you why you are not fighting in Iraq. You are twisted up dudey.

Let us know when British soldiers stop firing back at their attackers so we can ask the US troops to do the same. :lol:[/quote]

You didn’t ask why I wasn’t fighting in Iraq - after all, I have already done one six month tour over there, and I’m sure there’ll be more to come thanks to Emperor George the Stupid and his consort, Queen Tony the Eternally Cuntish. You did, however, insinuate that I was a coward and a poor soldier for not agreeing with America’s oil war that we have somehow been drawn into. THAT is what I an expect an apology for, especially (as I said) from someone who has never once worn uniform and risked his life in the defence of his country and what he believes in.

The soldiers in the video are not firing at attackers, they are sticking their rifles out of the windows of a moving vehicle and letting off their rounds. They are not aimed or controlled shots, which (as you have already been told, although no doubt you know far more about the British Army than a lowly professional British soldier like me) would not be tolerated in the British Army.

So true.[/quote]

You have that backwards. The anti-Americanism that you now so plainly profess (aaah… “I’m not anti-American man!” :roll: ) is not fueled by the people of the US, but instead by those who lash out against the US.

A more accurate statement would be:

As long as unchecked liberalism dominates other cultures, the economic and military success of the US remains dominant, and the conservative views of Christianity dominate the US, the people of other cultures will continue to fall prey to jealousy and disdain, which causes them to lash out against the US, typically through hypocracy, and in ways which are completely unjustifiable.

Now that you both have admitted your anti-Americanism, finally, I’d rather not hear again, from you two at least, that you are not anti-American.[/quote]

I accept your above statement as being partly true in some countries (mostly countries that are Islamic, and poorer countries, say, Middle east) But it does not fit countries, like the U.K., Germany, France, Spain, etc. They do not hate America for the reasons that you have listed. I think SMLE described it perfectly. They hate/dislike ppl like… (((you))) People who are so patriotic about there country (theres nothing wrong with that, BUT) and they can not change their mind/ideas/views to fit accordingly to FACTS. People who think that THEIR country it the only country that really matters, and everything revolves around their country. I saw this poll that was done a few years ago, asking students (elemetary) if they knew what was north of the U.S. I do not remember the exact percentage that did not know, but it was high.

I also remember meeting one American who said said that WW2 started December 7, 1941.

And NO im not anti American. I have just described why some people in this world have this General dislike for Americans. Theres just this negative vibe. Anyhow, it doesnt really matter where you are from but you can deffinetely say you emit a negative vibe on this forum :D[/quote]

This is actually one thing I have noticed again and again, a very vocal minority of American “patriots”, who openly say that all other country’s opinions are irrelevant. Other countries are either big enough to be a threat and to be used as the bogey man, like China or the old Soviet Union, they are unconditionally supporting the US in all matters, no questions asked, or they are irrelevant, like bugs on a windscreen. :evil:


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I dissagree. I think it pertains more to European countries that anywhere else. For example, when the Frensh get pissed at the US, thy do things like burn the American flag. That’s something you will rarely if ever see in Asian countries. And the Middle East? Well, they can hardly be placed into the picture since because the US is a friend of Israel they have always been and will always basically be somewhat anti-American, unfortunately. Besides, they are not Christian predominantly, as Europe is. The greatest amount of anti-American literature in the world is published by Europeans as well. And most of the anti-American propaganda and slant that is published on the Interent is from Western Europe as well, even though Asia is pretty well connected to the Internet for the middle class.

No, I’m afraid that the majority of the anti-American frack comes from Western Eurpope.

You see, that’s just it. The people of Asia or rather outside of Europoe don’t say that. They love American culture and try to mimic it. What you are describing is a sentiment felt by Western Europeans. As for me, my vibe is one of reactionism. When I hear the anti-Americanism, whether blatant or subtle, I react to it, then some of you gripe that I’m complaining about nothing. It’s simple. No anti-Americanism, no reactionism. How simple can that be!

What you’re saying with this statement is firstly, that where you think you see anti-Americanism,( that would be what you refer to as subtle criticism) you react, and most posters on the site would say overreact, and secondly, no one is allowed to criticise the USA.
Do you really think your country is so perfect that it must not be criticised?