ODDESA The Organization of Former SS-Members (emigrated)

This is the last reply you’ll get in this thread from me Erwin, I have no desire to argue with someone who reminds me that they’re a moderator in a debate.

The Americans are not the best trained soldiers in the world, as the British Army saying goes - “all the gear and no idea”. They undoubtedly have some very good kit and a lot of it, that does not make their soldiers anything special. I’d go as far as saying that their special forces aren’t even that special, I’ve been told that many of them aren’t as good as the average British infanteer.

The French are not all that great as soldiers - when was the last time they won a war? As I said, even the Normans were Vikings who had kicked the French off their land.

The British Army is the best trained in the world, and arguably the best overall - we might not have the best kit, but some of what we have is certainly some of the best in the world - Challenger 2, AS 90, WAH-64 etc. I think if you ask any other army in the world, they’d say that they aspire to be like ours.

I’m aware that I’m not your father, although I am older than you (I’m 23 :wink: ). As I’ve said, I have no interest anymore in changing your opinion, if you want to hero worship a bunch of mass murdering Nazi scum who should have all been put into their own gas chambers after the war, it’s up to you.

And i have two guys who think they owned the truth.Im afraid you don´t know all about the ss (me too) and you don´t know a shit about my country,so,think before talking about it.
we aren´t a host for killers.And im afraid other countries are killing innocent civilians…

Christ wasn´t a tank,your avatar is a tank![/quote]

You were a host for killers, how about Joseph Mengele, defend your countries decision to let him stay there. And I believe I know more about your country than you do about mine. Also I dont understand the Tank bit I think it is lost in translation. Also Also - please calm down and have a rational discussion.[/quote]
I calm down,if you don´t simulate to being the owners of thrut,insult my country (im not going to able you to do that).
And my country isn´t a host of terrorists like other country!.
ok,i will calm down if you don´t use your cheap sarcasm.


I choose the option that BDL wrote.

My parting shot to you is that the Royal Air Force is much more capable than the Argentinian one and in recent Ops with the US, more often than not they call on us for our unique capabilities, even when they outnumber us 10-1.

To try and deny the fact that Argentine let Nazi scum into your country is pretty pointless as it is well documented. To try and defend a reprehensible character like Mengele makes you sound like a Nazi apologist.

I also didnt like your Moderator threat to BDL and am beginning to question your status as a Mod if you will never use it, let someone else do it then.


RAF is better that’s true. :wink:

Right lets be clear about this shall we?
The SS was an organisation set up by the Nazis to be their own “party loyal” army and paramilitary police. The original SS were all both ideologically and geneticaly “pure” Nazis while later Waffen SS formations may have had non-German troops the officer corps remained “on-message”.
The SS (and I mean the original Party organisation, excepting the Waffen SS) did almost all of the Nazis real dirty work, be it internal repression and ensuring ethnic and genetic purity (rounding up the disabled, the Jews, the gays and the Gypsies), external repression of occupied countries such as Czechoslovakia and their “purification” or the outright murder and genocide of the Einsatzgruppen and similar units such as concentration and death camp staff.
In short they represented the very worst of Nazism, thoroughly bathed in the blood of innocents and for the most part unrepentant.
Odessa was set up to help this scum to escape to countries that were not fussy about harbouring the lowest form of human life in return for their “expertise” and/or a goodly amount of tainted money.
The only place these people should have been is the end of a rope, twisting in the wind and to attempt to glorify or even justify the rescuing of these people is frankly disgusting.

Erwin, you have still not stated your justification for harbouring Mengele, please do so.

Oh, and don’t claim that the Waffen SS was untainted as it has perhaps the worst record for organised War Crimes of any regular force in the European theatre.

excuse me dani,but when i have this last words,i have to reply,i can´t stand quiet.

Really?,pick the raf battles,like when they fought with lufftwaffe,and then tell me :lol:

What do you know about them?,i don´t think you know a shit about the FFAA,you´re german,you are in europe,europe only says europe and usa.
When you will get older,you will can form you oppinion.

Compare old equipments of the FFAA with the RAF,do you think it´s easy
to fight against technology?.

oh bladensburg,you finally posted were i see the posts!.If you wanted to be a “nail in my wheel”,you can´t get that.

replies to you:

Pure nazis?,see the hoosefield posts.They were pure germans,and?,what´s up?.In the nazi goverment,Hitler Wants: Do it!.

The SS tortured,yes,am i guilty?.I like the Troops of the SS who fought.I don´t like those who tortured


WTF is harbouring Mengele???

The Waffen SS,untainted?,ok,my error,I admit.

STILL,they combated too.I admire the guys who combat.DONE.

If they killed "different " (they thought) people,was because hitler wanted.

You are in your nations,in a dictatorship,you have to obey or die.

And they have the valour of the patriotism,that is very important.


I finished the fucking topic.

The next time i will put information and finish this.don´t do mindless debate again and done.

Well we have several questions to answer here.

Erwin, if you have never heard of Mengele go here:




Surely, you cannot defend this man? Surely you cannot defend your statement now of ‘this is why I like Odessa’.

Your second interlocked thread about the RAF and Argentine AF really should be continued in the other thread, so thats what I will do now.


Ok lets try again.
The SS was the paramilitary arm of the Nazi party, while it later spawned the Waffen SS as a purely military organisation the Waffen SS was not the SS’s major function.
The real major functions of the SS were enforcing Nazi rule and ideology throughout the Reich and occupied territories. To do this it recruited only the most commited Nazis and then subjected them to stringent racial testing, the ideal SS man was one of the blonde Aryan supermen so beloved of the poisonous Nazi mythology. This goes far beyond merely being Germans.
They were all volunteers - not conscripts like the Wehrmacht - they joined because they fervently believed in the Nazi ideas of Aryan superiority over the Untermensch (sub-human) - that is Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, communists, gays, the disabled, Czechs and anyone who else disagreed with them or they took a dislike to. The excuse of merely obeying orders does not really stand with the SS because they quite often wanted to do what they did.
Odessa is/was concerned with these people more than the Waffen SS. It was an organisation set up to protect the lowest forms of human life from Justice and that cannot be defended.

yes,its a killer,and i dont defend him,i see it`s a bastard.
but you forget those who fought :wink: .

Ok,if they were all nazis,i say: i like when they fought,no when they tortured.

Im not discriminating by liking them,my girlfriend is slav,and beautiful,i like the slav women.I dk any gypsie,so,i cant say nothing against them,the jews tried to conquer my patagonia,in the plan andinia,and i still dont unlike them,because,i had a very good friend in the secondary who was jew.
Communists?,i hate the communism,its hateful like the nazism,im sure that most of you dont like it.And,i like soviets,because they are russians and slavs.I dont like the ideology. Gays?,The guy who give me an employ in an internet café was gay,and im still saying him thanks,beacause nowadays,its hard to find jobs.
Disableds?,i help every day to a school of disabled children with money and food.Czechs?,they are slavs,no?,i like czechs then.

Do you think im a nazi?,irony.
There is a difference between like and admirate the militaria,and you can`t impide me to like that.

Yes,werent more battles?. what did the raf did when germany bombed london and crushed masses of civilian population who were unarmed?,they werent there i guess.

The FFAA did great damage to your last technology fleets with satellites and help of the americans.The RAF did?.

Britain lost millions of pounds in a war for two islands without more than some fish and wool :lol: ,and lots of kilometers far to briatin.
we didn`t lost the half part of the money.

and if you think that we had more human losses,wrong,see the analizys of germany,and the page el malvinense.
i know you hate it,but it`s a very believable font.

I dk if the raf was in the malvinas,but we didn`t lost so much like you.


hoosefield is fighting in the other thread,american military,im don`t want to talk about this more.

Your country happily gave shelter to men wanted for war crimes. Your country happily provided a home for the scum of the earth SS men who will hopefully (or hopefully already have) die long slow painful deaths.

I find it very offensive,and,note that no all waffen-ss/ss were torturers

You can find it offensive if you wish, it’s the truth. All of the SS were guilty of war crimes in my opinion - membership of the SS should have been enough to be convicted of a war crime.

you called too argies to us,brit isn´t a despective form,but argie yes,and worst because it was used in the war of 1982.

To me Argie isn’t a particular insult - it’s just a shortening of the full name of someone from Argentina - just as Brits is for us.

this site was about education,when i was member in the early times,this was a quiet,peaceful and nice place,i think now there is a problem here,that wasn´t a long time ago.

I haven’t seen many problems on here - the only major problem I’ve seen since I joined has just finished a two week ban and doesn’t appear to have reappeared (as yet).
We are not trying to flame you over the Falklands War - we are trying to educate you. The site you have posted as evidence is lying - as I said, I have been on two of the ships that were apparently severely damaged, neither of them were. They claim that both our aircraft carriers were badly damaged, yet they were both filmed returning to Portsmouth to be greeted by the families of the sailors - no sign of damage on either. The figures that site quotes for British casualties and aircraft shot down are also lies. If you check out the numerous other sites about the Falklands, you’ll see there is a wide difference between the numbers you have quoted and the numbers everyone else quotes.

Your country happily gave shelter to men wanted for war crimes. Your country happily provided a home for the scum of the earth SS men who will hopefully (or hopefully already have) die long slow painful deaths.

I find it very offensive,and,note that no all waffen-ss/ss were torturers

You can find it offensive if you wish, it’s the truth. All of the SS were guilty of war crimes in my opinion - membership of the SS should have been enough to be convicted of a war crime.

you called too argies to us,brit isn´t a despective form,but argie yes,and worst because it was used in the war of 1982.

To me Argie isn’t a particular insult - it’s just a shortening of the full name of someone from Argentina - just as Brits is for us.

this site was about education,when i was member in the early times,this was a quiet,peaceful and nice place,i think now there is a problem here,that wasn´t a long time ago.

I haven’t seen many problems on here - the only major problem I’ve seen since I joined has just finished a two week ban and doesn’t appear to have reappeared (as yet).
We are not trying to flame you over the Falklands War - we are trying to educate you. The site you have posted as evidence is lying - as I said, I have been on two of the ships that were apparently severely damaged, neither of them were. They claim that both our aircraft carriers were badly damaged, yet they were both filmed returning to Portsmouth to be greeted by the families of the sailors - no sign of damage on either. The figures that site quotes for British casualties and aircraft shot down are also lies. If you check out the numerous other sites about the Falklands, you’ll see there is a wide difference between the numbers you have quoted and the numbers everyone else quotes.[/quote]

Summary: you are saying that my country is a refuge of torturers.

argie and argie bargie are both insults,like when the americans are called yankees.
the name of the nation is argentine,the population must be called argentine/argentinean/argentinian.
The term of brit is used by commonwealth countries,like about austrialians use the term aussie.there are despective names and not despective,i see always that when in the fk thread,the argentinians are called argies,and when we are in a normal topic,i heard only argentinian.

obviously you use that word when you are angry.
i don´t call you “mono de isla”(translated to english…) as you are known here.

I’m saying that Argentina was a haven for men like Mengele and his mates who should have been strung up by their balls and left to rot like the scum that they were. Take that how you want.

As far as I know, Americans don’t take offence from being called Yanks, nor Australians from being called Aussies. Why do you take offence from Argie? The fact that some of our tabloid papers use the word as an unsult doesn’t mean anything, they use anything as an insult when we’re at war or about to play a big football game - look at how the Germans are portrayed when we play them in the World Cup or European Championships.

I’m not angry, it takes a lot more than an internet forum to get me angry, I use the word Argie as an everyday word, as I use Yank, Aussie etc.

Call the British what you like, it’s not going to bother me.

well,as i was talking like a “mod”.

aussie or brit aren´t despective.

but,argie (argentina),kraut (germany),yankee (usa) and frogs (france).

are offensive.

Why is Yank offensive? I’ve heard Americans call themselves Yanks many times in Iraq.

Erwin, I see your point that you admire the SS Panzer guards and Mech units but the fact was that like 90% of the SS men were the ones that liquidated Jewish Ghettos and guards concentration camps. Sorry to say but the majority of the SS were nothing but muderers and rapists to a large ammount of people. Though the SS 3rd Panzer Guard was cool :twisted:

:smiley: ,well mate,i don´t think the 90% of the SS.And i know that a considerable part of them were murderers,but,let´s leave this,i don´t want to continue the endless topic.

it seems to be that most of you guys don’t know that much about the waffen ss. and its history.

no offense, but it
seems like most of you rely on sheer prejudice caused by years of indoctrination at your public schools.

read the thread about the waffen-ss. for the exception of 6 units out of the 38 that were contructed, most Do not commit war crimes as norm.

3rd ss totenkofpt was terrible. great soldiers, but with many evil men.
the other five units are made up of concentration camp men, poachers, german criminals, and russian thugs. (RONA brigade)

and, as i said before in that thread, many waffen ss units have no war crimes record. there are 4 that have 1 or 2 major war crimes making 10 out of 38 waffen-ss units with a war crime record.

however, the other (non-combative) branches of the ss are certainly war criminals.

Although transfers between the Allgemeine and Waffen-SS were commonplace.

Sorry Hosen, but after you study the holocaust for a number of years, you just start seeing most SS Members as bastards. :frowning:

And not school study, off-school study and holy crap I reached 100 posts already :shock: